PPL Oral - Aerodynamics & Performance Flashcards
What are the 6 main forces acting in a turn?
- Lift
* Keeps the aircraft in the air, but is reduced, due to the added Horizontal lift component - Horizontal Component of Lift (Centripital force)
* Turns the aircraft
* causes the aircraft to descend because lift upward lift is now split into a horizontal component - Total Lift
* The Sum of the lift holding the airplane in the air, and the Horizontal lift causing the turn - Weight
* The force of the aircrafts weight that counteracts lift - Centrifugal Force
* Acts equal and opposite to the Horizontal lift - Resultant Load Factor
* A result of Weght and Centrifugal Force
* Increases weight
* Increases stall speed
Why do we need to apply back pressure when in a turn?
Because we have less vertical Lift keeping the airplane in the air due to part of the total lift now acting horizontally.
Why do we need rudder in a turn?
Because the upward wing creates more drag, pulling the nose above the horizon (A Slip). Deflect rudder slightly into the turn to combat this.
This is called Adverse Yaw
Explain Overbanking tendency
- In a turn, the outside wing is traveling slightly faster than the inside wing, thus, the outside wing will produce more lift than the inside wing and continue to bank.
- Combat this by slightly pushing the stick in the opposite direction of the turn until the turn stabilizes.
- Overbanking tendency is especially dangerous at low airspeeds, like in the traffic pattern, as our stall speed will increase as the bank increases the load factor.
Most prevelant durring Steep turns
What is known as Slipping?
When the nose of the aircraft is yawing towards the outside of a turn.
What is Skidding?
When the nose of the airplane is yawed towards the inside of the turn.
Usually due to excess rudder usage.
NEVER use yaw (rudder) to tighten a turn!
What is more dangerous, a Skid or a Slip?
A skid is more dangerous especially at low speeds as it will likely lead to an accelerated stall into a spin.
NEVER use the rudder to tighten a turn!
What are the two basic types of drag?
Parasitic and Induced drag
What are the 3 types of Parasitic Drag?
- Form drag
Drag generated by the different shapes of objects - Interference Drag
Drag generated by the intersection of airstream currents a cross a meeting point between two objects. - Skin Friction Drag
Drag generated by tiny imperfections in the surface of an object
What is Parasitic Drag?
Drag that is produced by an object as it moves through the air
(not associated with the product lift?
3 Types: Form, Interference, & Skin Friction
What is Induced Drag
Drag that is generated as a byproduct of Lift
* The Wingtip Vortices and Downwash angle downwards behind the wing, this changes the angle of the relative wind.
* Since Lift always acts perpendicular to the relative wind, this causes the Lift Vector to have a reward component to it, reducing lift.
What are Wingtip Vortices?
Areas of turbulent air behind the wingtips of aircraft, generated by Induced Drag
* they form because this is the area where the High pressure below the wing and the Low pressure above the wing mix, and create a vortex
When are Wingtip Vortices greatest?
When the generating aircraft is heavy, clean, and slow.
How should one avoid Wingtip Vortices or Wake Turbulence?
- Avoid flying through another aircrafts flight path
- Avoid following within 1,000ft of another aircrafts flight path
- When taking off behind and aircraft, rotate prior to its rotation point
- Land above the aircrafts flight path and touchdown beyond their TD point.
- Watch out for wake turbulence when using parallel runways.
What are the Four Forces of flight and how are they related?
- Lift
* Opposes Weight - Weight
* Opposes Lift - Thrust
* Opposes Drag - Drag
* Opposes Thrust
What is Ground Effect?
The tendency of the aircraft to remain or become airborne very close to the ground.
* Occurs due to Wingtip Vortices and Wing Downwash not being able to fully form, they push on the ground createing a cushion of air that keeps the airplane airborne.
* This is because Induced drag is greatly reduced due to the Vortices and Downwash not being able to form
Why should you be wary of Ground Effect when landing?
Because the aircraft will want to stay airborne too long, especially if your speed is too high. This will increase your float time.
-Combat this by maintaining appropriate speed and reducing power prior to landing.
Why should you be wary of Ground Effect when taking off?
Because Ground Effect can allow the aircraft to become airborne before it has the speed/lift required to maintain a climb.
What are the 3 Axis of an aircraft and what are their associated control surfaces?
- Longitudinal, Roll = Aileron
- Lateral, Pitch = Elevator
- Vertical, Yaw = Rudder
What is Positive Static Stability?
The INITIAL tendency for the aircraft to return to its original attitude after being disturbed about one of its axes, due to its inherent design characteristics.
What are the 4 Left Turning Tendencies?
- Torque
- Spiraling Slip Stream
- P-Factor
- Gyroscopic Precession
What is Torque that causes a left turn?
The clockwise turning engine produces a reactive force causing the aircraft to ROLL to the left.
Newtons 3rd Law
-For every action there is an equal but opposite reaction
What is Spiraling Slip Stream?
The prop wash from the propeller spirals around the fuselage where it eventually hits the left side of the vertical stabilizer, causing the aircraft to yaw to the left.
Most noticeable at low airspeeds.
What is Gyroscopic Precession?
A force applied to a spinning disc will be felt 90 degrees in the direction and plane of rotation.
This occurs whenever the aircraft pitches up or down. Causing a left/right turning tendency due to the clockwise turning propeller blade.
This is most prevalent in conventional (tail wheel) aircraft on take off.
This can also create a RIGHT turning tendency
What is P-Factor?
- Due to the designed blade angle of the propeller, the descending blade on the right takes a larger “bite” (AOA) of air than the ascending blade on the left resulting in the creation of asymmetrical thrust and a left turning tendency.
- Most noticeable at high AOA and high airspeed.
What is a Stall?
When the airfoil is no longer creating enough lift to support the weight of the aircraft. Exceeding the critical AOA