Adjectives Flashcards
both hands side of head, forehead heigth, fingers spread, middle fingertip touching fleshy part of thumb; flick both middle fingers so fingers point away from body
dom hand in closed “5” against mouth, palm facing towards body, fingers pointing up; move hand away from mouth, rotating hand so palm facing down, stomach height.
dom hand w/fingers pinched together, at dom jawline height; change hand to open “5” and move in counter-clockwise circle around face; pinch fingers together when reach dom jawline
dom hand in closed “5” (thumb included), palm in front of mouth, fingers pointing to non-dom side; move hand to dom side of body and then up, changing dom hand to an “A”
dom hand in closed “5” (thumb included), palm in front of mouth, fingers pointing to non-dom side; move hand to dom side of body, changing to an “A”
Both hands in “L”, index finger bent (like in “X”), thumbs pointing up, palms facing each other, chest height, shoulder width apart; move hands further away from each other. (Can also do with a closed “5” instead of the modified “L”)
dom hand in “1” shape, pointing to dom side of nose; wiggle hand so finger looks like it’s squishing a bug on the dom side of your nose
dom hand in fist, palm towards non-dom side; non-dom hand in closed “5” palm down, same height as dom hand; move dom hand down and place under non-dom hand, top of dom fist touching non-dom palm
dom hand in “B”; non-dom hand in “B”, palm down, side of palm against dom wrist; move dom hand along non-dom hand, wrist to fingertips and back a few times.
dom hand in “B”, palm facing non-dom side, fingers pointing away from body; non-dom hand in closed “5” (including thumb), palm facing dom side, fingers pointing up, fingertips at same height as side of dom hand; move dom hands toward non-dom hand, rotating at wrist so side of dom hand brushes against non-dom palm
dom hand in closed “5” (thumb included), palm facing down; non-dom hand in closed “5” (thumb included), palm facing up, fingertips touching top of dom palm; move dom hand in circle over non-dom hand
Both hands in “S”, shoulder width apart, in front of shoulders; move arms slightly side-to-side a few times
looks like shivering
both hands in closed “5”, at shoulder level, palms facing behind; wave hands up and down while blowing out air
looks like trying to cool self off
dom hand in open “5” by dom side of face, fingers slightly curled; twist hand at wrist a couple of times
looks like turning a door knob
dom hand in “F”, palm facing body, fingers pointing non-dom side; tap dom index & thumb against Adam’s apple a couple of times.
dom hand in “13”, fingertips touching chin; rub fingertips down chin a couple of times.
dom hand in “1”, palm facing away from body, fingertip next to dom ear; move hand so fingertip points to bottom of lips
dom hand in “5”, palm down, placed under chin; wiggle fingers
dom hand in fist, palm towards body, knuckles against forehead; tap knuckles against forehead a couple of times.
(to be married)
dom hand in “E”, palm down; non-dom hand in open “5”, palm down, ring finger below dom wrist; move dom hand in a small circle, then place dom wrist on non-dom ring finger
like “fiance” but with an E
both hands in fist touching diaphram; move both hands away from body and open to “5” palm up
dom hand fingers pinched, palm facing non-dom side, thumb on top; non-dom hand in closed “5” (thumb included), palm up, fingers pointing away from body, palm underneath dom fingers; move dom hand in an arc away from the non-dom hand/body, turning dom hand at wrist changing from pinched fingers to “5” with palm down
dom hand in “5”, middle finger forward, palm facing body; place tip of middle finger on chin
As in Feeling
dom hand in open 5, palm facing non-dom side, thumb against chest; wiggle dom fingers
dom hand in closed “3”, palm facing body; brush dom fingertips against tip of nose a couple of time
dom hand in closed “5”, palm to body, fingertips on chin; non-dom hand in closed “5”, palm towards chin; move dom hand to non-dom hand back of dom hand touching non-dom palm
dom hand in “H” at dom jawline height; move in counter-clockwise circle around face
same sign as Hawaii
dom index & middle finger in “X”, palm facing non-dom side of body; non-dom index & middle finger in “X”, palm facing dom side of body, top of hand below dom hand with space between; lower dom hand so hits top of non-dom hand a couple of times
Hard of Hearing
dom hand in “H”; bounce hand away from body slightly
dom hand in “1”, palm down, finger pointing to non-dom side, placed under nose; move dom finger in small circle
both hands in “5” in front of body, palms up; move hands down
dom hand in bear claw in front of mouth, palm to body; move hand away from mouth and rotate so palm pointing away from body, while blowing air out of mouth
dom hand in “C” at top of chest, palm to body, thumb on top; move hand down to belly
do ONLY once
