Post-mortem Flashcards
What is the general description of death?
Irreversible failure of the cardiovascular system.
What results in cellular death?
Failure of oxygen delivery to the tissues.
What happens to blood after death?
Becomes stagnant and settles under the effects of gravity.
What is putrefaction?
The process of decay or rotting in a body or other organic matter.
When is the best timing of death?
First 18 hours
Why is there inaccuracies in time of death?
Inherent biological variability.
What factors influence the rate of body cooling?
Body temperature at time of death Clothing Natural insulation Convection currents Environmental temperature Length of plateau phase.
What is the ± of time?
What is rigor mortis?
Stiffening and shortening of muscle fibres leading to rigidity or the musculature and fixation of the joints.
What causes rigor mortis?
Reduction of ATP within the muscles after death.
When does rigor mortis become apparent and when does it become fully established?
5-7 hours
8-12 hours
What is being investigated for its use of estimating time of death?
Measurement of potassium ions in the vitreous humour of the eye.
With putrefaction, what can be seen at 2-3 days after death and 1 week after death?
Greenish discolouration of abdominal
Blister formation and tissue swelling.
What is mummification?
Dry decomposition with desiccation of the body and a lack of bacterial involvement.
Who are prone to mummification?
What is adipocere formation?
Induced by the alteration of fatty tissue within the body into a greasy/waxy or brittle material which can maintain the body structure.
Where does adipocere formation often occur?
In damp or wet environments.
What is skeletonisation?
The condition when all of the soft tissues of the body have completely degraded.
What is post mortem hypostasis?
The pooling of stagnant blood in dependent regions of the body under the influence of gravity.
What would cherry red hypostasis allow you diagnose?
Carbon monoxide poisoning (high saturation)
What are examples of artefacts?
Animal predation
Traumatic injury