Oral Prep - gouge Flashcards
Weight and Balance with weigh shift
Be able to do weight and balance with
fuel, weights off release for a specified date (summer/winter)
Round Up to nearest 100# for baggage weight
Remember to take off 250lbs for taxi weight
Required Landing Distance Calculation
Be able to do a landing distance calculation with Both reservers 1 reverser (1 = none) 0 reversers Low visibility (3/4sm / 4000 RVR) Different runway conditions Flaps in different positions
Main Passenger Door limits
4 people
1000 lbs
non-plug type door
How many pitot-static inputs are there to the airplane?
3 Pitot inputs and 3 Static inputs:
Captain’s side: P1/S1 and S2
FO side: P2/S1 and S2
Stand-bys: P3 / S3
(S1 and S2 are interconnected)
Where do the pitot static inputs go to?
P1 and S1: ADC 1
P2 and S2: ADC 2
P3 / S3: Direct to Integrated Standby Instrument (Raw Data) and cabin pressurization system
Which probes are ALWAYS heated on the ground?
L/R Pitot Probe tip (Only heated at 1/2 power)
Stby Pitot Probe
Which probes are heated in flight if the probe switches are off?
All the probes are automatically heated in flight regardless of switch position
Which probes are NEVER heated on the ground?
- L/R pitot probe base
- TAT probe
Which probes are heated on the ground only with the probes switches selected on?
L/R AOA vane
STBY static ports
pitot probes are heated halfway, bases are not
What does TRU stand for
Transformer Rectifier Unit
What does a TRU do
Converts AC Power to DC power 115v AC -> 28v DC (120 amps)
What are the main and APU battery rated at
Main 24v 17Amps
APU 24v 43Amps
Can the Crew escape hatch be opened from the outside
What are you looking for to make sure the crew escape hatch is closed properly
2 green alignment pins
Nose wheel, what are things to look for on the walk around
Looking to make sure 2 pins are removed. Those are the nose wheel pin and the ADG pin.
Chalks do they need to be there or not?
Condition of the nose wheel components
What are the nose wheel steering limits with the rudder and tiller
8 degrees with the rudder and 80 degrees with the tiller
What is the maximum tire speed for the crj 900
195 kts ground speed
What is the nose wheel accumulator used for
Nose wheel steering and it acts like a shimmy damper
VHF antenna locations.
1 Top front, #2 Bottom, #3 Top further aft than the #1
Maximum pressure fuel for CRJ 900
Max Total 19,594 lbs
Wings Max Each 7,492 lbs
Center Max 4,610 lbs
What are the fuel quantities for gravity refueling
Gravity Total Max 14,810 lbs
Wings Gravity Max Each 7,405 lbs
If the center tank has more than 500 lbs of fuel
Each main tank must have more than 4400 lbs
Thrust with APR
14,750 lbs
Thrust without APR
13,560 lbs
What are the slats and flaps positioned at when the flaps are set to 1 degree
Slats 20 Flaps 0
What are the slats and flaps positioned at when the flaps are set to 8 degrees
Slats 20 Flaps 8
What are the slats and flaps positioned at when the flaps are set to 20 degrees
Slats 25 Flaps 20
What are the slats and flaps positioned at when the flaps are set to 30 degrees
Slats 25 Flaps 30
What are the slats and flaps positioned at when the flaps are set to 45 degrees
Slats 25 Flaps 45
What is located in the HYD 3 compartment other than HYD 3
2 Cargo Fire Bottles. One fast discharge and one slow discharge (60 minutes)
What uses information from the T2 probe
Overhead panel: Available light, what’s that mean?
Correct Voltage, Phase, and Frequency. 115 VAC, 3 Phase, 400Hz, 40 Kva
What does 3 Phase mean
Common method of alternating current (AC) generation, transmission, and distribution. 3x alternating currents of same frequency. The delay between frequencies has effect of giving constant power transfer. High demand aircraft system use all three phases for more power than single phase can provide.
AC ESS bus is not being powered by AC bus 1
What powers AC bus 2 normally
Generator 2
What is the IDG
Integrated Drive Generator - Converts variable engine speed (n2) into a constant 12,000 RPM. (115VVAC, 3 Phase, 400Hz, 40Kva)
What causes an IDG fault light
High oil temp and or low oil pressure
Why would the GCU take a generator offline
It’s not producing the correct voltage or frequency. The associated bus may have a fault on it causing an over current. When the GCU takes a generator offline it will inhibit the auto transfer functionality to that bus to protect the other generator.
What happens when you push the Fire Eng switch light
FUEL, HYD, and BLEED SOV’s shut. Disconnects the Generator, and arms the Squibs (FHBGS)
What happens when you push HYD SOV guarded switch
Isolates the engine driven pump from the reservoir system.
Does the CRJ transfer fuel automatically
Yes, it starts when there is a 200 lbs difference, and then evens out the tanks plus 50 lbs
Max fuel imbalance in flight and takeoff
Inflight 800 lbs
Takeoff 300 lbs
What are the different ways to transfer fuel
Automatic, Manual, and Gravity
Starter Limits for Engine Start
1st and 2nd attempt
90 sec ON – 10 sec. OFF
3rd thru 5th attempt
90 sec ON – 5 min. OFF
Starter Limits for APU Start
3 Attempts in 1 hour with 2 minutes between each attempt.
Max altitude for start is 37,000ft
99% plus 2 seconds AVAIL light comes on.
Max EGT 806 and
106% RPM max
What do you do if you have engine damage or a fire inflight?
