Animals Flashcards
both hands in closed “5” (thumb included), bent at knuckled, fingers touching chest above pecs; wiggle hands towards & away from each other
both hands in bear claws, palms facing body, finger tips touching, one hand on top of the other; move hands towards & away from each other (should look like an alligator’s mouth)
both hands in fist, cross in front of chest (in an x shape), fists on shoulders; flick index finger on both hands a couple of times
dom hand in “5” in front of dom cheek, palm facing non-dom , index & thumb in “G” shape; move hand away from face while pinching index & thumb together; repeat this a couple of times.
looks like making a cat’s whisker
Both hands in “5”, palms facing out, thumbs touching sides of forehead.
dom hand in “1”, palm facing non-dom side, finger pointing up; non-dom arm in front of body, parallel to floor, fingertips in front of dom elbow; move dom arm towards non-dom elbow in short bounces
looks like a long neck dino walking
dom hand slaps dom thigh; bring hand to chest height and snap fingers
dom hand in closed “4”, palm away from body, thumb on side of forehead; curl fingers a couple of times
dom hand in “G”, index & middle finger extended, palm facing away from body, index finger on top, back of hand by mouth; pinch fingers open & closed a couple of times
both hands in “5”, palms away from body, thumbs touching both sides of forehead; move hands to sides away from body
looks like elk antlers
Same sign as “moose”
dom hand in closed “5”, palm facing non-dom side, thumb pointing up; flick hand side to while moving away from body
looks like a fish swimming
dom hand in “1”, index pointing away from body, back of hand touching tip of nose; move dom hand away from body
both hands in fist, one above each breast; alternate each fist hitting against chest.
dom hand in fist with index and pinky fingers extended, palm to body, fingers pointing down; non-dom hand in fist with index and pinky fingers extended, palm to body, fingers pointing up touching dom fingertips; move hands towards and away from each other.
looks like a hippo’s mouth
dom hand in closed “3”, palm away from body, thumb on side of forehead; curl index & middle finger a couple of times
Looks like “rabbit” but hand facing to front
dom hand in bear claw, palm to back, fingertips on top of forehead; move hand backward towards neck
looks like drawing a mohawk
dom hand in “L”, palm to non-dom side, dom index touching lips; wiggle hand at wrist while omving away from body
looks like a lizard scurrying on rocks
both arms bowed out to side of body; both hands in bear claw , fingertips touching side at stomach height; move hands up body a few times
looks like monkey scratching itself
both hands in “5”, palms away from body, thumbs touching both sides of forehead; move hands to sides away from body
Same sign as “Elk”
dom hand in “1”, palm to non-dom side; brush dom fingertip across tip of nose twice
whole body is stiff; both hands in closed “5” (thumb included), next to legs, palms down, fingers pointing to sides away from body; wobble from side to side
looks like you’re a penguin
Similar to “dirty”
dom hand in closed “5” (thumb included), palm down, placed under chin; wiggle fingers
dom hand in closed “5”, fingers bent at knuckles, thumb below fingers, palm to non-dom side, hand in front of mouth; move hand away from mouth while pinching fingers closed
dom hand in “13”, touching dom side of forehead; wiggle fingers together towards back of body a couple of times
looks like “horse” but hand is facing to back
dom index and middle finger in “X”, palm away from body, knuckles by mouth; move dom hand away from body in side-to-side waves
looks like a snake
dom hand in “4”, palm down, fingers curled & pointing 45 degrees to non-dom side; non-dom hand in “4”, palm down, fingers curled & pointing 45 degress to dom side, top of hand touching dom palm; wiggle all fingers while moving away from body
looks like a spider crawling
both hands in “5”, palms to body, fingertips by cheeks; move hands away from each other, while curling fingers
dom hand in “G”, fingertips touching top of head; move dom hand up, pinching fingers together
both hands in “O” by sides of mouth, index finger on top; move hands down while closing “O”
looks like outlining tusks
dom hand in “Y” on non-dom side of body, palm to non-dom side; non-dom arm in front of body, parallel to floor, fingertips in front of dom elbow; move dom arm towards non-dom fingertips in waves
looks like a whale’s tail
similar to “sleepy”
dom hand in “5”, palm to face; move dom hand away from face pinching fingers together
dom hand in “4”, palm against non-dom shoulder, fingers pointing to non-dom side; non-dom hand in “4”, palm against dom side of stomach, fingers pointing to dom side; slide hands to other side of body
looks like fingers are making stripes on body