Poisoning and Substance Abuse (Chapter 11) Flashcards
Poisoning can be classified according to the way the poison enters the body
- Ingestion
- Inhalation
- Injection
- Absorption
Carbon monoxide
common gas poisoning
- Improperly vented heating appliance
- Smoke (burning buildings)
- MV’s running with blocked exhaust
Treatment for anaphylactic shock
- maintain the patient’s CAB’s
- Administer oxygen if available
Most commonly abused drug in the US
Stimulate the central nervous system
- Drugs that depress the nervous system
- Includes tranquilizers, opiates, and marijuana
- Chemicals that cause people to see things that are not there
- PCP, LSD, peyote, mescaline, mushrooms
- A stimulant that speeds up the body’s system
- Comes as a pill or powder
- Street names: meth, speed, ice
High addictive
Abused Inhalants
- Intentional inhalation of volatile chemicals
- May cause drowsiness, unresponsiveness, seizures or sudden cardiac death
A medication that reverses the severe effects of allergic reactions
A life-threatening allergic reaction that affects the whole body. It results from an allergen that the person has already been exposed to
- Most common causes are :
- Drugs
- Food
- Insect bites and stings
Race or itching
Swelling to face, lips, tongue
Causes Vessel to
Yellow Label
Adult size —> greater than 66 pounds
Green Label
Small child size —> 33 - 66 pounds
- Do not give a child an adult dose unless you’re advised by a doctor
Insert the Epinephrine
outside of the upper thigh —> hold for 5 seconds
Fentanyl (fully synthetic)
- 80 - 100 times more potent than heroin
How Opioids Work and Risk Factors:
- Slow Breathing
- Breathing Stops
- Lack of oxygen may cause brain damage
- Heart stops
- Death
Narcan knocks the opioid off the brain receptor
- < 8 time per minute is an overdose
- No more than 10 seconds to check for pulse
Wait 3-5 minutes if there are no signs of breathing or responsiveness