CPL FTG Flashcards
What is a stabalized approach?
- Briefings/checklists complete
- Proper landing configuration for conditions
- Appropriate power settings
- Max sink rate of 1,000 fpm
- Speed within +10/-5 knots
- Only small heading and pitch changes
- Stable by 200 feet AGL
If not stably by 200ft, go around
For admission to a flight test the student needs a letter signed by a qualified instructor dated within 30 days of the flight test stating that … (4 things)
- Training for all exercises in the Flight Training Manual and Flight Instructor Guide have been completed
- A simulated flight test was done and passed
- Candidate is considered to have reached a sufficient level of competency to pass the CPL flight test
- The instructor recommends the candidate for the flight test.
How many flight hours does a student need to take their CPL flight test?
At least 75% of required flight hours
What is the minimum pass mark for the CPL flight test?
93 points (81 if you were in an integrated course and the Nav Prog was already done)
More than 4 combined flight test items on a CPL flight test assessed as either “1” and/or “2” constitutes failure of the flight test and will require a…?
Complete re-test
What situation on a flight test will result in a failed test and require a complete re-test?
- Any failed ground item
- You don’t get the necessary 93 points
- You have more than 4 flight test items assessed at a 1 or 2
- Display unsafe or dangerous behaviour that is not linked to a skill, lack of training or proficiency;
- demonstrated pattern of failing to use proper visual scanning techniques
- a partial flight test is not completed within 30 days of the date of the failed flight test
- failure of more than two air items during a complete flight test
What are the error allowances for steep turns on the CPL flight test?
±100 feet altitude
±10 knots airspeed
±5º AoB
±10º from stated heading to recover on
What are the error margins for slow flight on CPL flight test?
- ±100 feet altitude
- ±10° Heading (including on rollout)
- ±5° AoB
What kinds of take-offs will the student demonstrate on a CPL flight test?
One a CPL test, student will do one soft field and one short field with obstacle
What are the allowable error margins on a short field take off for PPL and CPL test?
- establish pitch attitude for obstacle clearance airspeed, and maintain that speed (+10/–5 knots) until obstacle is cleared
What are the allowable error margins on a soft field take off for PPL and CPL test?
- remain in ground effect and accelerate to VX or VY, as obstacles may dictate;
- +10/–5 kts climb speed
What kinds of landings will a CPL student demonstrate on a test?
* Power-off 180
* Short with obstacle or soft field
* Overshoot
Short-field with obstacle landing error allowance for CPL
+10/–5 knots approach speed
+100/-50 ft of touchdown point
Within 10ft of centerline
Forced landing error allowance for PPL and CPL test
- +10/-5 knots of glide speed
- Specify field and touchdown zone
- Touchdown in first third of field (and no more than 1000ft past the end of that touchdown zone)
- Engine warms
en-route error allowance for CPL test
±100ft cruising altitudes
±10° headings
Instrument error allowance for CPL test
- ±10º of assigned headings;
- ±100 feet of assigned altitudes;
- ±10 knots of assigned airspeeds;
- ±100 feet per minute of assigned rates of descent, when established;
- ±10º of assigned angles of bank
On a PPL test, a student can follow roads or rivers for their diversion. What must a CPL student do for a diversion and what are the margins of error allowed?
Must use dead rockoning as if they were over barren terrain. Cannot follow visual aids.
- provide an initial ETA when setting heading and confirm or revise that time while en route;
- ±100 altitude
- ±10 knots airspeed
- ±10° heading
Limited panel error allowance
PPL students don’t do partial panel
execute a continuous, coordinated turn, in the shortest direction, to a heading specified by the examiner. Note: One heading correction is acceptable to more precisely achieve the specified heading
* ±100 altitude;
* ±15º heading;
* ±10kts airspeed
CPL Radio Navigation error allowances
PPL students dont do radio navigation
- maintain the specified track within ±10º, or for GNSS, within 1 nautical mile
- ±200 altitude;
- ±15º heading;
Limited Panel
Radio Nav tolerance
What is the only procedue during a CPL flight test where you are allowed 200ft of altitude loss or gain?
During radio navigation
During a CPL flight test what are the only two exercises where you are allow a 15° deviation from your heading?
Radio Navigation
Partial panel