Pilots In Command - Pierson Flashcards
What is the responsibility and authority of a pilot in command?
A. Pilot in command is directly responsible for and is the final authority as to the operation
B. Pilot and command may deviate from any rule of this part to to the extent required to meet an emergency.
C. Each pilot in command, who deviates from a rule under this paragraph of this section shall upon the request of the administrator send a written report of that deviation.
D. All the above.
D. All the above.
Which of the below are some responsibilities of the PIC?
A. Review and approve pre-planning and dispatch release.
B. Initiates an overseas the proper reporting of mechanical discrepancies.
C. Gives appropriate briefing to other crewmembers.
D. Makes appropriate decisions, using all available resources in the aeronautic decision-making process.
E. All the above.
E. All of the above.
Threats are defined as events or errors that do three things. What are those three things?
- Occur outside the influence of the flight crew
- Increase operational complexity of a flight.
- Require crew attention and management if safety margins are to be maintained.
Errors are defined as flight crew actions, or in actions that do one or more of these three things
- Lead to a deviation from crew or organization, intentions, or expectations.
- Reduce safety margins.
- Increase probability of adverse operational events on the ground or during flight.
Describe the Swiss cheese model.
Each slice of cheese represents a part of the aircraft operation. If an error is not detected and trapped. It can turn into an error, which can be visualized by a hole in the cheese. If there is a hole in the first layer and the second layer does not detect the error or resolve it another hole occurs, allowing the hole to enable the air to pass on if each layer fails an accident or incident occur.
What are Latent threats?
A. Threats that we just don’t know about.
B. Multiple threats in a row.
C. Threats that we know about but ignore.
D. None of the above.
A. We just don’t know though.
Who is ultimately responsible for being wise and resourceful in trapping and stopping threats and resolving and mitigating errors?
C. Flight attendant
D. The flight agent
True or false if the PIC detects a threat or finds an error caused by others it is incumbent upon the PIC to take action
What does SEA- ICE stand for in regards to crew briefings.
Crew briefings include these categories:
1. Safety and security.
2. Equipment issues.
3. Abnormal procedures.
4. In case of emergency.
Why is the first flight of the trip briefing the absolute number one most important briefing?
It sets the tone and establishes the lines of communication between the crew.
True or false First impressions are important because every first officer and flight attendant you meet for the first time is interviewing you.
True this is crucial in order to demonstrate that you are the PIC that you are confident.
When is the best time to conduct a preflight briefing?
A. After the passengers have boarded.
B. Before the boarding doors have shut.
C. After 10,000 feet
D. As early as possible before the start of passenger boarding.
D. As early as possible before the start of passenger boarding.
What what does IMSAFE stand for in regards to assessing the fitness of your flight crew?
It means you’re looking for signs of illness, medication, stress, alcohol, fatigue, and emotion.
What does NEEDS mean in regards to crew briefings?
A. It’s a reminder to express your own needs of the crew during the flight.
B. It’s a reminder to make sure the crew should feel free to express their own needs to you.
C. It stands for New procedures, Entrences, Exits, Details and Safety.
D. None of the above.
B. It’s a reminder to make sure the crew should feel free to express their own needs to you.
How is SEA-ICE briefing method for arrival helpful?
A. To reiterate all topics address on the original briefing.
B. To address any topics that could’ve been missed.
C. To address topics outside of the normal briefing method.
D. None of the above.
B. To address any topics that could’ve been missed.
True or false developing a positive rapport will establish a clear path for communications.
How is trust taught?
A. Through example.
B. Through honesty
C. Through the demonstration of dependency.
D. None of the above
C. Through the demonstration of dependency.
True or false it is important to sugarcoat the truth during briefings so as to not rile up the crew.
Faults don’t sugarcoat the truth and don’t embellish or mislead that from the truth
What are the four core truce of the new CRM?
- The crew will not work together if they misunderstand the variation of personalities among them.
- The crew will not work together if they allow personalities to become negative in the face of challenges.
- The crew will not work together if a member is not well from physiological or psychological standpoint.
- A crew will not work together if a member does not comply with standard operating procedures.
Your general analysis of someone should give you a good idea of which of the following:
A. The level of professionalism is it to be expected?
B. Personal boundaries are in place.
C. The amount of preparation the person is done for the flight.
D. All of the above above.
D. All of the above.
What are three steps to curbing and negative attitude?
Step one, acknowledge the problem
Step two offer an alternate view of the problem
Step three provide an alternate alternative response to the problem