plants that kill and heal Flashcards
scientific name of calabar bean
physostigma venenosum
part used of calabar bean
bioactive compound of calabar bean
physostigmine (indole alkaloid)
what is the mode of action of physostigmine
inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase => causes prolonged and exaggerated effects of Ach
which nerves are stimulated by physostigmine?
all of the parasympathetic nerves: contraction of the pupils, bronchi, intestinal smooth muscle
physostigmine is a …..
physostigmine is a … agent
cholinergic (mimics acetylcholine of inhibits acetylcholinesterase)
physostigmine is a … drug
how does physostigmine act as a miotic drug?
in constricts/contracts the sphincter muscle of the iris => PARAsympathetic system
the ability of physostigmine to contract the pupil led to its use to treat ….
scientific name of deadly nightshade
atropa belladonna
part used of deadly nightshade
foliage and berries
bioactive compound of deadly nightshade
atropine (trepan alkaloid)
atropine is a …….
atropine is an …… agent
anticholinergic agent
atropine is a …. drug
how does atropine act as a mydriatic drug?
it constricts the radial muscles of the iris OR relaxes the sphincter muscles => dilated pupils SYMPATHETIC simulation
atropine is a ……. blocking agent
muscarinic cholinergic blocking agent -> inhibits the effects of acetylcholine on muscarinic receptors
which nerves does atropine inhibit?
all parasympathetic nerves: dilate spupils, bronchi, intestinal smooth muscle
scientific name of castor bean
ricinus communis
part used of castor bean
bioactive compound of castor bean
mechanism of action of ricin
inhibits protein synthesis by specifically and irreversibly inactivating RIBOSOMES
what kind of protein is ricin?
a ribosome inhibiting protein (RIP)
what are the 2 types of Ribosome Inhibiting Proteins?
- type 1: wheat and barley (not poisonous)
- type 2: castor bean (most potent cytotoxic agents in nature)
to which type of RIP does ricin fall in?
heterodimeric type 2
mode of action of type 2 RIPs
- beta chain binds to terminal galactose on cell surface receptors => whole toxin is endocytosed
- toxin reaches Golgi complex and exploits RETROGRADE transport to translocate to ER
humectant + example
it retains moisture by preventing water loss through the outer layer of the skin ricinoleic acid (MUFA)
scientific name of rosary pea
abrus precatorius
part used of rosary pea
bioactive compound of rosary pea
abrin (lectin)
what are lectins?
carbohydrate binding proteins that are toxic and ubiquitous in nature
what are the 2 forms of lectins?
- prolamine (toxic lectins that serve as storage proteins e.g. gluten) - contain high contents of AA proline
- agglutinin (class of lectins that induce clumping of red blood cells e.g. ricin; wheat germ agglutinin)
which proteases digest gluten?
gliadin and glutenin
…. can cross the gut barrier and activate both the innate and the adaptive immune system
gliadins signals …. release from enterocytes that can loosen tight junction
what is zonulin?
a protein that modulates the permeability of tight junctions between cells of the wall of the digestive tract
which agglutinin is the best studied?
wheat germ agglutinin (WGA)
mode of action of wheat germ agglutinin
WGA binds directly to 2 sugars found on cell membrane: N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylneuraminic acid
to which receptor do wheat germ agglutinin bind to?
epidermal growth factor EGF receptor
what happened when WGA binds to epidermal growth factor receptor
causes tight junctions to open
EGF also internalizes WGA into enterocytes and into the blood stream (lysosome or endosome)
what re the three ways wheat germ agglutinins cause leaky gut?
- binding with epidermal growth factor receptor
- endocytosis through lysosome or endosome
- direct interaction with membrane carbohydrates
WGA is able to pass through the ……. through which process?
blood brain barrier through a process called ADSORPTIVE ENDOCYTOSIS
WGA can bind to …. and is capable of inhibiting …..
myelin sheaths
nerve growth factor
scientific name of curare
chondrodendron tomentosum
part used of curare
bark/woody stem
bioactive compound of curare
tubocurarine (alkaloid)
mechanism of action of tubocurarine
blocks the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor nAChR at the neuromuscular junction
tubocurarine is a …. of Ach
competitive antagonist of Ach
what is the antidote for curare poisoning?
an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor such as physostigmine
what is curare used for in modern medicine?
to relax muscle attached to broken bones to make them easier to set
scientific name of foxglove
digitalis purpurea
part used of foxglove
bioactive compound of foxglove
digoxin (cardiac glycoside)
mechanism of action of digitalis/digoxin
digoxin inhibits the sodium potassium ATPase in the myocardium - decrease in heart rate and increase in stroke volume
scientific name of Wolf’s bane/aconite
aconitum spp.
part used of aconite
roots and tubers especially
bioactive compound of aconite
mechanism of action of aconitine
interact with voltage-gates sodium ion channels (potentiates contractions)
sometimes called a cholinomimetic drug or cholinergic receptor stimulating agent, is a substance that stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system. These chemicals are also called cholinergic drugs because acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter used by the PSNS
is an agent that blocks the action of the parasympathetic nervous system; anticholinergic