if do more than once it means “horny”
Similar to “like”
both hands in “5”, palm facing body, middle finger and thumb moved towards palm (forward), fingertips touching body with dom hand on chest and non-dom hand on belly; move both hands away from body, pinching middle finger & thumb together
dom hand in “L”, palm to body; put dom hand on heart
dom hand in closed “5” (thumb included), palm down, fingertips pointing to non-dom side & touching right side of chin; slide dom hand under chin to non-dom side
both hands in “5”, palms down, middle finger forward; flick hands at wrist so palms facing up
dom hand in “3”, palm to nose, index & middle fingertips by nose; move dom hand towards dom-side of body and out; when reach dom shoulder, move dom hand towards non-dom side while still moving hand away from body (looks like throwing something from nose away)
both hands in “A”, palms to each other, thumbs pointing up; move dom hand up
dom hand in closed “5” (thumb included); bent at knuckles, palm to non-dom side; non-dom hand in closed “5” (thumb included), palm up, fingers pointing to dom side; move dom hand across non-dom hand fingertips to wrist in a scooping motion
dom hand in fist, touching bottom of chin; move hand down in a wavy pattern
looks like a beard
both hands in “F” at chest height, chest width apart
dom hand in closed “5”, palm touching stomach, thumb pointing up; move dom hand away from body
dom hand in “1”, palm to non-dom side, finger pointing away from body; non-dom hand in “1”, palm to dom side, finger pointing away from body, below dom hand; touch bottom of dom hand against top of non-dom hand
dom hand in “5”, palm down, middle finger more forward than others; non-dom hand in closed “5”, palm up, bottom of pal touching dom middle finger; slide dom finger non-dom wrist to fingertip
dom hand in “Y”, palm down; move hand side to side
This is a directional sign. the hand should move between the things that are the same
dom hand in closed “5” (thumb included), palm down, fingers pointing away from body; place dom hand to side of body, hip height
dom hand in closed “5”, palm down, knuckles against dom cheek; rotate dom hand at wrist so fingers point to back
dom hand in “5”, middle finger forward touching middle of forehead; non-dom hand in “5”, middle finger forward touching stomach
dom hand in “5”, palm to face; move dom hand away from face pinching fingers together, while closing eyes
dom hand in closed 5, palm down, fingers pointing away from body; non-dom in closed 5, palm down, fingers pointing away from body, top of fingers touching bottom of dom fingers; move dom hand up non-dom arm slowly.
both hands in “B”, palms facing each other, fingers pointing away from body; move hands closer together
dom hand in “5”, middle finger more forward, middle fingertip touching dom side of forehead; flick dom hand at wrist so palm facing away from body
dom hand in closed “5”, palm to body, fingers pointing to non-dom side; rub dom fingers against tip of nose a couple of times.
Sme sign as “smell”
both hands in “5”, chest width apart, palm up; move both hands down, pinching fingers together (keeping hands separate)
dom hand in “F” in front of stomach, palm down; non-dom hand in “F”, palm up, index & middle fingers interlocked with dom index & middle finger; move both hands up.
dom hand in “B” in front of face, palm to non-dom side; move hand away from face while rotating at wrist so fingers point away from body
both hands in “5”, fingers slightly bent, palm to body, fingertips on shoulder; move hands away from body while making in to a fist
dom hand in “V”, back of hand against forehead
both hands in fist to side of eye, palm to face, index finger & thumb touching; move index finger up
dom hand in closed “5”, fingertips touching chin; rub fingertips down chin a couple of times.
Same as sign for “sugar”
dom hand in closed “5”, palm down; move dom hand to dom side of body above head
dom hand in “1”, pointing at top of throat; move finger down throat
Use facial expressions to show how thirsty you are. DO NOT DO SIGN MULTIPLE TIMES!!
both hands in closed “5” (thumb included), bent at the knuckles, fingers pointing down, index finger against chest; rotate hands at wrist so both hands have pinky finger against chest, while slumping shoulders
dom hand in “1”, palm down, fist in front of nose; move dom hand to dom side of body, curling index finger while moving
dom hand fingers pinched, fingertips touching lips; move hand away from body, while blowing air from mouth and changing hand to a “5”
dom hand in “Y”, below chin, palm to body
both hands in closed “5” (thumb included), knuckles bent, fingertips against chest; flick hands up twice
Both hands in “V”, thumb out to side, thumb touching jawline next to chin; curl index & middle fingers a couple of times.
Both hands in “V”, thumb out to side, thumb touching jawline next to chin; curl index & middle fingers a couple of times.