Posterior Leg Flashcards
What do we call fascia of the thigh?
Fascia lata
What do we call fascia of the leg?
Crural fascia.
Describe crural fascia
Crural fascia is very thick and forms a [superior extensor retinaculum] and an [inferior extensor retinaculum].
What is the purpose of the superior extensor retinaculum and the inferior extensor retinaculum, formed by the crural fascia?
Prevents bowstringing during dorsiflexion
In the leg, what does the crural fascia create?
- Anterior septum
- Transverse septum
- Posterior septum
What is the septum in the leg formed by?
Crural fascia.
Anterior septum in the leg
Separates the anterior and lateral compartment.
Transverse septum in the leg
Separates the posterior superficial from the posterior deep leg.
Posterior septem
Separates the lateral from the posterior
Interosseous membrane
Seperates the anterior compartment and posterior compartment
Superficial posterior leg muscles
- Gastrocnemius m. (medial head and lateral head)
- Soleus m.
- Plantaris m.
Deep posterior leg muscles
- Popliteus M.
- Flexor hallucis longus m.
- Flexor digitorum longus m.
- Tibialis posterior m.
Gastrocnemius m (medial and lateral head)
Innervation: Tibial N
BS: Posterior tibial A
Gastrocnemius M. (medial and lateral head)
- Plantarflex
2. Flex leg at the knee
Soleus M
Innervation: Tibial N
BS: Posterior tibial A
Soleus M
- Plantarflex
Plantaris M
Innervation: Tibial N
BS: Posterior Tibial A
Plantaris M
- Weak plantarflexor
- Leg flexor
Propioceptive organ that tells us the position of our foot because it has a lot of propioreceptors
Popliteus M
Innervation: Tibial N
BS: Posterior tibial A.
Popliteus M.
- When your tibia is stationary, it unlocks your extended leg by laterally rotating it. It will medially rotate a free tibia.
- Weakly flex the leg
Flexor Hallucis Longus M
Innervation: Tibial N
BS: Posterior tibial A.
Flexor hallucis longus M
- Flexes hallux
2. Weakly plantarflex
Flexor Digitorum Longus M
I: Tibial N
BS: Posterior Tibial A
Flexor Digitorum Longus M
- Flexes digits 2-5
2. Plantarflex
Tibialis Posterior M
Innervation: Tibial N
BS: Posterior Tibial A
- Invert
- Plantarflex
What is the fabella?
3-5% of people have a bone called the fabella in the LATERAL head of the gastrocnemius m, which can possible provide leverage for it.
When the knee is replaced, the fabella can be fractured and be painful as fuck.
What are your “tripceps surae”?
Your triceps surae make up your CALF.
[Soleus muscles+gastrocnemius muscles]
What muscles insert to the back of the calcaneus via the achilles tendon?
- Gastrocnemius M.
- Soleus M.
- Plantaris M.
CN: Reputure of the plantaris M.
The plantaris muscle can be ruptured in people who jump alot, like basketball players due to violent ankle movements. The pain will become so bad that the person cannot bear any weight.
What is special about the tendon of plantaris M.
The tendon of plantaris m. is long. It is often used in reconstructive surgery of the hands.
What muscle is thought to be a propioceptive organ?
Plantaris m.
What does the [Popliteus m] look like?
It is deep, thin, flat and triangular.
When you lock your knee, what does your femur do?
medially rotate.
How do we avoid getting genicular arteries confused with muscular branches of the popliteal arteries?
Genicular arteries look like they go into bone.
Tendon path of flexor hallucis longus m
- Across the back of the leg
- UNDER the [flexor digitorum longus tendon]
- Goes to the big toe.
Tendon path of flexor digitorum longus m.
- Tendon will go across the [flexor hallucis longus tendon)
- Divide at the sole of the foot
- go to 4 toes
What is the deepest muscle in the posterior leg?
Tibialis posterior m.
Order of tendons/structures at the ankle
Tom Dick a.n. Harry
- Tibialis Posterior M
- Flexor Digitorum Longus M.
- Posterior tibial A.
- Tibial N.
- Flexor Hallucis Longus M.
What nerve innervates all of the posterior compartments of the leg?
Tibial N.
Path of tibial N
Goes deep into the flexor retinaculum in between the [medial malleolus and calcaneous].
In the foot, the tibial n divides into what?
- Medial plantar nerve
2. Lateral plantar nerve
What artery supplies blood to the posterior compartments of the leg?
Posterior tibial A.
Path of posterior tibial A
Goes deep into the flexor retinaculum with the tibial nerve.
In the foot, the posterior tibial a will divide into what?
- Medial plantar arteries
2. Lateral plantar arteries
What is the largest branch of the posterior tibial a?
Fibular A.
CN: Posterior tibial artery and pulse
In patients who have intermittant claudication (occlusive peripheral arterial disease), the posterior tibial artery can be used to find the pulse.
What is occulusive peripheral arterial dz?
Leg muscles do not receive O2 because the arteries narrow (occulude). When walking, this causes leg cramps and pain. When rested, it does not hurt.
How can we palpate the posterior tibial pulse?
Palpate between the [posterior surface of the medial malleolus] and the [medial border of the calcaneal tendon], deep to the flexor retinaculum.
To do this, it is important to have the pt relax the retinaculum by inverting their foot.