PQ 12 Flashcards
In case of systemic dispersal of microbes
a. The whole body is unfit for consumption
b. One symptom can be the septicaemic haemorrhages in the skin
c. If haemorrhages are found in the lungs, the meat is unfit for consumption
d. Only in the case of pyaemia the meat is unfit for consumption
a. The whole body is unfit for consumption
b. One symptom can be the septicaemic haemorrhages in the skin
The inflammation of the intestines if not the main finding in which of theses dx
a. Salmonellosis
b. Listeriosis
c. Erysipelas of swine
d. Verotoxin producing E. Coli infection
b. Listeriosis
c. Erysipelas of swine
Which is true
Official controls shall be performed more frequently in relation of food from 3rd countries ???
Official controls shall be performed with a high level of transparency
Official controls shall be performed without prior notice
It is not necessary to draw up written record of official controls
Official controls shall be performed with a high level of transparency
Official controls shall be performed without prior notice
Which is true
The central component authority shall prepare the official control plan
The local competent authority shall prepare the official control plan
There is not special requirements on the responsibilities of different levels of competent authorities in relation of planning of official
Competent authorities have to plan the official controls on risk basis, regularly and with appropriate frequency
In case
Competent authorities have to plan the official controls on risk basis, regularly and with appropriate frequency
In case
The central component authority shall prepare the official control plan
In case of sexual odour of meat
Poultry meat is unfit for consumption
Pork meat is unfit for consumption in every case
If pronounced, meat is unfit for consumption
Official vet shall determine the extent and make a decision on fitness for human consumption
If pronounced, meat is unfit for consumption
Official vet shall determine the extent and make a decision on fitness for human consumption
How have to plan the official controls based on 625/2017/EC regulation
Competent authorities have to plan the official controls on risk basis, regularly and with appropriate frequency
Competent authorities have to plan the official controls on risk basis, regularly and with appropriate frequency to identify possible
intentional violations
Competent authorities have to plan the official controls on basis on the human resources
Competent authorities have to plan the official controls on basis on the financial resources
Competent authorities have to plan the official controls on risk basis, regularly and with appropriate frequency
Competent authorities have to plan the official controls on risk basis, regularly and with appropriate frequency to identify possible
intentional violations
Where can the quality grading of eggs be carried out At the site of production In the retail market In the egg packing plant At the consumers’ before use
At the site of production
In the egg packing plant
What kind of results have to be taken account of, during the planning of official controls, based on the regulation 625/2017/EC
Results of official controls carried out earlier
Results of economic analysis
Results of own controls carried out by food business operator
Results of parliamentary elections
Results of official controls carried out earlier
Results of own controls carried out by food business operator
How do we judge the colour changes after curing
With our human eyes and instrumental analysis
Only with subjective method
Both subjective and objective methods
Only with objective methods
With our human eyes and instrumental analysis
Both subjective and objective methods
Which is TRUE about the zoonotic salmonella serotypes
In most cases they do not cause a disease in slaughter animals
In most cases they cause septicaemia in slaughter animals
They can cause enteritis, even septicaemia in young animals
The carcasses of animals showing the signs and symptoms of salmonellosis are fit for human consumption
They can cause enteritis, even septicaemia in young animals
In most cases they do not cause a disease in slaughter animals
Which institutes adopt the regulations during the co-decision procure European parliament European commission European food safety authority Council
European parliament
What heat treatments are needed to kill spores 110c/30 min 80c/30 min 121c/3 min 90c/ 10 min
110c/30 min
121c/3 min
The XL size eggs according to the 589/2008 EC regulation
They are the “Class A” eggs
In case of small-scale producers it is not obligatory to use the producer’s code on their shells
It is always obligatory to use the producers’ code on their shells
They must be kept below 5c during transportation and distribution
They are the “Class A” eggs
It is always obligatory to use the producers’ code on their shells → according to that regulation Class A eggs always need a code.
What curing procedures were applied in the technology lab
Dry salting, during which we have also applied black pepper beside salt to massage it into the given meat slice ???
Wet curing, in which we submerged the pork meat slice into the curing solution
Wet curing with needle injection, during which we have injected the brine solution directly into the pork meat slice
Tumberlring, to prepare the meat for needle injection
Wet curing, in which we submerged the pork meat slice into the curing solution
Wet curing with needle injection, during which we have injected the brine solution directly into the pork meat slice
Which of these statements are right for tumbling
Tumbler is applied right after needle injection ???
