Posterior mediastinum Flashcards
Lecture 1 from 25 minutes
the Oesophagus:
Descends into post. mediastinum from the ______
Passes _____ and to the _____ of the aortic arch as well as _________
constitutes the ________ relationship of the base of the heart
It then deviates _____ and then passes through the _________ in the diaphragm at the level of ______
May have 3 impressions/ constrictions in its thoracic part.
It is compressed by three structures:
sup. mediastinum
posterior to the pericardium
primary posterior
to the left
oesophageal hiatus
- the arch of the aorta
- the left main bronchus
- The diaphragm
Thoracic duct:
It is the _________
Found in the post. mediastinum and lies on the _________
Originates in the ______ from the _________
ascends in the _______ through the diaphragm
Usually thin _____ and dull ______
Often it is beaded due to the presence of ______
Receives branches from the _______
Near its _______, the thoracic duct often receives the ________ lymph nodes
Empties into the venous system near the union of the _________
largest lymphatic channel
anterior aspects of the bodies of the inferior 7 thoracic vertebrae (T5-T12)
cisterna chyli
aortic hiatus
many valves
- thoracic aorta (on its left)
- azygos vein (on its right)
- Oesophagus (anteriorly)
- Vertebral bodies (posteriorly)
middle and superior intercostal spaces of both sides.
jugular, subclavian and bronchomediastinal
left jugular and subclavian vein (left venous angle)
The thoracic sympathetic chain:
The sympathetic trunk and associated ganglia form a major portion of the autonomic nervous system
It is continuous with the cervical and lumbar sympathetic trunks
The thoracic trunk lies against the heads of the ribs in the superior part of the thorax, the costo-vertebral joints in the mid-thoracic level and the sides of the vertebral body in the inferior portion of the thorax
the lower thoracic splanchnic nerves (greater, lesser and the least splanchnic nerves) are part of the abdominopelvic splanchnic nerves - they supply viscera inferior to the diaphragm
Left vagus nerve
L&R enter thorax posterior to ________
Enters between _________
Crosses arch _____ posterior than L phrenic n.
Gives off _________
Passes posterior to _____ lung to form _______
Passes to oesophagus to form ________
Passes post. to the root of the lung left lung where it breaks up into many branches that contributes to the left pulmonary plexus
The left vagus nerve leaves this plexus as a single trunk and passes to the oesophagus where it joins fibres from the right vagus in the oesophageal nerve plexus
SC joint & brachiocephalic v.
L common carotid a. & L subclavian a.
L recurrent laryngeal n.
L root of
pulmonary plexus
oesophageal plexus
Right vagus nerve
Enter thorax _________
Gives off ________
Runs _________ of trachea
Posterior to _______, divides into many branches to form __________
right vagus nerve leaves pulmonary plexus as a _____ and passes to oesophagus where it ___________
also gives rise to nerves that contribute to the __________
anterior to subclavian a.
R recurrent laryngeal n.
postero-inferior to R
SVC & root of R lung
right pulmonary plexus
single nerve
again breaks up to form oesophageal plexus
cardiac plexus
L&R recurrent laryngeal nn. are given off
superior mediastinum
Right recurrent laryngeal n.
hooks around
subclavian a. and passes to larynx between trachea and oesophagus
Left recurrent laryngeal n.
passes inferior to arch of aorta, lateral to ligamentum arteriosum, and passes to larynx between trachea and oesophagus
Phrenic nn.
Left and right enters the mediastinum between:
subclavian a. and origin of brachiocephalic v.
Right phrenic n.
Descends next to ___________
Passes next to _____ to diaphragm
brachiocephalic v.,
SVC, and pericardium over right atrium
Left phrenic n.
Descends between _______
Crosses arch of aorta _______
Passes ______ to root of L lung
Runs along the _____ superior to _______
Passes to ______
left subclavian and common carotid aa.
anterior to left vagus n.
LA and LV