Bridge Proceedures Guide - ICOS Flashcards
Abbreviation: ATA
Automatic Tracking Aid
Abbreviations: BNWAS
Bridge navigational watch alarm system
Abbreviations: CATZOC
Category Zone of Confidence
Abbreviations: COLREGS
International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea
Abbreviations: EBL
Electronic Bearing Line
Abbreviations: EOOW
Engineer Officer of the Watch
Abbreviations: EP
Estimated Position
Abbreviations: EP
Estimated Position
Abbreviations: EPA
Electronic plotting aid
Abbreviations: IBS
Integrated Bridge System
Abbreviations: LRIT
Long Range Identification and Tracking of Ships
Abbreviations: MARPOL
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ship
Abbreviations: MLC
Maritime Labour Convention
Abbreviations: MPX
Master / Pilot Information Exchange
Abbreviations: PSC
Port State Control
Abbreviations: RCDS
Raster Chart Display System
Abbreviations: RNC
Raster Navigational Chart
Abbreviations: SENC
System Electronic Navigational Chart
Abbreviations: SMG
Speed Made Good
Abbreviations: STCW
International Convention (and Code) on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers
Abbreviations: T & P
Temporary and Preliminary Notices to Mariners
Abbreviations: VDR/S-VDR
Voyage Data Recorder / Simplified Voyage Data Recorder
Abbreviations: VRM
Variable Range Marker
This is the personnel on the bridge engaged in the navigation of the vessel.
Bridge Team
Name for: Symbols to show varying levels of accuracy, coverage and survey reliability on an ENC.
Category zone of confidence (CATZOC)
Name for: The ability of a ship to maintain a pre-set position and heading automatically by using its own propellers and thrusters.
Dynamic Positioning
Name for: a system which is not ECDIS or an ECDIS which is using unofficial or private navigational charts.
Electronic Chart System (ECS)
Name for: An official electronic vector chart for use on an ECDIS.
Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC)
Name for: A co-ordinate system and a set of reference points, used to locate places on the surface of the earth. WGS 84 is used by GPS, ECDIS and ENCs.
Geodetic datum
The ship’s manoeuvring booklet should contain comprehensive details of the ship’s manoeuvring characteristics and other relevant data.
Manoeuvring booklet
Name for: 21 geographical sea areas into which the world’s oceans are divided. They are used to transmit meteorological warnings to ships and have the same boundaries as NAVAREAs.
Meteorological Areas
Name for: 21 geographical sea areas into which the world’s oceans are divided (NAVAREA 1-XXI). They are used to transmit long-range navigational and meteological warnings to ships under the WWNWS. NAVAREAs have the same boundaries as METEREAs.
Navigational areas (NAVAREA)
A method used by hydrographic offices for routine distribution of official nautical chart and publication update information.
Notice to Mariners (NM)
In pilotage waters, an exemption certificate may be granted to a member of the bridge team, usually the master, based on compliance with specific local criteria.
Pilotage exemption certificate (PEC)
Waters where it is mandatory or recommended to take a pilot.
Pilotage waters
An official electronic image of a paper chart.
Raster Navigational Chart (RNC)
This is the system required by the ISM code, enabling personnel to apply companies safety, and environmental protection policy effectively.
Safety management system (SMS)
English language phrases that have been developed to cover the most important safety related fields of communication.
Standard marine communication phrases (SMCP)
This is the starting point for a system that will promote support and monitor best practice and so maximize the safety of navigation.
Effective bridge organization
Safe navigation always requires these four things: (CCCM)
Command, control, communication and management
The root cause of many, if not all maritime accidents lies in
A. Shift design
B. Equipment design.
C. Performance
D. All of the above
D. all of the above also operational practices and training all which are human related activities
True or false mistakes can always be avoided.
False, good procedures and teamwork can create measures to detect these mistakes and mitigate their effects.
This is essential to the safety of navigation.
A. Good command from the captain
B. Accurate waypoints
C. Being Ecdis compliant.
D. A comprehensive passage plan
D. A comprehensive passage plan.
Where should the passage plan be conducted?
