People Flashcards
both hands in closed “5” (thumb included), chest width apart, palms to each other, fingers pointing away from body; move both hands down at same time
both hands in “K”, chest width apart, palms to each other; move hands in circles (up, away, down, toward)
dom hand in “1”; point to chest
dom hand in “A”, thumb up, knuckles against middle of chest
dom hand in “1”; point to individual
dom hand in “1”; point to individual
dom hand in “1”, palm down; move hand in arc pointing to people
dom hand in “1”, touching dom side of chest, palm to non-dom side; move dom hand in arc from dom shoulder to non-dom shoulder
Dom hand in “A”, palm to body, thumb pointing up; non-dom hand in “A”, palm to body, thumb pointing up, slightly lower than dom hand; move Dom hand down so dom knuckles brush against non-dom knuckles; move dom hand to dom side while changing hand to “1”
dom hand in closed “5” (thumb included), palm against chest, fingers pointing to non-dom side
dom hand in closed “5” (thumb included), palm out to individual, fingers pointing up
dom hand in closed “5” (thumb included), palm to individual, fingers pointing up
dom hand in closed “5” (thumb included), palm to individual; slide hand so palm faces all indivduals
dom fingers in “G” shape at forehead, fingers pointing to non-dom side; pinch fingers together
looks like grabbing the bill of a baseball cap
dom hand in “A”, palm toward face, thumb pointing up on jawline; rub dom hand down jawline
Like “Fine”
dom hand in “5”, palm facing non-dom side, thumb touching middle of forehead; move hand down so thumb touching middle of chest
dom hand in “5”, palm facing non-dom side, thumb touching chin; move hand down so thumb touching middle of chest
dom hand in “5”, palm away from body; rotate dom hand at wrist while changing to a fist, palm to body
Both hands in “F”, palms facing away from body, side of hands touching; move hands away from each other in circle, rotating wrists so palms end up facing towards body
looks like running hands around outside of a ball
- dom hand in “5”, palm facing non-dom side; tap dom thumb against chin; move dom hand to tap thumb against forehead
dom hand in “5”, palm facing non-dom side, thumb on forehead; non-dom hand in “5”, palm facing up, fingers slightly bent; move dom hand down toward non-dom hand, rotating wrist so palm faces down, curling fingers slightly, dom hand landing on non-dom hand.
dom hand in “5”, palm facing non-dom side, thumb on chin; non-dom hand in “5”, palm facing up, fingers slightly bent; move dom hand down toward non-dom hand, rotating wrist so palm faces down, curling fingers slightly, dom hand landing on non-dom hand.
dom hand in “5”, palm facing non-dom side; tap dom thumb against forehead twice
dom hand in “5”, palm facing non-dom side; tap dom thumb against chin twice
- dom hand in “G”; move dom thumb so pointing up
- dom hand in “5”, palm facing non-dom side; tap dom thumb against chin twice