Fly the airplane
Refer to EPC
Then do the QRH procedure
Flying in icing conditions what would you do
Turn on Wing and Cowl Anti-ice. If there was an issue I’d refer to the icing tab of the QRH
If Hydraulics system #3 fails and you pull the emergency gear handle what hydraulic systems assists with it
Hydraulic system number 2
Are Thrust Reversers Hydraulic
What happens if you get an inadvertent thrust reverser deployment in flight?
FADEC controls and automatically closes thrust reverser and brings the RPM to idle. The FADEC does not stow that reverser for you.
What happens when you press EMG Depress
It depressurizes the airplane down to 14,500ft +/- 500ft or aircraft altitude whichever is lower, Oxygen mask deploy at cabin altitude at or above 14,000ft
When does the pack fault come on
When the PACK overheats or over pressurizes.
The Pack can be turned off automatically or manually
When do Passenger O2 masks deploy
Push Pass Oxy button, or cabin pressure over 14,000ft
Where is Radio Tuning Unit (RTU) #2
Co-pilots side
How many Radio Tuning Unit’s (RTU’s) do you have
3 Captain, First Officer, and backup
What is the primary Radio Tuning Unit (RTU)
Where do you turn on the transponder
Center Pedestal, next to backup Radio Tuning Unit (RTU)
What happens if you lose AC Bus 1 and 2
ADG Deploys. ADG is capable of providing 15Kva of power at 115VAC 400Hz
What does the ADG power
FlASH (Memory aid) Flaps/Slats ADG and AC Essential BUS STAB trim Channel 2 (Ch2) Hydraulic Pump 3B
What is the Stab Trim Range
15 Degrees total from +2 degrees to -13 degrees
Length of CRJ 900
118’ 11” (I remember 11811)
Oxygen blowout pressure
2800 PSi
When do we need a Take Off Alternate
A takeoff alternate is required and must be specified if the weather conditions at the airport of takeoff are below the landing minimums for that airport (FAR 121.617, 121.625)
You cannot use a CAT II approach for minimums
When is a destination alternate required
Under FAR 121 domestic rules, a destination alternate must be specified in the dispatch release for one hour before and one hour after the estimated time of arrival, the appropriate weather reports or forecasts, or any combination thereof, indicate that the ceiling will be less than 2,000 feet above the airport or the visibility is less than three miles. (FAR 121.619, 121.197)
1-2-3 Rule
1 hr before/after
2000 ft or less
3 miles visibility or less
How is the emergency lighting system powered
It has 5 batteries that are 6v rated at 10 minutes of power
What is the normal position for the GEN switches
What do you do when you first arrive at the aircraft
External Safety Inspection and Cockpit safety instpection
Jammed Aileron, what do you do, and what lights come on
If you experience a jammed aileron, you should pull the ROLL Disconnect handle. On the side is able to operate the aileron you should push the ROLL SEL switch light, if not pressed within 20 seconds both the ROLL SEL lights will illuminate.
Fire Warning Test, what is a good test
11 lights, Fire SYS ok message
What are the two ways to close the HYD SOV
press the HYD SOV Switch light and Fire Push switch light
What lights must be on when we cross a runway
All of them
What does the RAM Air switch do and when do we use it
It opens the RAM AIR SOV (Shut Off Valve)
Provides ram air to the right side of mixing manifold
Mixing manifold supplied ram air to cabin and cokcpit
Ram Air Valve is only used for an unpressurized flight
Maximum of 15,000ft
We only use it when directed by the QHR
What supplies air for pneumatics
6th and 10th stage bleed air
When would you use CONT IGN before takeoff
Contaminated runway
When is that Cowl anti-ice required to be ON during ground operations
OAT ≤ 10°C in visible moisture (fog with visibility 1 sm or less, rain, snow, sleet, ice crystals)OAT ≤ 10°C on contaminated ramps, taxiways or runways
When is cowl anti-ice required to be ON during flight
TAT ≤ 10°C in visible moisture (such as clouds, rain, snow, sleet, or ice crystals)(except when SAT is ≤ -40°C),or when ICE is annunciated
When is wing anti-ice required to be ON during ground operations
OAT ≤ 5°C in visible moisture (fog with visibility 1sm or less, rain, snow, sleet, ice crystals),OAT ≤ 5°C on contaminated runways.If Type II, Type III or Type IV deicing fluid has been applied, select wing anti-ice ON just prior to thrust increase for takeoff.
When is wing anti-ice required to be ON during flight operations
TAT ≤ 10° C in visible moisture(such as clouds, rain, snow, sleet, or ice crystals)with airspeed < 230 KIAS except when SAT is ≤ -40° C, or when ICE is annunciated
Are there any lighting limitations during taxi
Yes, the Taxi light should be turned off if there is no movement for more than 10 minutes
When do you turn on windshield heat
Always when under 30c. If above 30c we turn it on just prior to take off
When do you use COND AIR in the AFT cargo bay
Can be used always, but REQUIRED when LIVE Cargo is in the aft cargo bay.
What is the minimum oxygen for dispatch
CFM, Chapter 4 (Cockpit Safety Inspection)
What makes pressure vary
air density and/or temperature
When will you get a low oxy message, and can we take off with a low oxy message
1410 lbs, yes if oxygen meets requirements in CFM Chapter 4
What is the crosswind limit
OLD 22 knots for takeoff and landing (Rev 16)
15 knots on a slippery runway
CFM Rev 18 35 Takeoff 32 Landing 15 for wet runway non-limiting
What are the fuel temperature limits and where do we read those limits from?
Bulk > -40c Right Wing for flight
Bulk > -30c Right Wing for Takeoff
Engine > 5c
What conditions would cause a takeoff configuration warning?
Parking brake ON Autopilot ON Spoilers Extended Stab Trim out of green range Flaps not 8 or 20 Aileron Trim out of green range Rudder Trim out of green range