PPL Oral - Pilot Qualifications/Certificate/Medical Flashcards
What are the eligibility requirements for a Private Pilot Cert?
FAR 61.103
- 17 years old
- English, read, write, speak
- Medical, at least 3rd class
- Received required ground and flight training
- Pass practical and written test
make sure your endorsements are not expired
What Privileges go along with a Private Pilot Certificate?
FAR 61.113
- Fly for business purposes provided they are only incidental
- Fly for a charity or non profit
- Participate in Search and Location operations AND get reimbursed for operating expenses
- Aircraft Salesman for demonstration purposes (need at least 200hrs of flight time)
- Can tow a Glider as long as you meet requirements (61.69)
- May perform production flight tests for LSA
What rules exist concerning whether or not you can fly for business purposes?
FAR 61.113
The flying may only be INCIDENTAL to the business.
*Meaning that your business purpose cannot be flying persons or property for hire.
*Cannot be reimbursed for carrying persons or property
*Company cannot pay any portion of expenses
*If collogues come with and you want them to pay, Pro Rata rules apply
What are the limitations of a PPL Cert?
FAR 61.113
- Cannot fly for compensation or hire
- May not pay less than the PRO RATA share of operating expenses for a flight with pax
- Adhere to FAA VFR weather minimums
Explain what is meant by Pro Rata
FAR 61.113 (c)
Pro Rata means proportional
You must pay your proportional share of the expenses for the flight (fuel, oil, rental, airport fees).
Can you ask your friends to pay a Pro Rata share of your annual inspection?
FAR 61.113 states: “the expenses of a FLIGHT”
Fixed or long term operating costs like MX do not count.
What documents do you need to have on you when you fly?
FAR 61.3
- Pilot cert
- Photo ID (gov issued)
- Medical cert at least 3rd class (or basic med)
What documents should you be ready to present to an FAA inspector NTSB rep, or law enforcement?
FAR 61.3
- Pilot cert
- Photo ID (gov issued)
- Medical cert at least 3rd class (or basic med)
- In addition its probably a good idea to have your log book present in case you need to prove you are current.
What is the definition of a High Performance airplane?
FAR 1. (definitions)
An aircraft with an engine that has more than 200 HP.
What is a High Performance aircraft and what is needed to operate one?
FAR 61.31
An aircraft with an engine that has more than 200 HP
- Receive ground and flight training in a High Performance aircraft (or simulator)
- Receive a High Performance Endorsement
What types of aircraft require a logbook endorsement to operate?
FAR 61.31
- Complex aircraft
- High Performance Aircraft
- High Altitude airplane (can operate above 25,000ft)
- Tailwheel aircraft
- Glider
*getting more 4 or more of these right will constitute a correct answer
What types of aircraft require a Type Rating?
- Large Aircraft
* Having an MTOW of greater than 12,500lbs - Turbojet-powered
- Other aircraft as specified
With respect to the Certification, Privileges, and Limitations of AIRMEN; define Category, Class and Type.
FAR 1. (definitions)
Category - A broad classification of aircraft
(airplane, rotorcraft, glider, lighter than air)
Class - A further classification WITHIN a category
(Single engine land, multiengine land)
Type - A specific make and model of aircraft
(Diamond DA 40 NG)
What is the definition of a Complex Airplane?
FAR 61.1
An aircraft that has all of the following
1. Retractable gear
2. Flaps
3. Constant speed prop (controllable pitch) including FADEC
What is needed to ACT as PIC of a Complex Aircraft?
FAR 61.31
- Received flight and ground training (or sim) in a complex aircraft
- Receive a logbook endorsement
What are the currency requirements needed to carry Persons during the day?
FAR 61.57
Have made at least 3 T/O’s and Landings within the previous 90 days in the same Category, Class, (and type if required)
What are the currency requirements needed to carry Persons during the day in a Tailwheel Aircraft?
FAR 61.57
Have made at least 3 T/O’s and Landings to a FULL STOP within the last 90 days in a Tailwheel
What are the Currency requirements needed to carry Persons at night?
FAR 61.57
Have made at least 3 T/O’s and Landings to a FULL STOP in the same Category, Class (and Type if required) at night.
Besides Persons currency, what other requirement is there to stay current?
FAR 61.56
A Flight Review is required every 24 calendar months
Note: A single Flight Review in any category or class of aircraft for which the pilot is rated will satisfy this requirement. (i.e, you dont need a Separate Flight Review for each aicraft you are rated for)
Are you required to log every flight into your logbook?
FAR 61.51
You are only required to log flights that prove you have met Currency and Certificate requirements
You are flying with a friend in his Complex Aircraft, you are not rated for a Complex aircraft. Can you log PIC time?
FAR 61.31, 61.51
You can log PIC time (when sole manipulator of controls) for any aircraft you are rated in (single engine land) BUT you cannot ACT AS PIC because you don’t have the endorsements
How does having Personal Minimums reduce risk?
- It lets you know when you are in a situation where you are pushing the limits of your experience.
