Objects Flashcards
dom hand w/fingers spread palm down; non-dom in fist on top of dom hand; wiggle dom fingers (will look like a squid)
dom hand makes “I love you” sign, palm down, towards dom side of body; move hand to non-dom side slowly raising dom hand
looks like a plane taking off
both hands in open “C” a little away from sides of forehead; rotate both hands back & forth at wrist like screwing in a lightbulb several times
both hands in bear claw shape, palms facing each other, short distance apart
looks like the shape of a ball
both hands in closed “5” (including thumb), palms facing each other, dom hand on top of non-dom hand; put hands against non-dom ear, head slightly tilted to non-dom side
looks like sleeping
both hands in “S”, palms facing away from body towards center of chest; move hands in circles like pedaling a bike.
both hands bent in front of body, palm up, sides touching each other; move hands away from body in waves
looks like a boat on the water
both hands in closed “5”, palms up, side of hands touching
looks like reading a book
dom hand in “C”, palm facing towards non-dom side; non-dom hand flat, palm facing up, below dom hand (dom hand is resting on non-dom’s palm); move dom hand up, closing hand into a fist
looks like outlining a bottle
both hands in closed “5” (thumb included) space between, palms facing each other, fingers pointing away from body; move both hands 90 degrees so palms facing toward body, non-dom in front of dom hand (further away from body)
should look like outlining a box
can also do with palms towards body then facing each other.
dom hand in “C”; non-dom hand in closed “5” (thumb included), palm to body, wrist against dom pinky; move dom hand along non-dom arm (up, over, down)
looks like flipping a calendar where the dom hand is the calendar page
Same as drive
Both hands in fist, palms facing towards body, chest width apart; move both hands up and down like driving a car
non-dom arm parallel with floor, palm down; dom hand in “4”, palm facing body, wrist touching non-dom forearm by elbow; wiggle dom fingers while moving hand towards non-dom hand
Both hands in “V”, forehead height, palms towards each other, index & middle fingertips touching; while moving hands away from each other curl fingertips so both hands are in “X”, and curl back to “V” a couple of times.
similar to “license”
both hands in “C”; tap fingertips together a couple of times
Both hands in “U”, palm facing down, perpendicular to each other, dom hand higher than non-dom hand; move dom hand down so is on top of non-dom hand, curling index & middle finger around non-dom fingers
dom hand in “C”, palm facing non-dom side; non-dom hand in closed “5” (thumb included”, palm up; dom hand on top of non-dom palm; move dom hand in half circle above non-dom hand (side, top)
dom hand in “C”, palm facing non-dom side; non-dom arm parallel to floor, fingers pointing to front of body; move dom hand in short bounces from non-dom wrist to elbow.
dom hand in “C”, palm facing towards non-dom side, thumb side of hand facing up; non-dom hand flat, palm facing up, below dom hand (dom hand is resting on non-dom’s palm); tap dom hand against non-dom palm, rotating dom hand 90 degrees
both arms across body, parallel to the floor, palm down, dom arm on top of non-dom arm
same as sign for “table’
both hands in “5” towards bottom of signing area, palms facing toward body; wiggle fingers of both hands
looks like flames of fire
Fire Alarm
- both hands in “5” towards bottom of signing area, palms facing toward body; wiggle fingers of both hands; 2. dom hand in “1”, palm away from body, finger pointing up; non-dom hand in closed “5” (thumb included), palm facing dom side, fingers pointing up; move dom hand so side of hands hits non-dom palm a couple of times
1 is sign for “fire”, 2 is sign for “alarm”
both hands in “B”, palm down, hands touching side of each other; move hands to side away from each other
dom hand fingers pinched; put pinched fingers on dom side of nose, then on non-dom side of nose.