A. From Sea Buoy to Sea Buoy
B. From first waypoint to last to waypoint
C. From berth to berth.
D. None of the above.
C. From berth to berth.
True or false the passage plan, including the intended route should be checked by the officer responsible for navigation planning, and afterwards the master should review it and approve it
An effective master pilot information exchange is essential to confirm that the master Bridge team and pilot have the appropriate levels of __________ and a common understanding before they start the pilotage.
A. Situational awareness.
B. Local knowledge
C. Shipboard experience
D. All of the above
A. Situational awareness.
An effective Bridge team should
A. Manage all available resources
B. Promote good communication and teamwork
C. Anticipate dangerous situations and respond to emergencies.
D. All of the above.
D. All of the above.
True or false under the STCW code the officer of the watch may in certain circumstances be the soul, lookout and daylight conditions.
Who has the overwriting authority and responsibility to make decisions on board ships about safety and pollution prevention?
The master
The Bridge team should recognize and understand which of the following:
A. The information that should be routinely reported to the master
B. The need to keep the master fully informed.
C. The circumstance under which the master should be called.
D. All of the above.
All of the above
True or false the presence of the master on the bridge removes the responsibility for navigation from the OOW.
False the master provides oversight and guidance
What are the key components that the performance of a bridge team relies on?
Good leadership, teamwork, communication, and management
These components are essential for effective bridge operations.
What does the STCW Convention require for watchkeeping officers?
BRM training
BRM stands for Bridge Resource Management.
What is the benefit of a bridge team having a plan and being well briefed?
They will work effectively and maintain good situational awareness
This enables anticipation of dangerous situations.
What can a well-prepared bridge team anticipate?
Dangerous situations and recognize a sequence of errors
This helps in preventing potential problems.
What actions can a bridge team take to prevent emergencies?
Break a chain of errors
This involves addressing errors before they lead to serious issues.
What is vital for identifying and addressing chains of errors?
An appropriate approach to raising safety concerns or doubts
This must be done without fear of reprisal or ridicule.
What leadership approach fosters effective communication and teamwork?
‘Challenge and response’
This approach encourages open dialogue about safety concerns.
Under the challenge and response approach breach team members are encouraged:
A. To challenge operational decisions at all levels.
B. To challenge the decisions of their subordinates
C. To challenge the decisions of their colleagues.
D. None of the above.
A. To challenge decisions at all levels.
If an action of a pilot deviates from the agreed plan, a challenge should be made by ____________.
The OOW so the pilot can either clarify the intended action or if intended action is indeed incorrect, amend, and adjust action to ensure the ship remain safe
What is encouraged for bridge team members to seek?
Clarification on the actions of other bridge team members
This helps better understand the decision-making process.
What practice should bridge team members engage in to enhance communication?
Thinking aloud
This technique can help develop junior officers by encouraging open discussion of actions.
What should not be compromised while encouraging bridge team discussions?
The immediate safety of the ship.
True or false under no circumstances should a challenge and response approach be considered as undermining the authority delegated to the 00 by the master.
Briefs and debriefs are useful tools before and after operations such as:
A. Arrivals
B. Departures.
C. Approaches to challenging navigational areas.
D. All of the above.
D. All the above.
Briefs and debriefs are useful tools before and after operations such as:
A. Assisting other vessels.
B. Long pilotage.
C. Emergency responses.
D. All of the above.
D. All the above.
The Bridge team is responsible for maintaining communications with:
A. The engine room
B. All operating areas
C. The home office
D. A and B only
D. A and B only
What is essential for bridge and engine room personnel?
Regular communication on matters such as:
* Machinery and propulsion status, including defects
* Existing or anticipated circumstances affecting performance
* Planned or anticipated speed changes
* Environmental regulatory requirements
Communication is crucial for the safe and efficient operation of the vessel.
What should be included in communications regarding machinery?
Machinery and propulsion status, including defects
This information helps in identifying issues that could impact the ship’s operation.
What circumstances should be communicated that could affect machinery performance?
Fuel changeover procedures and planned maintenance
These factors can significantly impact the efficiency and safety of machinery operations.
What kind of changes should be communicated to bridge and engine room personnel?
Planned or anticipated speed changes
Speed changes can affect navigation and fuel consumption.
True or False: Environmental regulatory requirements should be communicated between bridge and engine room personnel.
