Powerplant Flashcards
What is the CRJ-900 Powerplant Model Number
General Electric CF34-8C5
What is the thrust rating without APR/with APR
Without APR 13,360 lbs
With APR 14,510 lbs
What is the Max ambient air temperature for takeoff and landing
ISA + 40°C, limited to a maximum OAT 51°C
What is the Min ambient air temperature for takeoff and landing
What is the Max Altitude for a windmill start
21,000 ft MSL
Max engine to engine N2 split at ground idle power
How much of the thrust is produced by core air
Approximately 20%
How much thrust is produced by by-pass air
Approximately 80%
How many stages of compression do we have
10 stages, The engine is equipped with a 10 stage axial flow compressor.
What accessories are driven off the N2 accessory gear box? (fish oil plus)
Engine driven Fuel pump, IDG, air turbine Starter, engine driven Hydraulic pump, Oil pump, FADEC alternator
What is the engine bleed air used for
Engine start
air conditioning / pressurization
wing and cowl anti-ice
What stages of bleed air are used
Normally 6th stage, 10th stage used when demand exceeds capability of 6th stage.
What allows 10th stage bleed air availability
Air Conditioning System Controller (ACSC) automatically opens the High Pressure Valve (HPV).
How many igniters are installed on each engine
Two, IGN-A and IGN- B
What are the required parameters before fuel is introduced during a ground engine start
N2 20% or greater
ITT <120°C
What occurs when the APR system activates
FADEC commands an N1 speed increase dependent on thrust lever position
What indication will we have of APR activation
Green APR icon on operable engine N1 gauge
If an engine fails during a go-around, will the APR system activate
What is used to deploy and stow the thrust reversers
L reverser uses hydraulic system #1
R reverser uses hydraulic system #2
How are the thrust reversers deployed
Thrust levers must be at idle. The reverse thrust levers are raised by engaging the thrust reverse release triggers. A solenoid lock stops reverse thrust lever movement while the reversers deploy. Once deployed, the lock releases and N1 may be increased by raising the reverse thrust levers.
What is occurring during thrust reverser deployment
The translating cowls move aft, blocking the rearward flow of bypass air.
The fan discharge airflow is redirected forward though the cascase vanes.
What indications will be during thrust reverser deployment
Amber REV icon on the N1 gauges during cowl transition.
Green REV icon on N1 gauges when the reversers are fully deployed.
When do the thrust reversers need to be either stowed or at idle
60 kts
What happens when a thrust reverser inadvertently deploys
FADEC commands thrust to be set to idle on affected engine
What are the indications of an inadvertent thrust reverser deployment?
Amber REV icon on N1 gauge,
REV UNLOCKED caution message
FADEC commands idle thrust on affected engine.
NOTE: Thrust levers will NOT move when FADEC command idle thust
What is the normal air source for engine starts
APU or cross-bleed if doing a single engine taxi
What source is used if the APU is INOP
Ground air cart or bottle attached to the high pressure air ground connection to start one engine.
A cross bleed start is then used to start the other engine after clearing it with ground control.
When will the starter cut-out during an engine start
50% N2 RPM
Max continuous thrust (MCT) for the CF34-8C5
What is the engine bleed air used for?
Engine start
Air conditioning / pressurization
Wing and cowl anti-ice
What is the normal source used for engine starting?
APU bleed air
What is the minimum bleed air pressure required for a cross bleed start?
42 PSI at a mixmum of 80% N2 for the operating engine
Where is the high pressure, ground air supply connection located?
On the fuselage, aft of the cargo bay door.
What are the engine starter cranking limits?
Attempt 1,2 90 seconds ON / 10 seconds OFF
Attempt 3-5 90 seconds ON / 5 minutes OFF
What are the dry motoring limits?
Attempt 1 90 seconds ON / 5 minutes OFF
Attempt 2-5 30 seconds ON / 5 minutes OFF
What would cause the FADEC to automatically abort the start?
Hot start or Hung start
What supplies power to the ignitors
IGN-B Static inverter on the battery bus
When must continuous ignition be used?
Takeoffs and landings on contaminated runways.
Flight though moderate or heavier intensity rain.
Flight though moderate or heavier intensity turbulence.
Flight in the vicinity of thunderstorms.
When is continuous ignition automatically activated?
When approaching a high angle of attack
What conditions would cause takeoff configuration warning?
Parking brake SET Autopilot ON Spoilers Extended (flight or ground spoilers) Stab trim out of green range Flaps not set 8° or 20° Aileron trim out of green range Rudder trim out of green range
What is APR?
Automatic Performance Reserve thrust
When is APR armed for takeoff?
When N1 RPM of both engines is within 8% of scheduled takeoff power.
When is APR armed for landing?
When flaps are greater than 20°, and the landing gear is down.
When will the APR system be activated?
Thrust levers in TOGA, and N1s differ by 15% or greater after APT has been armed.
When the trust levers are set in the MAX POWER detent.
When the HIGH PWR SCHEDULE switch light is selected ON
What occurs when the APR system activated?
FADEC commands a thrust increase dependent on thrust lever position.
What indication is displayed when APR is activated?
Green APR icon on the n1 gauge
If an engine fails during a go-around, will the APT system activate?
Minimum Oil temerature for start
Max contininous oil temerature
Max permissible oil temperature
163°C (15 minutes max)
Max oil consumption
0.05 gallons/hr
Where can the oil quantity be checked?
On the EICAS MENU? page
When should the Oil capacity be checked?
3 minutes to 2 hours after shutdown
When should the engine oil level be replenished?
15 minutes to 2 hours after shutdown
Max oil refill before dry motoring is required
2 quarts
How is the oil cooled?
Fuel/oil heat exchanger
WHat is the total quantity of the engine oil tanks?
7.2 quarts