Political Terms Flashcards
What does the suffix “-acy” mean?
What is an example of a word that uses “-acy”?
What does the suffix “-archy” mean?
What is an example of a word that uses “-archy”?
What does the suffix “-ism” mean?
Doctrine (principle based on a set of beliefs – religious, political, scientific, etc.)
What is an example of a word that uses “-ism”?
Where does the word Anarchy come from?
It is from the Greek word = no rule
What does Anarchy mean?
- A society without government and/or law.
- Without institutions such as an organized church, school, courts, police, etc.
- It is a belief that all government is bad because it exploits.
What is Aristocracy?
A government ruled by a privileged (often noble class) group of people determined by wealth or birth; usually called nobles and power is inherited.
What is Autocracy?
A system of government in which unlimited power is formally vested in one person
What is an absolute monarch?
A monarch ruling without restriction
What is an example of an Autocracy or Absolute Monarch?
Czar Nicholas II.
What Communism?
A belief that the private ownership of land, factories, banks, etc. should be replaced by the public ownership of all.
Where does the word Democracy come from?
from the Greek word for = rule by the people
What is a Democracy?
A government with supreme power vested in the people and exercised by them or their elected agents/representatives.
What does Universal Suffrage recognize?
The right of all people to participate in elections.
What is a quote about democracy?
Government “of the people, by the people, for the people”—Abraham Lincoln.
What is Direct Democracy?
Where every citizen has the opportunity to participate in the discussion of public issues and the making of all public decisions.
What is representative democracy?
Where citizens have the opportunity to elect who
they wish to represent them and their wishes.
What is a dictatorship?
- An autocratic form of government in which the government is ruled by an individual, the dictator.
- A dictatorship is a form of government that has the power to govern without consent of those being governed.
What is Divine Right of Kings?
A concept in which monarchs were believed to be chosen by God and as such one could not speak out against the authority or right of the King (or Queen) to rule.
Why was the Divine Right of Kings Very successful?
Because defiance would be like speaking out against God – a blasphemous act that would ensure an eternity in purgatory for those who spoke out.
What is a Dynasty?
A long sequence of rulers from the same family,
What is an example of a Dynasty?
Queen Elizabeth II, The House of Windsor.
What is Fascism?
A political system with the goals of the nation more important than individual goals.
It is a right wing system of government in which the executive power (the dictator) has control over the legislative power (the parliament).
What is a Monarchy?
A government in which power is vested in a king or emperor who can pass power on to his heirs
What is another word for Monarchy?
Queen Elizabeth II, England.
Where does the word Monarchy come from?
from the Greek = rule of one alone
What is nationalism?
- A belief or doctrine in which people feel a sense of belonging to something greater than themselves.
- This belonging may be based upon one or several of the following characteristics: political, religious, ethnic, cultural, linguistic, or social.
What is Nationalism (Political)?
- A feeling of devotion to national interests, national unity; independence, sovereignty.
- With respect to self-determination, people of a common heritage (language, religion, culture, history) wish to form their own country.
What is an example of Nationalism?
The love for or pride one takes in one’s own country is known as patriotism.
What is an Oligarchy?
A government in which a few people such as a dominant clan, group or clique have power. Powerful minority controls majority,
What is a Plutocracy?
A government in which the wealthy class rules.
What is an example of Oligarchy?
South Africa Apartheid; Military Junta Myanmar.
What is a Republic?
- A state without a monarchy.
- The people are represented by elected individuals. ——Political sovereignty rests with the citizens of the state,
What is an example of a Republic?
What is a Theocracy?
- A system of government by people who claim a divine right to rule, religious principals form the basis of law and rule.
- Governments are run by priests or religious leaders in the name of their God
What is an example of a theocracy?
Vatican, the Pope
What is Totalitarianism?
Centralized government with absolute control by one political party,
What is an example of Totalitarianism?
Communist, Fascist.