Compliance with environmental regulations is crucial for operational legality and safety.
True or false the presence of a pilot relieves the master or the bridge team of their duties and responsibilities for ship, safety, and prevention of pollution
What should be done to limit or to disruption and distraction on the bridge?
A. Limit unrestricted Bridge access to those with operational bridge responsibilities.
B. Control, the use of mobile phones and other personal electronic devices.
C. Restrict internal and external communication to those related to the safe navigation of the ship.
D. All the above.
D. All of the above.
What are the minimum rest hours required in a seven day Period?
77 hours
What is the minimum required hours of rest in a 24 hour period?
10 hours rest in a 24 hour period.
How many times can a 10 hour rest period be split and what is the minimum amount of consecutive hours required?
10 hour rest. Period should not be split into more than two. One of which should be at least six consecutive hours with the interval between the rest periods being not more than 14 hours.
Which requirements are slightly stricter and normally enforced by the PSC?
STCW requirements
What do most flag states require as a limit for blood alcohol level?
0.05% blood alcohol level
Who should enforce the company drug and alcohol policy for visitors, including Pilots contractors, and officials?
The master, he should take immediate action to make sure the safety of the ship is not compromised
What is the language of international shipping?
True or false If English is not the working language of the ship, the company or master should decide on and record an alternate working language in the ships logbook.
True or false the pilot should always be expected to explain instructions exchanged with other ships, pilot boats, tugs, and vessel survices to the master and Bridge in English.
SMS should identify clear levels of authority and lines of communication between:
A. The master
B. The ship’s officers
C. The crew
D. The company
E. A and C only
F. A and B only
G. A and D only
H. A, B, C and D
H. A, B, C and D.
At what interval should the master write in the Bridge order book what is expected of the OOW for that period.
True or false the company and masters standing order should be read by all Bridge team members on joining the ship, signed and dated.
A copy of the order should be available on the bridge for reference
True or false the company should have a written policy, requiring the mobile phones or other personal electronic devices are only used on the bridge in circumstances approved by the master.
True or false to minimize distraction to the Bridge team access to the Internet and email used by Bridge Watch keepers should generally be limited to circumstances where it is necessary for the safe navigation of the ship.
Internet access and email on the bridge should usually be restricted to:
A. Updates for nautical charts and publications licenses and permits.
B. Weather information and navigational warnings.
C. Information relevant to the ship operations and passage plan.
D. All of the above.
D. All of the above.
During emergencies, who is responsible for the safety of navigation.
A. The master
B. The lookouts
C. The bridge team.
D. None of the above.
C. The Bridge team.
What is the purpose of passage planning?
To develop a comprehensive navigation plan for the safe conduct of the ship from berth to berth.
What should the plan for the intended passage identify? (7 things)
A route that:
* Recognises hazards and assesses associated risks and decision points
* Ensures sufficient sea room and depth of water
* Includes appropriate position fixing opportunities and intervals
* Complies with relevant reporting requirements and routeing measures for ships
* Considers anticipated traffic and weather conditions
* Takes into account any cargo care sensitivities
* Complies with all applicable environmental protection measures.
True or False: Passage planning does not need to consider anticipated traffic and weather conditions.
Fill in the blank: Passage planning must ensure that sufficient _______ and depth of water is available.
sea room
What are the key elements to consider in a passage plan?
Key elements include:
* Hazards and associated risks
* Sea room and water depth
* Position fixing opportunities
* Reporting requirements
* Traffic and weather conditions
* Cargo care sensitivities
* Environmental protection measures.
When should the master check and approve the passage plan?
Before departure
This consists of gathering all information relevant to the proposed passage and reviewing it.
The appraisal
The appraisal should include:
A. Up-to-date, official charts and nautical publications.
B. Consultation with the chief engineer.
C. Helicopter operations.
D. All the above.
D. All of the above.
True or False Electronic navigational charts, raster navigational charts, and paper charts are usually based on the same Hydro graphic survey data.
True or false in the ENC is not more accurate than an RNC or paper chart covering the same area.
When planning a passage on Actus the OOW should:
A. Be aware that the charted objects on an ENC are not more accurate or precisely plotted than charted objects on the corresponding RNC or paper chart.
