Instruction Techniques Flashcards
Why do you need lesson plans and what are the three types?
You need a lesson plan to make sure important points are not missed. It helps your stay on-track and on-topic and helps you follow a logical sequence of instruction.
- In-flight
- Ground school
What five things should be included in each lesson plan?
- Take notes on main points
- Plan questions ahead of time
- Prepare visual aids
- Think about opening and closing statements
- Avoid long-handed lesson plans. They are to jog your memory only.
What is a threshold knowledge test?
Done when working with a student you dont normally fly with
What are some ways to make sure you are providing clear explanations and demonstrations?
- Refer to known material during explanation (relationship)
- Use easily understood words as much as practical
- Teach in stages
- Ensure YOU know the material well. Practice material yourself if you are a bit unsure.
Why are visual aids important?
75% of learning happens thru sight.
*Physical objects brought into class
*Video presentations (thoroughly check that videos are 100% correct)
*Guest speakers
What are some important things to remember about visual aids?
- Plan your lesson first, THEN insert visual aids. Dont plan a lesson around a visual aid.
- Make aids simple and clear
- Put the aid out of reach once the demonstation is over to avoid distractions
Why is it important to provide student activity?
Students learn best while participating.
- Use questioning to test knowledge
- Distribute questions evenly among students
- Make questions challenging but not impossible
- Avoid ambiguous questions
What is the demonstration-performance method of teaching?
Monkey see, monkey do
What are the five steps of the demo-perf method?
- explanation (explain then do, or do then explain, or explain and do at same time)
- demo
- student performance
- instructor supervision
- evaluation
What are the key points of giving a student analysis in the air?
- Take control. You will fly when the student is being critiqued
- I dentify a major strength
- Pin-point a major weakness
- Suggest a remedy
- Identify another strength
Student will then refly the exercise
What causes learning plateaus?
- Inability to grasp one component of an exercise may lead the instructor to conclude that the entire exercise is not undersood
- Focus deliberately on the weak area until it improves
- Try to prevent student from becoming discouraged during plateau’s…restore their motivation and be encouraging
What is a reversal during taining?
Performance deteriorates with continued practice
* Typically due to a faulty habit
* Basic elements not fully understood
* Too much emphasis on one element
How to correct?
* Correctly analyze the root cause
* Must be corrected before moving on
* Do not accept or allow your student to practice with improper or unsafe technique
What are the five emotional escape mechanisms?
- Projection (transferring blame)
- Rationalization (finding a believable excuse)
- Resignation (givinf up, putting in minimal effort)
- Flight (physically or mentally removing oneself from the tension)
- Agression (taking out one’s tension on someone else)
What is Developmental Teaching?
A student-centered philosophy of teaching which requires you to reason with students in order for them to reach predetermined objectives.
It guides a student through solutions and allows them to reason and think about new material