Neurodevelopment Flashcards
Like first thing to develop, becomes vertebral column
2 Flexures
Cephalic becomes midbrain flexure, cervical disappears
2 Plates of Mantle Layer (gray matter)
Alar plate by roof plate and basal plates by floor plate
3 Pouchings from Neural Tube
Primary brain vesicles:
Forebrain (prosencephalon), Midbrain (mesencephalon), and hindbrain (rhombencephalon)
DRG Development
Derive from migrating neural crest cells, then send tracks to SC and tracks away
Neurodevelopment Basic Options
Neuroepithelial cells pretty much form everything, become neuroblasts or gliablasts. Ependymals cells are the remnant. The exception are microglia which come from mesenchyman/mac cell line
Epithelial To Mesenchymal Transition
Neural crest cells undergo to migrate throughout body. Relevant for cancer
Neurodevelopment Histological Pathway
Ectoderm undergoes neural induction (as opposed to becoming epidermis) to become neuroectoderm -> neural tube (can become floor or roof plate) -> neural pattering -> neurogenesis (can become neurons) -> oligodendrogenesis (can become oligodendrocytes) -> astrogliogenesis (can become you know) -> ependymal cells if didn’t receive any of those factors
Nerve Growth
Induced by NGF to overgrow neurons so like all nerves innervate all myofibers, then undergo pruning to 1:1 ratio, this makes sure everything gets innervated
Somehow organize CNs to innervate specific pharyngeal arches?
Spina Bifida
Neural Tube Defect in which vert column doesn’t quite close off. Dark hair in the region
3 Kinds of Meningocele
Meningocele - Arachnoid/subarachnoid space herniates out
Meningoencephalocele - brain tissue involved
Meningohydroencephalocele - ventricular lumen involved
Predictable Problems from Syrignomyelia
Anterior commisure right by central canal, so it can be affected. Maybe anterior horn/corticospinal problems