plasma membranes Flashcards
What is the plasma
All the membranes of cells, which have the same basic structure described by the fluid-mosaic model The cell-surface membrane which separates the cell from its external environment
What is the phospholipid
Arrangement of phospholipids found in cell membranes; the hydrophilic phosphate heads form both the inner and outer surface of a membrane, sandwiching the fatty acid tails to form a hydrophobic core
Why are phospholipid
bilayers suited as
• Cells normally exist in aqueous environments • The inside of cells and organelles are also usually aqueous environments • Phospholipid bilayers are suited because the outer surfaces of the hydrophilic phosphate heads can interact with water
What is the fluid-mosaic
Model of the structure of a cell membrane in which phospholipids within the phospholipid bilayer are free to move and proteins of various shapes and sizes are embedded in various positions • A model proposed by American scientists Singer and Nicolson in 1972 • Explains how cell membranes are dynamic and interact with the cells environment
Describe cell membrane
a. Glycoprotein - branching carbohydrate portion of a protein which acts as a recognition site for chemicals e.g. hormones b. Glycolipid - acts as a recognition site e.g. for cholera toxins c. Cholesterol - for stability/flexibility d. Hydrophilic heads of phospholipid molecules - point outwards e. Protein molecule lying on the surface (extrinsic protein) f. Pore g. Protein molecule spanning the phospholipid layer (intrinsic protein) h. Hydrophobic tails of phospholipid molecules - point inwards i. Protein molecule partly embedded (extrinsic protein
What a membrane proteins?
Protein components of cell-surface
What are intrinsic proteins?
Also known as integral proteins • Transmembrane proteins that are embedded through both layers of a membrane • Have amino acids with hydrophobic R-groups on their external surfaces which interact with the hydrophobic core of the membrane, keeping them in place • Channel and carrier proteins (both involved in transport across the membrane
What are channel proteins?
Membrane proteins that provide a hydrophilic channel through a membrane, which allows passive movement of polar molecules and ions down a concentration gradient through membranes • Held in position by interactions between the hydrophobic core of the membrane, and the hydrophobic R-groups on the outside of the proteins
What are carrier proteins?
Membrane proteins that have in important role in both passive transport and active transport into cells • This often involves the shape the protein changing
What are glycoproteins?
Extrinsic membrane proteins with attach carbohydrate molecules of varying lengths and shapes that are embedded in the cell-surface membrane • Play a role in cell adhesion and as receptors for chemical signals
What is cell signalling?
A complex system of intercellular communication • When the chemical binds to the receptor, it elicits a response from the cell • This may cause a direct response or set off a cascade of events inside the cell
Give examples of cell
Receptors for neurotransmitters e.g. acetylcholine at nerve cell synapses. Binding of the neurotransmitters triggers or prevents an impulse in the next neurone • Receptors for peptide hormones inc. insulin and glucagon, which affect the uptake and storage of glucose by cells • ß-blockers are used to reduce the response of the heart to stress
What are glycolipids?
Cell-surface membrane lipids with attached carbohydrate molecules of varying lengths and shapes • Called cell markers or antigens, and can be recognised by the cells of the immune system as self (of the organism) or non-self (of cells belonging to another organism)
What are extrinsic proteins?
Also called peripheral proteins • Present in one side of the bilayer • Normally have hydrophilic Rgroups on their outer surface and interact with the polar heads of the phospholipids or with intrinsic proteins • Can be present in either layer, and some move between layers
What is cholesterol?
A lipid with a hydrophilic end and a
hydrophobic end, like a
What is the role of
cholesterol molecules in a
• Regulates the fluidity of membranes • Positioned between phospholipids in a membrane bilayer, with the hydrophilic end interacting with the heads, and the hydrophobic end interacting with the tails, pulling them together • Adds stability to membranes without making them too rigid • Prevent the membranes becoming too solid by stopping the phospholipid molecules rom grouping too closely and crystallising (at low temps)
What is the role of
membranes within cells?
Cristae in mitochondria give a large SA for the some of the reactions of aerobic respiration and localise some of the enzymes needed for respiration to occur • Thylakoid membranes in chloroplasts have chlorophyll, and one these membranes some of the reaction of photosynthesis occur • Digestive enzymes on the plasma membranes of epithelial cells that line the small intestine, and these enzymes catalyse some of the final stages in the breakdown of certain types of sugars
What factors affect
membrane structure?
- Temperature
* Presence of solvents
What happens to a
membrane when
temperature drops?
Saturated fatty acids become compressed • Many unsaturated fatty acids in phospholipid bilayer, and as they become compressed, kinks in their tails push adjacent phospholipids molecules away, maintaining membrane fluidity • Proportions of different types of fatty acids determine the membrane’s fluidity at low temps • Cholesterol prevents reduction in the membrane’s fluidity
What happens to a
membrane when
temperature increases?
Phospholipids get more KE, move around more, in a random way, increasing the membrane’s fluidity • Permeability increases • Affects the way membraneembedded proteins are positioned and may function • If some of the proteins that act as enzyme drift sideways, it could alter the ROR they catalyse • Increase in membrane fluidity may affect the infolding of the plasma membrane during phagocytosis • Cholesterol molecules buffer to some extent the effects of increasing heat, as they reduce the increase in membrane fluidity
What happens to proteins
when temperature
Atoms within their large molecule vibrate, reading the hydrogen and ionic bonds that hold their structure together • They unfold • Tertiary structure changes and cannot change back again when they cool - they are denatured • If both the membrane-embedded proteins and the cytoskeleton threads become denatured, the plasma membrane will begin to fall apart, and it will be more permeable there will be holes in it
What type of solvents affect
Organic solvents (e.g. alcohols)and non-polar solvents (e.g. benzene
What effect do organic
solvents have on
• They will dissolve membranes, disrupting cells • Pure or very strong alcohol solutions are toxic as they destroy cells in the body • Less concentrated solutions e.g. alcoholic drinks, will not dissolve membranes, but still cause damage • Non-polar alcohol molecules enter the cell membrane, and the presence of these molecules between the phospholipids disrupts the membrane • Disrupted membrane = more fluid and more permeable
Give an example of a cell
that needs an intact cell
membrane for a specific
• Nerve cells • Need intact cell membranes for the transmission of nerve impulses • When neuronal membranes are disrupted, nerve impulses are no longer transmitted as normal • Also happens in neurones in the brain, explaining by behaviour changes after the consumption of alcoholic drinks