neuronal communication Flashcards
Why is coordination needed?
Organisms need to coordinate the
function of different cells and
systems to operate effectively
What is homeostasis?
The maintenance of a stable equilibrium in the conditions inside the body e.g. digestive organs such as exocrine pancreas, duodenum, and ileum along with the endocrine pancreas and the liver work together to maintain a constant blood glucose concentration
Through the process of cell
signalling, nervous and
hormonal systems can…
• Transfer signals locally, e.g. between neurones and synapses. Here the signal is used for a neurotransmitter • Transfer signals across large distances, using hormones, e.g. the cells of the pituitary glad secrete ADH, which acts on cells in the kidneys to maintain water balance in the body
Describe coordination in plants
Unlike animals, plants do not have a nervous system However, they still respond to internal and external changes in their environment in order to survive
What is a neurone?
A specialised cell which transmits
impulses in the form of action
Describe the structure of a
• Cell body - contains the nucleus surrounded by the cytoplasm. The cytoplasm contains large amounts and endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria which are involved in the production of neurotransmitters • Dendrons - short extensions which come from the cell body. Divide into smaller branches called dendrites. Transmit electrical impulses towards the cell body • Axons - singular, elongated nerve fibres that transmit impulses away from the cell body. Cylindrical in shape consisting of a narrow region of cytoplasm surrounded by a cell membrane
Describe the 3 different types
of neurone
• Sensory neurones - transmit impulses from a sensory receptor cell to a relay neurone, motor neurone or the brain. One dendron and one axon • Relay neurones - transmit impulses between e.g. sensory and motor neurones. Many short axons and dendrons • Motor neurones - these neurone transmit impulses from a relay or sensory neurone to an effector. One long axon and many short dendrites
What are myelinated
A neurone where the axon is covered in a myelin sheath (made up of many layers of plasma membrane) • Schwann cells produce these layers of membrane by growing around the axon many times • Myelinated neurones transmit impulses much faster than nonmyelinated neurones
What are sensory receptors?
Cells/sensory nerve endings that respond to a stimulus in the internal or external environment of an organism and can create action potentials. • Most are energy transducers that convert one form of entry to another
What are Pacinian corpuscles?
A pressure sensor found in the skin • Oval-shaped structure that consists of a series of concentric rings of connective tissue wrapped around the end of a nerve cell • When pressure on the skin changes, this deforms the rings of connective tissue, which push against the nerve ending • The corpuscle is sensitive only to changes in pressure that deform the rings connective tissue • Therefore when pressure is constant, they stop responding
How is mechanical pressure
converted into an impulse?
1. Normal state (resting state) the stretch-mediated sodium channels are too narrow to allow sodium ions through 2. Pressure applied the Pacinian corpuscle changes shape (membrane around neurone stretches) 3. This causes the stretchmediated channels to widen and sodium ions diffuse in 4. This influx of positive ions causes a change in the potential difference across the membrane and it depolarise, resulting in a generator potential 5. The generator potential creates an action potential (an impulse) which is passed along the sensory neurone into the CNS
What is resting potential?
The potential difference across the membrane while the neurone is at rest • The outside is more positively charged than the inside of the axon (-70mV) • The membrane is said to be polarised as there is a potential difference
How are resting potentials
• Na+ ions actively transported out of the axon, and K+ actively transported into the axon • 3 Na+ ions pumped out for every 2K+ pumped in • Gated Na+ ions channels are kept closed, but some of the K+ channels are open, so membrane is more permeable to K+ • K+ diffuses out of cell • Cell cytoplasm also contains large organic anions • Therefore inside of the cell has negative potential compared to outside • The cell membrane is said to be polarised • The potential difference is about -70mV
What is action potential?
A brief reversal of the potential
across the membrane of a neurone
causing a peak of +40mV compared
to the resting potential of -60mV
What happens when a stimulus
is detected by a sensory
• The energy of the stimulus temporarily reverses the charges on the axon membrane • As a result, the potential difference across the membrane rapidly changes and becomes positively charged at approximately +40mV • This is known as depolarisation - a change in potential difference from negative to positive • The neurone returns to its resting potential
When does an action potential
• When protein channels in the axon membrane change shape as a result of the change voltage across its membrane • The change in protein shape results in the channel opening or closing • These channels are known as voltage-gated ion channels
What are the stages of an
action potential?
1. The membrane starts in its resting state - polarised with the inside of the cell being -70mV compared to the outside. There is a higher concentration of Na+ ions outside than inside, and a higher concentration of K+inside than outside 2. Na+ ions channels open and some Na+ ions diffuse into the cell 3. The membrane depolarises - it becomes less negative with respect to the outside and reaches the threshold value of -50mV 4. Positive feedback causes nearby voltage-gated Na+ ions channels open, and many Na+ ions flood in. As more Na+ ions enter, the cell becomes positively charged inside compared with outside 5. The p.d. across the plasma membrane reaches +40mV. The inside of the cell is positive compared with the outside 6. The Na+ ions channels close and potassium channels open 7. K+ ions diffuse out of the cell, the p.d. inside the cell goes back to negative compared with the outside - this is called repolarisation 8. The p.d. overshoots slightly, making the cell hyperpolarised 9. The original p.d. is restored so that the cell returns to its resting state
What are the stages in the
propagation of action
1. When an action potential occurs, the Na+ ions channels open at that point in the neurone 2. Localised increase in concentration of Na+ ions inside the neurone - action potential 3. Na+ ions diffuse sideways along the neurone, away from the increased region of concentration. The movement of charged particles is a current called a local current 4. The local current causes a slight depolarisation further along the neurone which affects voltagegated Na+ ion channels 5. Na+ ion gate, which was initially closed will now open because of the movement of sodium ions, allowing the action potential to move along the neurone as more Na+ ions enter and set up another action potential 6. The region of the membrane which has been depolarised as the action potential passed along now undergoes repolarisation and to return to its resting potential
What is the refractory period?
A short period of time when the axon cannot be excited again • Voltage-gated Na+ remain closed, preventing the movement of Na+ ions into the axon • No
Why is the refractory period
• It prevents the propagation of an action potential backwards along the axon • Makes sure action potentials are unidirectional • Ensure that action potential do not overlap and occur as discrete impulses
What does saltatory
conduction mean?
• Na+ and K+ cannot diffuse through the fatty layer of the myelin sheath • The ionic movements that create an action potential can only occur at the nodes of Ranvier • The local currents are elongated and Na+ ions diffuse along the neurone from one node of Ranvier to the next • This means that the action potential appears to jump from one node to the next • This is called saltatory conduction • Therefore a myelinated neurone can conduct action potentials more quickly than non-myelinated neurones
Give two other factors that
affect the speed at which
action potential travels
Axon diameter • The bigger the diameter, the faster the impulse is transmitted • Because there is less resistance to the flow of ions in the cytoplasm, compared with those in smaller axon Temperature • The higher the temperature, the faster the nerve impulse • Because ions diffuse faster at higher temperatures
What is the all-or-nothing
Nerve impulses are all-or-nothing responses • If a stimulus reaches the threshold value it will always trigger a response and an action potential • No matter how large the stimulus, the same sized action potential will always be triggered • The larger the stimulus, the more frequently the action potentials will be generated
What is a neurotransmitter?
A chemical involved in communication across a synapse between adjacent neurones, or a neurone and a muscle cell • Used as a signalling molecule between two neurones in a synapse