Food Flashcards
dom hand with fingers pinched, palm towards body; tap pinched fingers against mouth a couple of times
dom hand in “B”, palm facing non-dom side of body, fingertips pointing up and touching to dom side of mouth; rub dom fingertips against corner of mouth a couple of times
looks like fingertips wiping mouth
food + noon
- dom hand with fingers pinched, palm towards body; tap pinched fingers against mouth a couple of times
- dom hand in closed “5” (thumb included), palm to non-dom side, fingers pointing up; non-dom arm parallel to floor, across body, palm down, hand under dom elbow
dom hand in “D”, palm facing toward body, rounded part of d placed against dom side of lips; move hand up towards ear a couple of times.
dom hand in fist, index & pinky fingers extended, palm at 45 degrees to non-dom side; non-dom hand in fist, index & pinky fingers extended, palm at 45 degrees to dom side, fist below dom fist with space between; tap dom hand against non-dom hand
both hands in “H”, fingertips touching, palm facing down; move hands away from each other, fingers moving up and down in waves.
dom hand in “B”, fingertips to side of mouth; move dom hand in small circles
dom hand in closed bear claw, palm facing towards body; non-dom in fist, palm facing towards body; run dom fingertips against back of non-dom hand a few times
looks like slicing bread
dom hand in “C”, palm facing non-dom side; non-dom hand in fist; move dom hand in circle on top of non-dom hand.
Both hands in fist in center of body, palms facing opposite side of body, dom hand on top of non-dom hand; move dom hand in circle around top of non-dom hand.
looks like old-fashioned coffee grinder
dom hand in “C”, fingers pointing down; non-dom hand in closed “5” (thumb included), palm pointing up & touching dom fingertips; rotate wrist 90 degrees with fingertips touching non-dom palm
both hands in “D”, fingers pointing away from body, non-index fingers touching; bounce both hands against each other a couple of times.
dom hand in “U”, palm 45 degrees to non-dom side, thumb on top; non-dom hand in “U”, palm 45 degrees to dom side, top of index finger touching bottom of dom middle finger (looks like fingers making an X); rotate hands at wrist so hands move away from each other and fingers point down.
French Fries
dom hand in “F”, palm down; bounce hand slightly to dom side
dom index & middle finger in “X”; tap index & middle fingertips against jaw a couple times