Body/Clothes Flashcards
dom hand in “know” shape, fingertips touching side of body at chest height; move hand down so fingertips touch side of body at stomach height
dom hand in “know” shape, fintertips touching non-dom side of chest, just above non-dom breast; bounce dom hand to dom side of chest, just above dom breast.
dom hand in “1”; tap just below the eye
dom hand in “1”, finger pointing towards face; move dom hand around face in a circle always pointing to face
dom hand in closed “5” (thumb included), palm to body, fingertips pointing to top corner of non-dom side; non-dom hand in closed “5” (thumb included), palm to body, fingertips pointing to top corner of dom-side, top of palm touching back of dom fingers; move non-dom hand down dom hand, fingertips to wrist; move hands so top of dom palm touches back of non-dom fingers; move dom hand down non-dom hand, fingertips to wrist
dom hand in closed “5” (thumb included), bent at knuckles, palm to face, fingertips touching jaw; move dom hand so fingertips touch side of forehead
dom hand in “5”, palm to body, middle finger forward; tap dom middle finger against heart a couple of times
dom hand in “1”, palm facing in; tap dom fingertip against tip of nose twice.
Both hands in closed “5” (thumb included), palm facing toward body, just above breasts; move hands down chest a few times
looks like brushing crumbs off chest
dom hand in open “5”, middle finger forward; non-dom hand in fist, palm down, thumb slightly below dom middle fingertip; flick dom middle fingertip across non-dom fist
both hand’s index and thumb in “C”, palm towards body, index finger on bottom, thumb & index fingertips against middle of check; move hands across chest from middle of chest to side
Both hands in “Y”, shoulder width apart, palms facing in; move both hands toward center of body
looks like putting a coat on
both hands in “5”, chest height, body width apart, palms facing towards body; while moving hands down, rotate arms out so thumbs face each other.
both hands in closed “5”, palm towards each other, fingers pointing down; move hands down body where dom leg is then move hands down body where non-dom leg is.
dom index & thumb grabbing shirt by dom shoulder; tug shirt up a couple of times
both hands in fists, palms away from body; touching each other; hit sides of fists against each other a couple of times
both hands in closed “5” at thighs, bent at fingers, palms towards each other; flick hands at wrist so fingers point towards thigh and back a couple of times