B. Make sure that there is enough safety margin between charted hazards, and the ships intended to allow for the accuracy and precision of charts.
C. Make sure that the charts have been updated to the latest notice to Mariners.
D. All of the above.
D. All of the above.
True or false a mixture of electronic charts and paper charts can be used when planning for any section of a route.
False planning for any section of a route should be undertaken using either electronic charts, only or paper charts only rather than a mixture of the chart types. Unless the route includes areas where electronic charts are not available.
Margins of safety in coastal or restricted waters are likely to be less than four ocean passages because of:
A. The available depth of water
B. Proximity of land and the coastal infrastructure.
C. Increased density and other navigational hazards.
D. All the above
D. All of the above
In shallow water allowance should be made for the increased draft in the effects on steering caused by what?
Ship squat
The passage planning for navigation in pilotage Waters should contain more information to cover a pilot phase, including when
A. The ship is navigating in a non-mandatory pilotage area and no pilot has embarked.
B. The ship is in pilot waters and pilot is embarked
C. The ship is in pilotage Waters and pilotage is being conducted by his ships officer holding an appropriate invalid PEC.
D. All of the above
D. All of the above.
True or false an appropriate small scale ENC or RNC should be used when planning a route.
False an appropriate large scale, ENC or RNC should be used
The passage plan should be _______ to prevent unauthorized editing.
A. Saved.
B. Backed up.
C. Locked.
D. All of the above.
D. All of the above.
What is a line separating areas of minimum depths?
A contour line
Which of the below is shallow contour.
A. The value of water depth below which ship will run aground.
B. An outline that marks the division between safe and unsafe waters.
C. An outline depth that marks potentially safe and unsafe areas.
D. An area past which the ship will encounter shallow water affects
A. The value of water depth below which the ship will run a ground.
Which of the below is safety contour.
A. The value of water depth below which ship will run aground.
B. An outline that marks the division between safe and unsafe waters.
C. An outline depth that marks potentially safe and unsafe areas.
D. An area past which the ship will encounter shallow water affects
B. An outline that marks the division between safe and unsafe waters.
Which of the below is safety depth.
A. The value of water depth below which ship will run aground.
B. An outline that marks the division between safe and unsafe waters.
C. An outline depth that marks potentially safe and unsafe areas.
D. An area past which the ship will encounter shallow water affects
C. An outline depth that marks potential safe and unsafe waters.
Which of the below is deep will encounter contour.
A. The value of water depth below which ship will run aground.
B. An outline that marks the division between safe and unsafe waters.
C. An outline depth that marks potentially safe and unsafe areas.
D. An area past which the ship will encounter shallow water affects
D. An area past which the ship will encounter shallow water effects
When calculating safety contour, the OOW should consider these four things.
- The ships sailing draft and trim
- Expected squat or allowance for squat
- UKC as per the company SMS
- Expected height of tide
On Actus, what happens if the ship crosses the safety contour?
A. An audible alarm.
B. A visual alarm.
C. No alarm
D. A & B only.
D. A & B only
How many categories informed the user about how far they can rely on the chart when planning a passage or conducting navigation.
The CATZOC has six categories
What is the formula for calculating safety contour and considering draft squat, UKC and height of tide
Draught + squat + UKC - height of tide
Name the CATZOC from most accurate to least accurate
A1, A2, B, C, D and U.
True or false to avoid losing critical information the passage plan should not be overly detailed and it should be available in a format that can be easily understood by the Bridge team.
True true
When checking out on Actus, it should be visually inspected at what scale for the ENC and RNC in use.
A. 1:1
B. 1:2
C. 1:3
D. 1:4
A. 1:1
True or false when reviewing the route of a passage plan on the automated route scan is sufficient.
False a detailed review of the passage plan should always be carried out in conjunction with an automated route scan
True or false the safety of the ship it’s crew and it’s cargo or it’s passengers should always be priority over the ETA
True or false before sailing all of the Bridge team should be appropriately briefed and should confirm their understanding of the passage plan.
Where are vessel traffic services that monitor ship compliance with local regulations and optimize traffic management used?
A. Areas where the volume of traffic and risk to navigation and the environment is high.
B. Approaches to port.
C. Other areas of confined water.
D. All of the above.
D. All of the above.
True or false the decision by the master to assume responsibility for the watch should be explicitly communicated to the OWW and other members of the Bridge team and fully understood by them.
