Pituitary Hormones Flashcards
Target organs: Uterus and Breasts
Effects: Stimulates uterine contractions; initiates labor and initiates breast milk ejection
Released by: Posterior lobe of pituitary
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
Target organs: Kidneys
Effects: stimulates kidney tubule cells to reabsorb water
Released by: Posterior lobe of pituitary
Growth Hormone (GH)
Target Organs: Liver, Muscle, Bone, Cartilage, and other tissues
Effects: anabolic hormone; stimulates comatic growt; mobilizes fats; spares glucose. Growth promoting effects mediated indirectly by IGFs
Released by: Anterior lobe of pituitary
Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
Target organs: Thyroid gland
Effect: Stimulates thyroid gland to release thyroid hormone
Released by: Anterior pituitary
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
Target organ: Adrenal cortex
Effects: Premotes the release of gluticorticoids and androgens (mineralocorticoids to a lesser extent)
Released by: Anterior pituitary
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
Target organs: Ovaries and Testes
Effect: in females stimulates ovarian follicle maturation and estrogen productio; in males, stimulates sperm production
Released by: Anterior pituitary
Lutenizing hormone (LH)
Target organs: Ovaries and testes
Effect: in females, triggers ovulation and stimulates ovarian production of estrogen and progesterone; in males promotes testosterone production
Released by: Anterior pituitary
Prolactin (PRL)
Target Organ: Breast secretory tissue
Effect: promotes lactation
Released by: Anterior pituitary
Target organs: Brain
Effects: regulates sleep wake cycle
Released by: Pineal gland in brain
Target organ: Liver
Effects: Breakdown of glycogen to glucose, synthesis of glucose (gluconeogenesis), release of glucose from liver cells
Released by: alpha cells in the pancreas
Target Organ: Cells in the body’s tissues
Effect: causes blood sugar to lower by causing cells to take in glucose
Released by: Beta cells in pancreas
Mineralocorticoids (aldosterone)
Target Organ: Kidneys
Effect: increases blood levels of Na+, and decreases blood levels of K+, causing more water to be retained and blood pressure to rise.
Released by: Adrenal cortex
Glucocorticoids (cortisol)
Target Organ: Cells of the body
Effect: promotes gluconeogenesis and hyperglycemia; causes body to use fats for energy, stimulates protein catabolism, causes body to resist stressors by depressing the inflammatory and immune responses.
Released by: Adrenal cortex
Gonadocorticoids (androgens converted to testosterone and estrogen)
Target Organ: body cells and reproductive organs
Effect: contributes to female libido, development of pubic and axillary hair in females, provides estrogen after menopause
Released by: Adrenal cortex
Catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine)
Target Organ: Sympathetic nervous system
Effect: increase heart rate, metabolic rate, constricts blood vessels causing high blood pressure
Released by: Adrenal medulla
Target Organ: Brain
Effect: suppresses appetite; increase energy expenditure
Released by: Adipose tissue
Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)
Target Organ: Kidney and adrenal cortex
Effect: inhibits sodium ion reabsorption and renin release, inhibits the release of aldosterone and decreases blood pressure
Released by: Heart (Atria)
Erythropoietin (EPO)
Target Organ: Red bone marrow
Effect: stimulates production of red blood cells
Released by: Kidney
Target Organ: glomerulosa cells
Effect: forms angiotensin II which stimulates the glomerulosa cells to release aldosterone
Released by: Kidney