PPL FTG Flashcards
What is a stabilized approach?
- Briefings/checklists complete
- Proper landing configuration for conditions
- Appropriate power settings
- Max sink rate of 1,000 fpm
- Speed within +10/-5 knots
- Only small heading and pitch changes
- Stable by 200 feet AGL
If not stably by 200ft, go around
How many flight hours does a student need to take their PPL flight test?
- min of 35 hrs for PPL
What is the min pass mark for the PPL flight test?
PPL 62 points (50%)
In the ground item for airplane performance, what does the student need to know from memory?
state from memory and explain the practical application for the following speeds:
* best angle of climb speed (VX);
* best rate of climb speed (VY);
* manoeuvring speed (VA)
CPL Students will also need to calculate Vref and explain what Vref is
In the ground item for airplane performance, what does the student need to be able to calculate?
- take-off distance required to clear a 50 ft obstacle;
- landing distance required to clear a 50 ft obstacle;
- power setting proposed for the planned enroute cruising flight (percentage, manifold
pressure and RPM) and the expected cruise speed in KTAS; - the available flight time with the fuel load and power settings proposed for the navigation flight;
What are the error allowances for steep turns on the PPL flight test?
±100 feet altitude
±10 knots airspeed
±10º AoB
±10º from stated heading to recover on
On PPL test you only have to do a 180º turn. On CPL test you have to do two back to back in opposite directions.
What are the error margins for slow flight on PPL flight test?
- ±100 feet altitude
- ±10° Heading (including on rollout)
- ±5° AoB
What kinds of take-offs will the student demonstrate on a PPL flight test?
- One normal T/O
- One short (with or without obstacle) or soft-field T/O
What are the allowable error margins on a normal take off for PPL test?
- +10/–5 knots recommended rotation airspeed
- accelerate to and maintain the recommended or briefed climb speed +10/–5 knots
What are the allowable error margins on a short field take off for PPL and CPL test?
- establish pitch attitude for obstacle clearance airspeed, and maintain that speed (+10/–5 knots) until obstacle is cleared
What are the allowable error margins on a soft field take off for PPL and CPL test?
- remain in ground effect and accelerate to VX or VY, as obstacles may dictate;
- +10/–5 kts climb speed
What kinds of landings will a PPL student demonstrate on a test?
- Normal
- Short over an obstacle OR soft field
Unless strong crosswinds or gusts are
present, all landings will be executed with…?
Full flap
Normal landing error allowance for PPL test
+10 / -5 kts approach speed
+400 / -100 ft of touchdown point
Within 15 ft centerline
Short-field w/obstacle landing error allowance for PPL
+10/–5 knots approach speed
+200/–50 feet of touchdown point
Within 15ft centerline
Forced landing error allowance for PPL and CPL test
- +10/-5 knots of glide speed
- Specify field and touchdown zone
- Touchdown in first third of field (and no more than 1000ft past the end of that touchdown zone)
- Engine warms
En-route error allowance for PPL test
±200ft cruising altitudes
±10° headings
Instrument error allowance for PPL test
- ±200 feet of the assigned altitude;
- ±15º of the assigned heading;
- ±15 knots of the assigned airspeed;
- an angle of bank not to exceed the limit (peg) of the turn and bank indicator/turn-coordinator.
What maneuvers allow for 200ft of error in altitude for PPL?
- En-route
- Instrument
2 15’s
PPL Instruments
10 10 5
PPL Slow Flight