PQ 1 Flashcards
1) Choose the CORRECT answer!
In case of food poisoning, the causative agent produces exotoxin in the food
In case of food poisoning, the causative agent produces exotoxin in the GI tract
In case of food poisoning, the causative agent produces exotoxin in the food
2) Choose the CORRECT answer!
The heat resistance of microbes is the lowest at the pH optimum of their growth
The heat resistance of microbes is the highest at the pH optimum of their growth
The heat resistance of microbes is the highest at the pH optimum of their growth
3) Choose the CORRECT answer!
The conditions and rules of food hygiene primarily aim at achieving adequate food quality
The conditions and rules of food hygiene primarily aim at achieving adequate food safety
The conditions and rules of food hygiene primarily aim at achieving
adequate food safety
4) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Control of animal pests is an important element of the good hygiene practice
Control of animal pests does not belong into the scope of good hygiene practice
Control of animal pests is an important element of the good hygiene practice
5) Choose the CORRECT answer!
The HACCP concept is based on the good hygiene practice
The good hygiene practices based on the HACCP concept
The HACCP concept is based on the good hygiene practice
6) Choose the CORRECT answer!
The infective dose of campylobacter is high at least 10,000 cells are needed to induce diseases in humans
The infective dose of campylobacter is low, even 100 to 500 bacterial cells can cause disease in humans
The infective dose of campylobacter is low, even 100 to 500 bacterial cells can cause disease in humans
7) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Yersinia enterocolitica is a mesophilic bacterium.
Yersinia enterocolitica is a psychrophilic bacterium.
Yersinia enterocolitica is a psychrophilic bacterium.
8) Choose the CORRECT answer!
The infective dose of EHEC strains is lower than that of other E coli strains
The infective dose of EHEC strains is higher than that of other E coli strains
The infective dose of EHEC strains is lower than that of other E coli strains
9) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Human diseases caused by yersinia enterocolitica are mainly due to the consumption of raw or underdone beef
Human diseases caused by yersinia are mainly due to the consumption of raw or underdone pork
Human diseases caused by yersinia are mainly due to the consumption of raw or underdone pork
10) Choose the CORRECT answer!
The infective dose of salmonella is low, even 100 to 500 organisms may induce disease in humans
The infective dose of campylobacters is low even 100 to 500 organisms may induce disease in humans
The infective dose of campylobacters is low even 100 to 500 organisms may induce disease in humans
11) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Methylmercury is bio accumulated in the aquatic food chain and may reach high concentrations in predators
Methylmercury is bioaccumulated in the terrestrial food chain an may reach high concentration in predators
Methylmercury is bio accumulated in the aquatic food chain and may reach high concentrations in predators
12) Choose the correct answer
Fumonisins can be produced mainly on oilseeds
Fumonisins can be produced mainly on damaged kernels of maize
Fumonisins can be produced mainly on damaged kernels of maize
13) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Phycotoxins are biotoxins produced by micro algae
Phycotoxins are bio toxins produced by moulds
Phycotoxins are biotoxins produced by micro algae
14) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Ciguatera toxins accumulation shellfish
Ciguatera toxins accumulate in fish
Ciguatera toxins accumulate in fish
15) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Chlorinated hydrocarbons are highly lipid soluble compounds with a tendency to persist in the environment.
Organophosphates are highly lipid soluble compounds with a tendency to persist in the environment
Chlorinated hydrocarbons are highly lipid soluble compounds with a tendency to persist in the environment.
16) Choose the CORRECT answer!
The typical, lasting red color of cured meat products is due to
The typical, lasting red color of cured meat products is due to
The typical, lasting red color of cured meat products is due to
17) choose the CORRECT answer!
Cold smoking is more effective against moulds than against bacteria
Cold smoking is less effective against mould than against bacteria
Cold smoking is more effective against moulds than against bacteria
18) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Meat products prepared by slow curing must be stored chilled
Meat products prepared by quick curing must be stored chilled
Meat products prepared by quick curing must be stored chilled
19) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Pseudomonas species causing frequent spoilage of fresh meat are psychrotrophic bacteria
Pseudomonas species causing frequent spoilage of fresh meat are mesophilic bacteria
Pseudomonas species causing frequent spoilage of fresh meat are psychrotrophic bacteria
20) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Heat resistance of moulds and yeasts is similar to that of mesophilic bacteria
Heat resistance of molds and yeasts is much higher than that of
mesophilic bacteria
Heat resistance of moulds and yeasts is similar to that of mesophilic
21) Choose the CORRECT answer!
For manufacturing of butter, the raw cream is pasteurized at low temperature without holding
For manufacturing of butter, the raw cream is pasteurized at high temperature with holding
For manufacturing of butter, the raw cream is pasteurized at high temperature with holding
22) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Cheese making is based on the coagulation of casein
Cheese making is based on the coagulation of milk fats
Cheese making is based on the coagulation of casein
23) choose the correct answer
Zoonotic EHEC strains are rather resistant to heat, they can survive the pasteurization
Zoonotic EHEC strains are rather sensitive to heat, they cannot survive the pasteurization
Zoonotic EHEC strains are rather sensitive to heat, they cannot survive the pasteurization
24) Choose the correct answer
Caseins remain in solution during sour coagulation
Whey proteins remain in solution during sour coagulation
Whey proteins remain in solution during sour coagulation
26) Choose the correct answer
Blood from pigs declared fit for human consumption can be used for human consumption
Blood from cattle declared fit for human consumption can be used for human consumption
Blood from pigs declared fit for human consumption can be used for human consumption
27) choose the correct answer
During meat aging, the water holding capacity or proteins decreases due to the pH reduction
During meat aging, the water holding capacity of proteins increases due to the pH reduction
During meat aging, the water holding capacity or proteins decreases due to the pH reduction
28) choose the correct answer
Food chain information must be prepared by the veterinarian performing the ante mortem inspection
Food chain information must be prepared by the operator of the farm
Food chain information must be prepared by the operator of the farm
29) Choose the CORRECT answer!
As a part of the ante mortem health inspection at the farm, identity
checks must be performed at a minimum of 10% of pigs
As a part of the ante mortem held inspection at the farm, identity checks must be performed at a minimum of 10% of the bovine animals
As a part of the ante mortem health inspection at the farm, identity
checks must be performed at a minimum of 10% of pigs
30) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Rigor mortis develops because of the reduction of pH
Rigor mortis develops because of the lack of ATP
Rigor mortis develops because of the lack of ATP
31) Choose the CORRECT answer!
As a part of the routine meat inspection of cattle more than eight months old, the retropharyngeal lymph nodes shall be sliced
The routine meat inspection of cattle more than eight months old shall be performed by visual inspection only
As a part of the routine meat inspection of cattle more than eight months old, the retropharyngeal lymph nodes shall be sliced