PPL Oral - Special Use Airspace Flashcards
What is a Prohibited Area?
- Cannot fly here
- Listed as ‘P’ on Sectional
- Established for security
What is a Restricted Area?
- Need permission from controlling agency
- Contain hazards to aircraft (Live military firing)
- Listed as ‘R’ on Sectional
How could you enter a Restricted area?
Only with permission from Controlling Agency
Where can you find the Controlling Agencies contact information?
Sectional Chart legend or your flight app of choice (Garmin Pilot or ForeFlight)
What is the Warning Area?
- Start 3 NM out from the coastal US.
- You can fly here, but be warned
- Listed on sectional chart as Blue with hash marks
- Check sectional chart for active times and controlling agency
- Activity dangerous to non participating aircraft
What is an MOA?
- Military Operations Area
- You can fly through these
- Avoid when active
- Contact FSS or controlling agency for active time (listed in sectional)
How can you find out if an MOA is active or not?
- Check the Sectional Chart for operating times and altitudes (or flight app of choice)
- Always check with FSS or ATC prior to entering an MOA
- Contact the Controlling Agency to let them know what time you will be passing overhead.
What is an Alert Area?
High volumes of unusual activity are conducted here.
- Pilot Training
- other unusual aerial activity
*Use extreme caution. KEEP your eyes outside the aircraft.
What is a Controlled Firing Area?
Areas of active military firing
- Will cease operations when a plane
flies over them
- They have means to watch out for
- Not Chartes
What is a National Security Area (NSA)?
Areas sensitive to national security
- Pilots are requested to avoid
- May be a TFR over these at times
- Magenta circles on Sectional
What is the ADIZ?
Air Defense Identification Zone
- Surrounds the entire US 12nm from coast
- All aircraft in this area must be known
What are the requirements to fly in the ADIZ?
- Flight Plan on file
- 2 way radio comms
- Xponder
What is a Victor Airway?
Airways between VORs used for navigation.
- Listed as Blue lines and named (V 50)
- Little blue box below denotes distance between VORs or Airways.
What is a TRSA?
Terminal Radar Service Area
- Provide Basic Radar Services to
participating aircraft
- It is NOT required to participate
- NOT required to talk to them
- Gray lines on Sectional Charts
What are Tango Airways?
Blue lines on a sectional chart used for navigation between 2 RNAV (GPS) points.
What are Military Training Routes? (MTRs)
Grey lines on a VFR sectional chart labeled as IR (3 or 4 digits following), they are used by the military for LOW ALTITUDE, HIGH SPEED training.
What is/can be said about a gray line labeled as IR104 on a VFR sectional chart?
- It is a Military Training Route (MTR)
- It is an IFR MTR with activity ABOVE 1,500ft AGL*
What is/can be said about a gray line labeled as VR1019 on a VFR sectional chart?
- It is a Military Training Route (MTR)
- It is a VFR MTR with activity BELOW 1500ft AGL*
What is the difference between a Military Training Route (MTR) labeled as VR and IR?
- VR = a VFR MTR
- IR = a IFR MTR
What is the difference between a Military Training Route (MTR) being labeled with 3 digits vs 4 digits?
- 3 digits means operations will be conducted above 1,500ft AGL
- 4 digits means operations will be conducted below 1,500ft AGL
What does the ADIZ look like on a sectional chart?
Magenta line with magenta dots on one side (found along the coast line)
How wide are Victor airways?
- They extend 4 miles out from the centerline on either side
- So they are a total of 8 miles wide.
What airspace is a Victor Airway?
- It is class E airspace
DIMENSIONS - From 1,200ft AGL to 17,999ft MSL
What is the MCPRAWNT acronym?
Its for Special Use Airspace
C - Controlled Firing Area
P - Prohibited Area
R - Restricted Area
A - Alert Area
W - Warning Area
N -National Security Area
What are the weather requirements for Special VFR?
FAR 91.157
- 1 SM vis
- CC
If you are a Private Pilot, what time of day can you request Special VFR?
FAR 91.157
Sunrise to Sunset
What is required to request special VFR at night (sunset to sunrise)
FAR 91157
- IFR pilot
- IFR equipped aircraft