Tumbling the meat is necessary for both long and fast curing
It is a mechanical treatment of meat, which helps the efficiency of the brine injection
It is a rotating vessel, which is massaging the meat if it is fast cured
It is a mechanical treatment of meat, which helps the efficiency of the brine injection
It is a rotating vessel, which is massaging the meat if it is fast cured
Which products contain a security alert in the RASFF Nutritional supplements Human food Animal feed Medicinal foods, medicated foods
Human food
Animal feed
Which examinations are to be carried out during the official control of shellfish
Examination of faecal contamination of the production area
Measurement of the histamine concentration
Testing for the biotoxin content of the shellfish
Measurement of the mercury concentration
Testing for the biotoxin content of the shellfish
Measurement of the mercury concentration
Select the correct statements
Cold smoking of meat products is less effective against moulds than bacteria
Cold smoking of meat products is more effective against mould than bacterial post-infection
Deterioration of refrigerated meat products with shielding gas is mainly caused by aerobic bacteria
Deterioration of refrigerated meat products packed with shielding gas is mainly caused by aerotolerant
Cold smoking of meat products is less effective against moulds than bacteria
Deterioration of refrigerated meat products packed with shielding gas is mainly caused by aerotolerant
Select the correct statements
At lower water activity, deterioration marinated/smoked etc meat products is done by mainly gram + bacteria
At lower water activity deterioration marinated/smoked etc meat products is done by mainly gram - bacteria
Deterioration of fresh meat caused mainly by gram + bacteria
Deterioration of fresh meat caused mainly by gram - bacteria
At lower water activity, deterioration marinated/smoked etc meat products is done by mainly gram + bacteria
Deterioration of fresh meat caused mainly by gram - bacteria
Choose the correct statement
Spoilage of raw marinated meat products is mainly caused by gram + bacteria
Spoilage of raw marinated smoked meat products is mainly caused by gram - bacteria
Spoilage of fresh meat is mainly caused by gram + bacteria
Spoilage of fresh meats is mainly caused by gram - bacteria
Spoilage of raw marinated meat products is mainly caused by gram + bacteria
Spoilage of fresh meats is mainly caused by gram - bacteria
Choice the correct statement
HACCP includes general industry characteristics
GHP includes general industry characteristics
The GHP approach is plant and product specific
The HACCP system is plant and product specific
GHP includes general industry characteristics
The HACCP system is plant and product specific
Choose the correct statement
The potency of the sodium hydrochloride solution is more pronounced at acidic pH
The potency of the sodium hydrochloride solution is more pronounced at alkaline pH
The potency of the sodium hydrochloride solution is more stable at alkaline pH
Choose the correct statement
The number of viruses entering the food depends on environmental conditions
The number of viruses entering the food does not increase
Viruses can typically enter the food through primary infection
Viruses can typically enter the food through secondary contamination
The number of viruses entering the food does not increase
Viruses can typically enter the food through secondary contamination
- Choose the CORRECT answers
• Spoilage is a profound qualitative change of the food
• Spoilage is a profound safety change of the food
• Microbiological spoilage is mostly caused by bacteria and moulds
• Microbiological spoilage is mostly caused by bacteria and viruses
- Spoilage is a profound safety change of the food
* Microbiological spoilage is mostly caused by bacteria and moulds
- Choose the CORRECT answers
• Moulds usually multiply faster than bacteria, therefor in spoilage associations mostly moulds become dominant
• Moulds usually grow slower than bacteria, therefore they may become dominant in spoilage associations under
conditions that are unfavourable for bacteria,
• Yeasts usually multiply faster than bacteria, therefore in spoilage associations mostly moulds become dominant
• Yeasts usually grow slower than bacteria, therefore they may become dominant in spoilage
- Moulds usually grow slower than bacteria, therefore they may become dominant in spoilage associations under
- Yeasts usually grow slower than bacteria, therefore they may become dominant in spoilage
- Choose the CORRECT answers
• In general, the water activity demand of Gram positive bacteria is higher than the gram negative ones
• In general, the water activity demand of gram negative bacteria is higher than the gram positive ones
• In general, the water activity demand of bacteria is higher than the yeasts
• In general, the water activity demand of bacteria is lower than the yeasts
- In general, the water activity demand of gram negative bacteria is higher than the gram positive ones
- In general, the water activity demand of bacteria is higher than the yeasts
Coxiella burnetii is rather resistant to heat, it can survive the pasteurisation
C. Burnetti is rather sensitive to heat it cannot survive the pasteurisation
Zoonotic EHEC strains are rather resistance to heat they can survive the pasteurisation
Zoonotic EHEC strains are rather sensitive to heat they cannot survive the pasteurisation
Coxiella burnetii is rather resistant to heat, it can survive the pasteurisation
Zoonotic EHEC strains are rather resistance to heat they can survive the pasteurisation
Which two of the following sentences are true about clostridia?
Obligate aerobes
Produce spores
Are the perfect indicators of the effectiveness of the chlorination
Are able to reduce sulfite to sulfide
Produce spores
Are able to reduce sulfite to sulfide
Category 1 waste shall be disposed by incineration
Category 1 wastes can be used for manufacture of pet food
Blood from cattle declared fit for human consumption can be used for human consumption
Blood from pigs declared fit for human consumption can be used for human consumption???
Category 1 waste shall be disposed by incineration
Blood from pigs declared fit for human consumption can be used for human consumption