Populations, sustainability and ecosystems - 6 Flashcards
What is an ecosystem
All the biotic and abiotic components in a specific area and their interactions
What are biotic factors
Living factors
What are abiotic factors
Non-living factors
Name 4 biotic factors
Name 4 abiotic factors
What are the components of an ecosystem
What is a habitat
A place where an organism or population live
What is a population
A group of organisms of the same species which live in the same place
What is a community
All of the populations of different species who live in the same place
What is a niche
An organisms specific role in the ecosystem
What is biomass
The total weight of living matter in a certain area, transferred up trophic levels through consumption
How can biomass be measured
Can be measured in terms of mass of carbon, or dry mass of tissue
Give the equation for efficiency of biomass transfer
Efficiency = biomass transferred/biomass intake * 100
How can human activities affect biomass transfer
Light, water, temperature maximised
Increased nutrients in soil
Pests and weeds removed
Growth rates boosted
Outline the roles of microorganisms in the nitrogen cycle
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria convert gaseous nitrogen into ammonia
Nitrifying bacteria convert ammonium compounds into nitrates
Nitrobacter then convert nitrites into nitrates
Give two examples of nitrogen-fixing bacteria
Rhizobium in roots
Azotobacter in soil
Give an example of a nitrifying bacteria
Outline the role of organisms in the carbon cycle
Respiration of plants and animals add carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
Photosynthesis of plants removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
Decomposers decay plant and animal material into carbon dioxide
Define primary succession
Where an area previously devoid of life is colonised by a community of organisms