True or false The Watch handover should be deferred until after the completion of any action that is imminent or that starts before the watch has been handed over.
It is the LOW responsibility to be satisfied that:
A. The relieving OOW is fit for duty.
B. In hours of darkness, they have had enough time to allow for night vision adjustment.
C. The relieving officer has checked the ship’s position status.
D. All of the above.
D. All of the above.
True or false electronic navigation aids, including ECDIS, radar, automatic radar plotting aids, and AIS can be substitutes for maintaining a proper lookout.
True or false during the hours of darkness, it is essential that the Bridge team has adequate night vision to maintain proper lookout and the environment should support this
True the use of low intensity and colored red light as well as blackout curtains should be used to maintain night vision.
If the use of a soul lookout is used during the day the master should be satisfied that:
A. The OOW is fit for duty
B. The ability of the OOW to safely navigate the ship is not compromised by the volume of the anticipated workload.
C. The OWW knows who will provide back up assistance in what circumstances backups assistance should be called for and how to call it quickly. The back up personnel are aware of required response times and limitations of their movements and they can hear and respond to alarms and communication calls from the Bridge.
D. All of the above.
D. All of the above.
Situational awareness depends on
A. Bridge teams ability to use information effectively to assess his situation accurately.
B. Bridge teams experience.
C. Absence of distractions
D. All of the above.
D. All of the above good situation awareness is essential for safe navigation and the protection of the environment..
What is required to protect marine wildlife and environmentally sensitive sea areas?
Awareness of requirements
This includes understanding regulations and practices that safeguard marine ecosystems.
What aids situational awareness on the bridge?
A clear understanding of the passage plan
This ensures that all crew members are aligned with the intended route and objectives.
What is essential for an effectively managed bridge team?
Proper communication and defined roles
Effective management involves coordination among team members to enhance navigational safety.
What is necessary for a proper and continuous look-out?
Use of all available means
This includes visual observation, radar, and other monitoring tools to maintain vigilance.
What equipment must bridge personnel be familiar with?
Radar, AIS, ARPA, and ECDIS
Familiarity with these systems enhances the crew’s ability to interpret navigational data effectively.
How can navigational safety of the ship be confirmed?
Using look-outs, ECDIS, radar, and visual monitoring techniques
These methods collectively ensure that the vessel is navigating safely through various conditions.
True or false overreliance on individual electronic systems for developing and maintaining situational awareness should be avoided
This is vital between the bridge and room for a ship to operate safely and effectively and without causing pollution
Clear, concise and close loop communication
True or false the bridge and engine control room should update each other on their operational status
The bridge should be informed by the engineer officer of the watch when
A. Switching to unattended machinery space operation.
B. Personnel entering and exiting on unattended machinery spaces.
C. When the edge is switched back to attended operation.
D. All of the above.
D. All of the above.
True or false ation should always be available between the Bridge and engine room control room during maneuvering
True a talkback intercom system is preferred method of communication with the engine room
The OOW should understand the characteristics of the:
A. Bridge control systems.
B. Tape of main engines
C. Type of propellers and or thrusters.
D. All of the above.
D. All of the above.
OOW is responsible for insuring with the ship always does this according to rule six and rule 19 of the COLREGS?
Proceeds at a safe speed
Name for circumstances when manual steering should be used.
1 areas of high traffic density
2. Conditions of restricted visibility.
3. Situations on the ship is maneuvering or under pilotage
4. Any other potential hazardous situation and particularly when an automatic steering system could provide insufficient control.
True or false The OOW should be familiar with the operation of all manual automatic and backup steering control systems on the bridge as well as emergency steering.
What three forms of information does track control systems. Use to keep the ship automatically on planned track over ground.
- Position.
- Course.
- Speed.
What is the way that the ships position can be crosscheck when using track control?
A. Visual radar, fixing techniques, using ranges and pairing of charted objects.
B. Echosounder to monitor charts and contours.
C. Monitoring the integrity of information displayed on navigational equipment.
D. All of the above.
D. All of the above.
Why is it important for the bridge team to understand navigation in coastal or restricted waters?
