PQ 6 Flashcards
155) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Broilers infected with Salmonella Enteritidis must be slaughtered by immediate slaughter at a designated slaughterhouse
Broilers infected with Salmonella Enteritidis must be slaughtered separately.
Broilers infected with Salmonella Enteritidis must be slaughtered separately.
156) What is characteristic of PSE meat?
The starting glycogen content is low
There is a fast glycolysis in the background
There is a fast glycolysis in the background
157) Which statement is true?
The raw fermented meat products can be stored at room temperature
The raw fermented meat products shall be stored chilled
The raw fermented meat products shall be stored chilled
158) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Conformity of the monitoring procedures with the critical limits is a major element of the GHP
Conformity of the monitoring procedures with the critical limits is a major element of the
HACCP audit
Conformity of the monitoring procedures with the critical limits is a major element of the
HACCP audit
159) Choose the CORRECT answer!
The cation-active tensides exhibit pronounced disinfecting properties
The anion-active tensides exhibit pronounced disinfecting properties
The cation-active tensides exhibit pronounced disinfecting properties
160) Which food can be contaminated during the primary production?
161) Choose the CORRECT answer!
If the food chain information is missing at the time of decision about the slaughter, the
slaughter can be permitted by ordering the meat to be detained for max 24h
If the food chain information is missing at the time of decision about the slaughter, the slaughter
shall be banned
If the food chain information is missing at the time of decision about the slaughter, the
slaughter can be permitted by ordering the meat to be detained for max 24h
162) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Blood from pigs fit for human consumption can be used for human consumption
Blood from pigs fit for human consumption can only be used for manufacture of pet food
Blood from pigs fit for human consumption can be used for human consumption
163) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Food chain of animal foodstuffs does not include the farm and the feed industry
Food chain of animal foodstuffs also include the farm and the feed industry
Food chain of animal foodstuffs also include the farm and the feed industry
164) Choose the CORRECT answer!
In case of toxico-infection, the causative agent produce exotoxins in the food
In case of toxico infection, the causative agent produces exotoxins in the GI tract
In case of toxico infection, the causative agent produces exotoxins in the GI tract
165) Choose the CORRECT answer!
The infective dose of salmonellae is low, even 100-500 organisms may induce disease in
The infective dose of campylobacter is low, even 100-500 organisms may induce disease
in humans
The infective dose of campylobacter is low, even 100-500 organisms may induce disease
in humans
166) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Yersinia enterocolitica is a mesophilic bacterium
Yersinia enterocolitica is a psychrophilic bacterium
Yersinia enterocolitica is a psychrophilic bacterium
167) Choose the CORRECT answer!
If we detect Trueperella pyogenes from one single organ, only the affected organ shall be condemned and the other of the carcass can be declared fit for human consumption
If we detect Trueperella pyogenes from one single organ, the whole carcass shall be declared unfit for humans consumption
If we detect Trueperella pyogenes from one single organ, only the affected organ shall be condemned and the other of the carcass can be declared fit for human consumption
168) Choose the CORRECT answer!
If trichinellosis is diagnosed at the post mortem meat inspection, the whole carcass shall be condemned
If trichinellosis is diagnosed at the post mortem meat inspection, the affected parts shall be condemned and the other parts are fit for human consumption after freezing
If trichinellosis is diagnosed at the post mortem meat inspection, the whole carcass shall be condemned
169) Choose the CORRECT answer!
In general, the heat resistance of microorganisms reduces as the water activity decreases
In general, the heat resistance of microorganisms increases as the water activity decreases
In general, the heat resistance of microorganisms increases as the water activity decreases
170) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Food chain information must be prepared by the veterinarian performing the ante mortem
Food chain information must be prepared by the operator of the farm
Food chain information must be prepared by the operator of the farm
171) Choose the CORRECT answer!
PAHs are generated during the imperfect combustion of organic materials
Nitrosamines are generated during the imperfect combustion of organic materials
PAHs are generated during the imperfect combustion of organic materials
172) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Dioxins accumulate in the adipose tissues of the consumer
Dioxins accumulate in the kidneys of the consumer
Dioxins accumulate in the adipose tissues of the consumer
173) Choose the CORRECT answer!
As a part of the routine meat inspection of pigs, the bronchial and the mediastinal lymph nodes
shall be sliced
As a part of the routine meat inspection of cattle >8 months old, the bronchial and the
mediastinal lymph nodes shall be sliced
As a part of the routine meat inspection of cattle >8 months old, the bronchial and the
mediastinal lymph nodes shall be sliced
174) Choose the CORRECT answer!
In cattle, the spinal cord is classed a SRM irrespective of the animals age
In cattle, the spinal cord is classed as SRM in animals >12 months old
In cattle, the spinal cord is classed as SRM in animals >12 months old
175) Choose the CORRECT answer!
In the EU, chloramphenicol is prohibited for growth promotion, but can be used for therapy in
food producing animals
In the EU, chloramphenicol is not allowed for use in the food-producing animals, at all
In the EU, chloramphenicol is not allowed for use in the food-producing animals, at all
176) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Ochratoxins are also produced under temperate climate conditions
Ochratoxins can only be produced under hot climate condition
Ochratoxins are also produced under temperate climate conditions
177) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Campylobacters are thermophilic bacteria that cannot grow below 30 degrees celsius
Campylobacters are psychrophilic bacteria that can still grow below 5 degrees celsius
Campylobacters are thermophilic bacteria that cannot grow below 30 degrees celsius
178) Choose the CORRECT answer!
The “hamburger disease” is caused by verotoxin-producing E.coli
The “hamburger disease” is caused by Listeria Monocytogenes
The “hamburger disease” is caused by verotoxin-producing E.coli
179) Which statement is true?
The smoked taste of the product can also be produced by direct adding of fluid smoke
Listeria Monocytogenes is inhibited by using a NO2 in the meat industry
The smoked taste of the product can also be produced by direct adding of fluid smoke
180) When is the performance of cooking test expedient?
In case of every slaughtering
In case of a suspect of sex odor
In case of a suspect of sex odor
181) What is the legally required temperature of the working place during the production of meat
Below 7 degrees celsius
Below 12 degrees celsius
Below 7 degrees celsius
182) Which statement is true?
The smoked taste of the product can also be produced by direct adding of fluid smoke
Listeria Monocytogenes is inhibited by using of NO2 in the meat industry
The smoked taste of the product can also be produced by direct adding of fluid smoke
183) Choose the correct answer
L. Monocytogenes are rather resistant to heat, they can survive the
L. Monocytogenes are sensitive to heat, they are definitely killed by
L. Monocytogenes are sensitive to heat, they are definitely killed by
184) Choose the CORRECT answer
Caseins remain in solution during sour coagulation
Whey proteins remain solution during sour coagulation
Whey proteins remain solution during sour coagulation