Chapter 2: Study Guide Flashcards
What do many researchers date the rise of globalization to begin?
They year Christopher made his first trip to America
Who was Christopher Columbus?
An explorer who sailed to the Caribean and the Americas and colonized the land
When is the beginning of the period known as historical globalization?
1492, the year Christopher Columbus made his first Voyage to the Carribean
What caused many European countries to start establishing colonies overseas?
Christopher Columbus
What was European imperialism motivated by?
Who started the Grand exchange?
Christopher Columbus
What was the Grand Exchange?
When Columbus brought goods from Europe and cultivated them in America
Who is Romeo Dallaire?
A Canadian Lieutenant general stationed in Rwanda under the United Nation
What did Romeo Dallaire warn the UN about?
He warned them about rising tensions before the genocide
Why did the UN step out of the Rwandan peacekeeping missions?
Because their job was to keep the peace not bring peace. They were told not to interfere between the citizens and instead to evacuate foreign nationals
Who was Bartolome de Las Casas?
A Spanish priest and historian who witnessed Spanish colonies
What were Bartolome de Las Casas thoughts in regards to Spanish colonies?
He was troubled by the destruction of indigenous colonies and the cruel treatment of indigenous peoples
What did Bartolome de Las Casas dedicate his life to?
Securing justice and land for indigenous peoples.
He also attempted to get the government to change their policies so that indigenous peoples could live in harmony with Spaniards
What was the main thing that Gandhi did?
He successfully led India to independence from the British
What did Gandhi use to gain independence from Britain?
Peaceful non-co-operation
What was Gandhi’s life like?
He was born in India and educated to be a lawyer in London and then lived in South Africa for 20 years where he worked for the rights of indentured Indian laborers
What did Gandhi believe every Indian should be and how did he use wool to represent this?
Self-sufficient, He said that Indians should hand spin their own cotton so that they will not have to rely on Indian cotton
When India and Pakistan were separating what did Gandhi’s political party campaign for?
One central Indian Central party
Why was Gandhi assassinated?
Because a Hindu extremist believed that Gandhi weakened India due to the separation of countries
What did Johannes Gutenberg invent?
The movable printing press
Why was the printing press such an innovative invention?
Because it allowed printing of literature very easily. More books encourage more people to learn to read which helped spread ideologies and ideas
After independence from Britain, what did India’s parliament look like?
It is a democracy modelled after Britains
What industry was helping India’s economy grow?
Technology and manufacturing
Why was Pakistan created?
To make one country for Muslims (Pakistan) and one country for Hindus (India)
Why did India and Pakistan go to war?
Because they both wanted to claim a territory called Kashmir
What did citizens of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh do when the borders were drawn?
They had no choice but to move to where their population dominated
Who is Nelson Mandela?
A South African who took up the struggle to end the apartheid
How did Nelson Mandela end up in prison?
He was arrested, tried for sabotage and treason, and sentenced to life in prison
What did Mandela do while he was in prison?
He defended prisoners’ rights and fought against abuse and injustice
Who helped to release Mandela from prison?
President F.W. de Klerk who committed himself to reform
In South Africa’s very first election where everybody could vote, who was elected president?
Nelson Mandela
Why did Nelson Mandela establish the Truth and Reconciliation commitee?
To help South Africans confront their country’s violent past, to bring together the victims and those accused of crimes
Why did the Quebecois incite the Quiet Revolution?
Because of the influx of British immigrants, they feared to become assimilated
What way do Francophones try to affirm their identity?
By looking to Catholicism
Why did the Quebecois join Quiet Revolution?
To affirm their identity
What was social class determined by before the rise of the middle class?
Birth and amount of land owned
How did the rise of middle class begin?
The rise of towns attracted individuals who were independent and knowledgeable about a certain skill
How did wealth become a measure of social class?
As towns arose with people with skills who worked independently they found a new way to gain wealth
What did the middle-class value?
Education and welcomed innovations such as exploration, scientific discoveries, and new technologies.
What was the Rwandan Genocide?
The mass killing of Tutsis because of their act of killinng the president by shooting down his plane with a missile
How did Tutsis try to survive the genocide?
They fled to churches and UN buildings
Why did the UN withdraw from Rwanda?
Because they were only there to keep the peace not to create peace. It was too dangerous for them
Why did European countries meet and divide up Africa?
To avoid conflicts with other imperial powers, protect existing trade routes, and gain control of the continent’s natural resources,
Who was the 7 years of war originally between?
The French and British but it then spread to their colonies
Why was the 7 years of war the first truly global war?
Because it spread to the many different countries
Why did the 7 years of war happen?
Because Britain and France were competing for land and Trade
What was the Soweto uprising?
Black students demanded better education by marching
How did South African police respond to the Soweto uprising?
They opened fire on all the black students killing many of them
What marked the beginning of the end of the South African Apartheid?
The Soweto Uprising
What did Suu Kyi work towards in Myanmar?
Democracy and human rights
What sparked a rise in capitalism?
A book called the wealth of nations that occurred after the rise against mercantilism called the american revolution
What was chattel slavery?
Slaves and their descendants were the private property of their owner.
Who did industrialists use in factories that were placed in the home country?
Why did industrialists use children?
- They preferred to hire labourers who would work long hours for low wages — and who could be dismissed during slowdowns
- Also, their small bodies could fit into tight spaces.
What took the greatest toll on indigenous peoples?
European diseases
What helped to lay the foundations of historical globalization?
The desire to profit through trade
What is imperialism?
One countries domination over another
What was an indentured laborer?
People could sign contracts to be transported into s colony and would agree to work there for a period of 4-7 years where they would work for little or no pay
What sparked the industrial revolution?
The consumer demand for more and more goods
What is mercantilism?
When European governments strictly controlled trade by forcing raw materials to be shipped back to the home country before
What were plantations?
Placed where slaves were sent to work for no pay
What was the silk road?
A road that connected Asia to Europe that exchanged trade goods and ideas. Named after the silk worms
Berlin Conference/Scramble for Africa?
When all the European countries met to discuss boundaries and ownership of African land to prevent fights over land and resources
What was the deindustrialization in India?
When the queen of Britain prevented Europeans from buying European goods so many Indians could not support themselves
The loss of population due to famine, slavery, or indentured labor
What is gross domestic product?
The value of all the goods and services produced annually within a country’s borders.
What is Kashmir?
A place formed when India and Pakistan separated and they both went to war on who should have ownership
What is a monopoly?
When one person is in control of a certain product
What was the destruction of the Beothuk?
The Beothuk were a first nations group who tried to drive Europeans away by destroying their weapons. They were then killed by Europeans and fled inward where they died of disease
What did The Hudson’s Bay company sell?
The First Nations would bring them fur in exchange for other goods. They sold to Europe to feed the fur hat craze
What was the Indian Act?
A tool the government used to encourage assimilation. It defined who is and is not a First Nation and banned traditional activities such as the Potlach ceremony
What were the land claims by first nations?
They were about unfufilled land claims and