To comprehend the increased dangers and the need for good situational awareness
Good situational awareness helps in preventing accidents and ensuring safe navigation.
What type of charts should navigation be conducted on?
The most suitable large scale ENC, RNC or paper charts available
ENC stands for Electronic Navigational Chart, RNC stands for Raster Navigational Chart.
How frequently should the position of the ship be fixed?
At frequent intervals by the most appropriate means and cross-checked
This ensures the accuracy of the ship’s location during navigation.
What should the OOW positively identify during navigation?
All relevant navigation marks
This is crucial for safe navigation and avoiding hazards.
What must the OOW be aware of regarding routeing schemes?
Mandatory reporting requirements
Compliance with reporting requirements is essential for safe passage.
What factors should the OOW consider that may affect navigation in restricted waters?
Ship’s draught and manoeuvring characteristics
These factors impact the ship’s ability to navigate safely.
What is squat, and why is it important for the OOW to understand it?
The effect of ship speed on squat, which can critically affect manoeuvrability and under keel clearance (UKC)
Squat refers to the decrease in under keel clearance that occurs when a vessel moves through shallow water.
What is the impact of squat in shallow water?
It may have a critical effect on manoeuvrability and the ship’s under keel clearance (UKC)
This can lead to grounding or collision hazards.
What should the OOW be aware of when transiting rivers or narrow channels?
Bank effect and its impact on the ship
Bank effect can influence the ship’s course and stability.
What visual techniques should be used when monitoring the passage in coastal and pilotage?
The following visual techniques should be used: _______
Specific techniques were not listed, but they are essential for safe navigation.
What are clearing bearings used for?
To make sure the ship stays remains in a safe area
When can beam transit be used?
When altering course
ECDIS is an effective tool for monitoring a passage as long as the following checks are made before departure (3 checks)
- The correct passage plan is loaded on both primary and back up ECDIS terminals.
- Safety settings, particularly depth safety contours are set in compliance with the SMS and reflect the ships current operational status, including the actual draft..
- Information from all sensors connected to the ECDIS is available and correct.
True or false overreliance on ECDIS should be avoided, particularly if it prevents the lookout from being maintained
Because an appreciable bearing change may be a parent, but a risk of collision may still exist. Particular care should be taken when approaching ___________.
A. Very large ships
B. Ships, engaged and towing
C. Ships at Close range.
D. All of the above.
D. All of the above.
Which can be relied on for collision avoidance?
A. Radar and ARPA
C . AIS.
D. All of the above.
A. Radar and ARPA. ECDIS and AIS can be used to aid situational awareness, but should not be relied on for collision avoidance.
The master should be notified immediately if
A. Ship drag anchor.
B. See conditions or visibility deteriorate.
C. There is any doubt about the ships, safety or security.
D. All of the above.
D. All of the above.
Name the channel for each of the following
A. Ch 16
B. Ch 70
C. 2187.5 kHz
D. 8414.5 kHz
D. 4207.5, 6312, 12577, 16804.5
E. 518 kHz
OOW should be familiar with the MARPOL convention, and any other company or national regional requirements. National and regional restrictions may exist in which of the following.
A. Particularly sensitive sea areas (PSSA) as established by IMO
B. Marine Protected Areas (MPA) as a established by estate or a group of states
C. The Emission Control Areas (ECA) as established by a state or a group of states.
D. All of the above.
D. All of the above.
When should a ship report to the relevant authorities when observed incident or on board incident involves what? (Three things)
- A discharge or probable discharge of oil above the permitted level for whatever reason..
- A discharge or probably discharge of harmful substances in packaged form..
- The shift suffers damage failure, or a breakdown that affects the safety or impairs, safe navigation and results in a discharge her probably discharge into The Sea of a harmful substance.
What is required by Marple NX six with the objective of optimizing the performance of the ship.
Energy efficiency management plan (SEEMP)
All ballast sweater operations must be recorded in what?
A. Ships log
B. The oily water recordbook.
C. Ballast water record book.
D. None of the above.
C. Dallas water record book.
Manual steering should be checked at least when?
Once per watch
Gyro and magnetic compass areas should be checked and recorded at least when
Once per watch
Records of Bridge activities should be kept by whom?
