Poultry production COPY Flashcards
Term used to designate those species of birds which render man an economic service and reproduce freely under his care
newly hatched chicken
juvenile male
juvenile female
adult male
adult female
Hen characteristics
-comb and wattles (smaller and paler)
-hackle (rounded, short feathers)
-tail (wide, rounded feathers without arch
-legs (often no spurs, thinner legs)
Male characteristics
-comb and wattles (large and bright)
-hackle (pointed, long narrow feathers)
-sickle (long, curved tail feather with pointed ends
-saddle (pointed, narrow, long feathers)
-legs (spurs and thicker legs)
-male or female
-whole, cut up, further processed
-weight: 1.8-3kg
-Age 32-49 days
-Male or female
-weight 3-4 kg
-Age: 49-63 days
Laying or breeder stock
-male or female
-whole, cut up, deboned
-variable weights
Age: 52+ days
Broiler vs. egg layer
Egg layer= eggs
newly hatched turkey
young tom
juvenile male turkey
young hen
juvenile female turkey
adult male turkey
Turkey hen
adult female turkey
Turkey broiler
-male or female
-Age 10-12 wks of age
-weight 5-7kg
Roaster turkey
-male or female
-whole, cut up, further processed
-wight 8-20kg
-Age 14-22 wks of age
-have ability to feed independently after hatch
-have down
-ability to leave nest shortly after hatching
**Commercial poultry
Why study poultry?
-major contribution to agricultural production
-unique avian biology
-technologically advanced production system
-bird population is very large
Chicken domestication
-Selected from 1 jungle fowl spp (Gallus gallus spadiceus)
**linked with domestication of rice and mullet
-fully domesticated ~4500 yrs ago in Southeast Asia
Chicken meat production in Canada
-High production in ontario, quebec, and then BC, AB
Chicken meat production in canada throughout the years
Increased throughout the yrs (slight drop during COVID)
Meat consumption in Canada compared to other meats
-Other meat products decreasing
-Chicken products continue to rise
**may be linked with cost, environment, health, culture,
Turkey consumption
-Seasonal; very steady turkey consumption
Total Egg production in Canada
-Egg production has increased throughout the years
-Was a decrease in 90s due to cholesterol fear
Reasons for improved poultry productivity
-genetic selection
- knowledge/research (nutrition and management)
-technological advancements/equipment
Egg production per hen per year
~320 eggs a year
based on selection for better egg layers= fewer birds creating more eggs
As hatched data
-as hatched data (includes male and female data so not selected for)
Meat production- birds reaching 1.5kg
-1925= 120 days
-2014=20 days
Broiler progression over time
-Hatched at much heavier weight (from 35g to 44g)
**happens because better selection, equipment, and management
Selected and control broiler differences
Selection of many years
-increase in carcass yield and breast meat
USA poultry industry structure
-Vertical integration- when one company owns many stages of production flow. There is no restriction on how many they can produce.
Ex. Tyson foods
Primary breeding company
-Never owned by a vertical integration company
BUT the birds after that stage are given/owned by vertical integration company
Stages of vertical integration
1.primary breeding company
2. multiplier breeding flock (own or contract)
3.broiler flocks (own or contract)
4.primary processing (de feather and eviscerate)
5. Further processing (cut up to cooked)
6. Retail marketing (brand name)
Pros to vertical integration
-company owning all the stages benefits first. Whatever they do will immediately affect them
-location of all the systems kept close
Cons to vertical integration
-monopoly (poor pay for farmers)
-animal welfare issues
Canadian poultry system
-Supply management
Supply management
-boards run by producers (produce what we use)
-regulates production levels (production syncs with demand)
-stabilizes income and product prices
-allows smaller farms to exist (usually need quota)
-allows producers to own their own farms
-requires import control (tariffs)
Raised by Canadian Farmer program
-ensures that farmer is meeting specific standards and welfare regulations
Income of poultry farmers
-relatively steady within Canada. Although it looks small, it is standardized and farmers can produce through quota the amount they need to
Primary breeding industry
-very small number of primary breeding farms
Primary breeding farms functions
-genetic selection (all commercial poultry is a result of cross breeding)
-distribution of stock to multiplier hatcheries
-maintenance of stocks
-technical assistance
Cross breeding
1.Pure lines selected from primary breeder company (A,B, C, D)
2. Grandparent level= Breeding A males with B females; and C males to D females
3. Parent stock/multiplier breeders= AB males bred with CD females
4. Commercial production unit= ABCD birds
Reason for crossbreeding
1.combine stocks with different traits
2. Heterosis or hybrid vigour
3. Multiplication of stocks
4. Patent
Egg production steps
1.Grandparent flock= Primary breeding companies
2.Parent chicks
3. Parent flock= Multiplier breeding flocks
4. hatching eggs
5. Multiplier hatchery
6. Commercial production unit= Day old pullets
7. Pullet producers brood and reared (0-19wks), then begin laying eggs (19-71 wks of age)
8. Shell eggs; go to egg processing company
Chicken Meat Production
- Grandparent flock= Primary breeding companies
- Parent chickens become multiplier breeding flocks (brood and rear 0-24wks). Breeding (24-64wks)
- Hatch eggs
4.Multiplier Hatchery - Commercial production unit= day old broilers
- Broiler producers (brood and rear 0 to 5-7 wks)
- Eviscerated carcass
- Further processing (fresh and cooked products)
Turkey Meat production
1.Grandparent stock= Primary breeding companies (aviagen, hybrid)
2. Hatching eggs
3. Parent Flock= Multiplier breeding flocks (brooding and rearing 0-30wks; breeding 30-54 wks)
4.Hatching eggs
5.Day old poults
6. Turkey producers (boilers=0-12wks; heavy turkeys 0-16wks)
7. Primary processing
8.Eviscerated carcass and further processing
What industries are associated/needed?
-Feed production
-Supply industry (equipment, health)