Pons Flashcards
3 CNs that Come out Pontomedullary Junction (medial lateral)
VI, VII, VIII. Motor->sensory
14 Items in Pontomedullary Pons
Corticospinal tract (w/ corticopontine and bulbar fibers) Vestibular and Cochlear N.s (VIII) Superior olive Inferior cerebellar peduncle Vestibular nuclei Trigeminothalamic, spinothalamic tracts and medial lemniscus Ventral and dorsal cochlear nucleus Spinal tract/nucleus of V Central tegmental tract Medial longitudinal fasciculus Trapezoid body
Notable Point About Sensory Fibers in Pons
Medial lemniscus and spinothalamic/trigeminothalamic tracts move close to each other so lesion can knock out all contralateral sensory
Corticopontine Fibers
Synapse in pons and cross into cerebellar peduncle
Corticobulbar Fibers
CN going to pretty much any CN nucleus (motor)
Notable Point About Medial Longitudinal Fasciculus
Stays where it is in middle posterior
Trapezoid Body
2nd order neurons for hearing crossing
3 Nuclei of Caudal Pons
Facial, abducens, and spinal nucleus of V
Notable Point About VI and VII
VI goes straight out from nucleus, but VII goes back and wraps around VI nucleus and then goes out more laterally, so lesion to VI nucleus will also take out VII
14 Items in Middle Pons
Corticospinal/pontine/bulbar tracts Pontocerebellar tract (crossing) Medial lemniscus Spinothalamic tract V Trigeminothalamic tract Motor nucleus of V Mesencephalic nuc of V Main sensory nuc of V Locus ceruleus Medial longitudinal fasciculus Raphe nucleus
Locus ceruleus
Sends NE-ergic neurons throughout brain to kinda oppose Raphe
Sensory Path of V
Come in though V branches
Synapse at trigeminal ganglion
Spinal tract of V
Synapse at spinal nucleus of V (along w/ cutaneous from VII, IX, and X)
Decussate and go up trigeminothalamic tract
Synapse in thalamus (3rd order)
Go to postcentral gyrus in cortex
Motor Nucleus of V
Corticobulbar fibers (upper motor neurons) come down to innervate/synapse and give off ipsilateral motor neurons to innervation of 8 1st branchial arch muscles
Mesencephalic Nucleus
Brings in proprioceptive sensory from jaw, first order cell bodies like DRG but in CNS
4/5 Locations Vestibular Nuclei Project To
Spinal cord via vestibulospinal tracts
Eye motor nuclei via MLF
Cerebellum via inferior cerebellar peduncle
Ventral posterior nucleus of the thalamus (& postcentral gyrus of cortex)
Notable Aspect About Cochlear Nuclei
Don’t get normal 2nd order decussation. Instead get bilateral projections - ipsi and contralateral. Lesions affect hearing on both sides
5 Sensory Tracts Through Pons
Medial lemniscus (gensens) Spinothalamic tracts (pain/temp) Lateral lemniscus (auditory) Spinal tract of V (1st order sensory gen/pain/temp from face) Trigeminothalamic tracts (2nd order sensory gen/pain/temp from face)
Lesion of V
Ipsilateral effects of all 8 muscles, and all sensation from face
Lesion of VI
Ipsilateral eye deviates medially (strabismus) and double vision (diplopia)
Lesion of VII
Ipsilateral facial muscle paralysis (+stapedius/stylohyoid/post belly digastric)
Lose parasymp to glands besides parotid
Bell’s palsy
Acoustic Neuroma
Lesion in internal acoustic meatus, can lose VIII and VII