Powerplant Flashcards
Max engine TGT prior to start
Max takeoff TGT
900°C 5 min both engines/ 10 single engine
Max continuous TGT
860°C no time limitation
Max crosswind component for engine start
Max tailwind for engine start
20 knots
The preferred method of engine air start is
What engines are on the 550?
Rolls-Royce BR 710C4-11
Rated for 15385 pounds of thrust
During a normal engine start, ignition icons will be seen when the pilot completes what action?
Move the fuel control switch to RUN
What should be accomplished if engine vibration levels .80HP or .80LP?
Engine thrust should be reduced, and possibly shut down if other parameters are abnormal
When will fadec automatically accelerate the engine to high idle speed?
When flaps are set to 39°
What will happen if a thrust reverser deploys inflight?
The fadec will command idle fuel flow, and the throttle will remain in its last commanded position.
If TGT exceeds the max permissible value during an engine start, what action will be taken by the fadec?
On the ground, engine start will terminate automatically.
In the air, the start will continue
Where are the standby engine instruments displayed?
On standby engine instrument page in MCDU 1
How can residual TGT be reduced prior to engine start?
Perform an engine cranking cycle, or allow the engine to crank longer during a normal engine start cycle
What is the min bleed air pressure for engine start?
40 psi
Will an engine start if the power lever is not idle
Yes, an amber L or R THROTTLE CONFIGURATION CAS message will illuminate and the engine will accelerate to the thrust setting of the lever position
If peak EVM values exceed the alert level during engine start, what action must be performed?
Normally no action is required, this condition is usually normal
What are the indications if the Fadec detects an anomaly during start?
The start sequence will be aborted and an amber CAS AUTOSTART ABORT message will be displayed
How is the fadec reset after an auto start abort?
By selecting the START MASTER switch to OFF, or selecting the L/R fuel control to off
When should SVO and IGN indication extinguish after start
At approximately 47% HP
When should TGT split between engines be reported to maintenance?
Greater than 65°C
What are the engine duty cycle limits?
3min on, 15 secs off for 3 start attempts, then wait 15 min for the next attempt
Selecting both crank and start master switches
Throttles not in idle position prior to start
What does it mean if a blue L or R ALT CTRL CAS message is illuminated prior to engine start?
The engines have switched to alternate control mode (LP)
How is the Fadec system switched back to the normal mode if it has switched to ALT control
Select the sensor page on the display controller, then select ENG DATA and deselect L or R ALT CTRL
Can the aircraft be dispatched with the engines in ALT control?
In a tailwind condition, why is it important to verify positive LP RpM prior to selecting fuel control to run?
The Fadec only senses LP rpm, but it cannot tell the difference between positive or negative rotation.
If after starting both engines, the right pack is off and the isolation valve is OPEN, What is the cause.
Start master is still selected on
What are correct indications for an engine vibration monitor test?
An Amber CAS ENGINE EXCEEDANCE , and EVM indications between 1.8-2.2
What is the normal power source for the Fadec and when does it normally turn on?
It has its own dedicated source , PMA (permanent magnetic alternator), and it comes on above 35%HP
What is the LP RPM that is to be avoided on the ground (keep out zone)
60-80% LP
What are some items that can cause the Fadec to automatically turn on the IGN
Normal engine start
Excessive rain
Fadec senses a malfunction
When is an engine start fully protected
When using the start master, on the ground only
On landing, the thrust reverser should be idle/stowed by what speed?
60 knots
What are the methods for starting engines?
Starter assisted
What are the limitations for static ground runs
Keep out zone of 66-80 LP
How long should the engines run at idle prior to takeoff
What is the max altitude for guaranteed start?