- Helps you make a safe Go/No Go decision
- Helps you explain a cancelation to passengers by emphasizing your focus on safety
Explain the difference between being Current and being Proficient.
(PHAK, Risk Management Handbook)
- Being Current is a matter of regulatory legality
- Being Proficient is a matter of experience and safety
Should you fly in an aircraft that has Avionics equipment you are unfamiliar with
Not unless you have received several hours of instruction.
This will increase the level of risk for a flight
(control your risk factor by not going and/or receiving instruction on new equipment)
What do you need to do if you move? And if you don’t do this, what will happen?
FAR 61.60
You need to notify the local FSDO of your new address (or update your FAA profile) within 30 DAYS.
IF you do not, you cannot use your certificate until it is done.
What flight time can be logged as Second In Command (SIC)?
FAR 61.51
- Aircraft must require more than one crew member
- Must hold appropriate Category, Class and type if required
What Medical requirements are needed to be a Private Pilot?
FAR 61.23
At least a 3rd Class Medical or Basic Med
When does a 3rd Class Medical expire?
FAR 61.23
UNDER 40 (at the time of exam)
- 60 months (5 years)
OVER 40 (at the time of exam)
- 24 months (2 years)
Can you fly after taking allergy medicine?
FAR 61.53
The safest rule is NOT to fly while taking any medication.
You are not allowed to fly while using any medication that affects the body contrary to safety
What resources could you use to determine if a medication is safe to take while flying?
- FAA Do Not Issue / Do Not Fly list
- AOPA Medication Database
- Your AME
What requirements must be met to qualify for Basic Med?
FAR 61.23, 68
- Have a valid drivers license
- Have held a medical any point after July 14th 2006
- Answered the CMEC health questionnaire
- Get a physical (physician must also complete CMEC) every 48 cal months
- Take Basic Med online course every 24 cal months
What are the limitations of Basic Med?
FAR 61.113 (Updated Nov 2024)
- Fly with no more than 6 passengers
- Aircraft cannot weigh more than 12,500lb (MTOW)
- Cannot fly a plane certified for more than 7 passengers
- Cannot fly faster than 250kts, outside the US, stay at or below 18,000ft
- Cannot fly for compensation or hire
What do you need to do to maintain Basic Med?
FAR 61.23
1. Have a medical exam within the past 48 months
2. Be treated for any condition related to safety of flight
3. Have completed a Basic Med training course in the last 24 months.
Where could you find a list of Medical conditions that would cause you to lose your medical?
In the FAR/AIM
Standards = Part 67
Requirements = Part 61
What are your Personal Minimums?
- Day: 5,000ft, 5sm
- Night: 5,00ft 7sm
- 15kts Sust, 7kt crosswind
- Cannot fly into known icing
- Cannot fly into moderate turbulence
- Cannot fly into convective areas
- 16 hours bottle to throttle
- 7 hours. 6 hours with coffee
New Aircraft
- Must have at least 5 hours of flight instruction
What are some examples of medical conditions that may temporarily disqualify you from flying?
- Fever
- Acute infections
- Anemia
- Peptic Ulcer
*Get at least 3 of these right
If your license was suspended for a DUI but you have not been convicted, do you still need to report this to the FAA?
FAR 61.15
What activities could be used to substitute for a Bi-Annual flight review?
FAR 61.56
- Passed a FAA Practical test within the last 24 months
- If you are a student pilot working towards an endorsement
What happens if you go beyond the 24 calendar month since your last flight review?
FAR 61.56
- Your license does not expire
BUT - You are no longer current are unable to excersize your flight priviledges
What are the 3 FAA definitions of night and what are they for?
- Sunset to Sunrise
- FAR 91.209
- When you need to have Position Lights on - 1hr after Sunset to 1hr before Sunrise
- FAR 61.57
- For carrying passengers at night - The time between the end of evening civil twilight and the beginning of morning civil twilight, as published in the Air Almanac, converted to local time.
- FAR 1.1
- For logging night time
When can you log night time?
FAR 1.1.
The time between the end of evening civil twilight and the beginning of morning civil twilight, as published in the Air Almanac, converted to local time.
What currency requirements are needed in order to carry Persons at night?
FAR 61.57
3 take offs and landings from 1hr after sunset to 1hr before sunrise to a FULL STOP within the previous 90 days, in the same category, class, & type of aircraft if required.
What is a TAA?
Technically Advanced Aircraft
An aircraft that has..
* A 2 axis autopilot
FAR 61.129(j)
10hrs in a TAA (or Complex aircraft) are required to meet the elegibility requirements for a Commercial Rating
Who can fly under Basic Med?
- Pilots exercising Private pilot privileges as Pilot in Command (PIC) OR as a required flightcrew member (such as a safety pilot)
- CFIs
- DPEs
How can we remember the Priledges & Limitations of the PPL?
There’s an acronym
P - Pro rata share
S - Salesman
C - Charity
R - Rescue & Search
I - Incidental to Buisiness
P - Prototype (test pilot)
T - Towing a glider (certain requirements)
FAR 61.113