Places Flashcards
both hands in closed “5” in front of body, palms up; shake hands together a few times
dom hand in closed “5”, palm up; move hand in direction of where “here” is
both hands in “A” with thumbs pointing up; move both hands up in straight line from belly to chest (don’t pivot out)
dom hand in “T”; shake hand back and forth
bed + room
- Both hands in B, palms touching each other; put hands by non-dom side of face.
- both hands in closed 5, palms facing each other, fingertips pointing away from body; bend fingers at knuckles with dom hand closer to body than non-dom hand
dom hand in closed 5, palm facing away from body; non-dom hand in closed 5, palm facing towards body, fingers going across dom fingers; rotate hands at wrist so dom palm facing in and non-dom palm facing out (fingers still across each other)
both hands in closed 5, palms facing each other, fingertips pointing away from body; bend fingers at knuckles with dom hand closer to body than non-dom hand
dom hand in closed 5 palm facing down in front of body; non-dom hand in closed 5 palm up below dom hand; move hands together in straight line
dom hand in “W”, palm to body, fingers pointing to non-dom side; non-dom hand in “W”, palm to body, fingers pointing to dom side, index side of “W” touching bottom of dom pinky side of “W”; move dom hand in circle around non-dom hand (away, bottom, toward, top)
dom hand in closed “5”, on non-dom side of body, palm to body; non-dom arm bent at elbow, palm to body, fingertips pointing to dom shoulder, elbow touching dom palm; rub dom palm against non-dom elbow in small circles
dom hand in “C” palm facing away from body; move hand to right and down while closing fingers to be pinched (hand is making shape of the continent)
both hands in open “5” w/fingers interlaced, palms facing towards body; move hands in circle in front of body (left, front, right, back)
dom hand in “A”, chest height, palm facing out; move hand counter-clockwise, opening up hand to open “5” so face height.
grab shirt at chest with dom hand and ball up hand into a fist; shake dom hand.
dom hand in “1”, finger against non-dom shoulder; slide dom fingertip across chest to dom shoulder, then slide dom fingertip down dom side of torso
dom hand in “E”, at side of forehead, palm towards forehead; move dom hand in a few small circles
dom hand in “F”, palm down; rotate dom hand at wrist so palm facing up
dom hand in “5” in middle of body, palm at 45 degree to non-dom side; non-dom hand in “5”, palm at 45 degree to dom side, thumb against dom palm; wiggle fingers
dom hand in “H” at dom jawline height; move in counter-clockwise circle around face
same as “Handsome”
dom index & middle finger in “X”, palm to non-dom side; non-dom hand in fist, palm facing down, below dom hand; move dom hand around non-dom fist in a circle (forward, bottom, back, top), dom index & middle finger landing on top of non-dom fist.
Same as sign for “potato”
dom hand in fist, palm to body, pinky pointing up, fingertip at top of forehead height; move hand down slightly so fingertip at eye level; move dom hand to dom side, fingertip forehead height; move dom hand to non-dom side
looks like making a cross on the forehead
Same sign as “Italian”
both hands in “G”, fingertips touching; move hands away from each other while pinching index & thumb together
dom hand in “1”, palm down, finger pointing to non-dom side; run side of finger across chin, then flick hand down.
dom hand in “X” by non-dom shoulder; move hand to dom side of body, then move down
looks like drawing half a square (top and side)
Washington D.C.
- dom hand in “W”, palm down, fingertips on dom shoulder; move dom hand in spiral away from shoulder, ending with palm up
- dom hand in “D”
- dom hand in “C”
Washington State
- dom hand in “W”, palm down, fingertips on dom shoulder; move dom hand in spiral away from shoulder, ending with palm up
- dom hand in fist, palm out; non-dom hand in closed “5” (thumb included), palm to dom side; hit dom hand against non-dom fingertips and against bottom of non-dom palm
dom hand in “N”; move dom hand up
dom hand in “E”; move dom hand to side away from body
dom hand in “S”; move dom hand down
dom hand in “W”; move dom hand towards non-dom side