Ppt Subcultures And Group Membership Flashcards
Social Groups
A number of people who share interests and have things in common as well as physically or socially interact with each other
Primary Groups
Refers to small, informal collections of individuals who interact with each other in personal, direct, and intimate ways
In-Group Membership
Members share a common bond, ideologies common background, resemble other members of the group. Provides togetherness
Friendship/Family Group
Example of an in-group that exerts an influence on dress and appearance
Secondary Groups
A group to which an individual has limited emotional ties, whose members interact with each other in formal ways, and whose members often come together for practical purposes
Reference Group
A group of individuals that serve as a model for behavior
Cause-Related Dress
A term used to describe items of dress that have text, symbols or images that express an opinion or an affiliation with a cause
Reflect in-group status
Support of the cause it represents all individuals who wear the items
A group to which people feel they do not belong
Self-formed association of peers with members that engage in criminal activities
(A name, a symbol, tattoo or other physical marking, style or color of clothing, hairstyle, hand sign, or graffiti)
- Smaller in size than the dominant culture in which they exist
- Large group doesn’t meet needs
Cosplay Group
- A combination
- Fans of popular culture (e.g., television, movies, games)
- Assume appearance of their favorite characters (i.e., wear costumes)
- And engage in a performance
- Distinctive; opposition
- Tightly/loosely
- “Anti-fashion”
Early Subcultures
- Dandyism/Mods — refinement
- Bohemian—flamboyant (early 19th c) against industrialization; escape inhibitions
2.5 Early French bohemians, 1950s beatniks, 1960s hippies - Clothing important
Youth Subculture Styles
- “Hooligans” in Britain, “greasers” in USA
- Later: teddy boys, mods, rockers, skinheads, punk
- Americans: Hell’s Angels, Heavy Metal
Gender and Subculture
- Punk — included women
- Primarily males — Zoot Suit riots
- Goth — both genders
How does mainstream culture react to subcultures?
- Initial response is often fear
- Dominant culture can meet the unmet needs
- Dominant culture assimilates the sub cultural style (commodification)
- Entrepreneurs commodify the style
- After commodification, the subculture loses its initial power (this happened with punk)