True or false the OOW should not hesitate to take immediate emergency action before the master arrives on the bridge
Ships may be requested by an RCC to provide assistance and decision by a ship not to provide assistance should be justified and _________.
A. The master should inform the RCC.
B. Recorded in the logbook by the master.
C. All of the above.
D. None of the above.
C. All of the above.
The LOW should send a danger message if the ship experiences or observes any of these things (5 things)
- Dangerous Ice
- Dangerous derelict or any other direct danger to navigation.
- Tropical cyclone.
- Freezing temperatures associated with Galeforce winds causing severe ice buildup on superstructure.
- Winds of force 10 or above on the Beaufort scale for which no storm warning has been received.
Where should defects as the result of periodic checks on equipment be reported or recorded?
A. Reported to the master recorded in the logbook.
B. Reported to the master recorded in the logbook and identified in the pilot card.
C. Reported to the Electrician and recorded in the equipment log
D. Reported to the OOW And recorded in the passage plan.
B. Reported to the master, recorded in the logbook and identified in the pilot card
What are deficiencies in the design or operation of software which has sometimes led to compromise systems?
Software anomalies.
Masters and watch, keeping officer should be familiar with the guidance available, including the equipment manufacturers on how to identify mitigate and report anomaly issues
Where are ECDIS operating anomalies identified and addressed?
A.. In the ECDIS manual.
B. through local notice to Mariners
C. In ECDIS updates.
D. Through newsletters from the manufacturer
C. In ECDIS updates.
How long before departure should a steering test be conducted?
No more than 12 hours before departure
True or false when approaching heavy traffic restricted waters or restricted visibility automatic steering, maybe change over to hand steering as appropriate and in good time
What may warn the ODW when the ship deviates from its heading?
An off course alarm. The alarm should always be in use when the auto pilot is in operation and the alarm should also be integrated with the BNWAS.
True or false the use of an auto pilot and the off course alarm relieves the OWW from frequently checking that the planned course is safe and being maintained
The magnetic compass is generally fitted centerline of the navigation bridge and has a periscope so that the compass can be red from the Helms Man’s position where the magnetic compass is needed to provide heading outputs to other Bridge systems. This should be fitted.
Transmitting magnet compass
How often should the transmitting magnetic compass be tested?
Once a week
True or false, where the gyrocompass has no direct speed log or position input manual corrections should be made as required
This compass or equivalent is required on ships navigating and polar Waters at latitudes above 80°
A. Gyrocompass.
B. GNSS compass.
C. Magnetic compass.
D. Transmitting, magnetic compass
B. GNSS compass.
Which speed measurement is used for radar collision avoidance, and which is used for navigation
Speed through the water is used for radar collision avoidance
Speed over the ground is used for navigation
Care should be taken when using this for collision avoidance says there can be differences in the aspect of target and its vector, particularly when there are strong cross tides.
This speed measurement can be measured from two fixed points on a chart and is also calculated and transmitted by electronic position fixing systems.
D. None of the above.
Cargo vessels of 300 Gross tons and above, and all passenger vessels are required to carry this for measuring water depth.
Echo sounders
True or false, the BNWAS monitors, Bridge activity and OWW awareness the system will alert the master or other appropriate personnel if for any reason the OWW does not or cannot respond
How often should sound signal equipment be checked.
The VDR is required to maintain a record of information covering at least what period of time.
48 hours
When should the VDR be checked to ensure that is functioning and that there are no alarms or errors?
A. Hourly while underway
B. Once per watch.
C. Daily while underway
D. Before departure
D. Before departure.
Would you are occurs when fewer satellites are available to the ship? It is common when sailing in areas with high mountains, such as Alaska or Norway.
A. Receiver autonomous integrity monitoring
B. Delusion of precision error
C. GNSS jamming or spoofing.
D. Multi path error.
B. Delusion of precision error
This error relates to the quality of data being sent to the GNSS receiver if the system detects a drop in quality, it will alert the user.
A. Receiver autonomous integrity monitoring
B. Delusion of precision error
C. GNSS jamming or spoofing.
D. Multi path error.
A. Receiver autonomous integrity monitoring.
This can happen in an area of increased military presence. The OWW may notice a position jump on the ECDIS or when cross checking position, the GNSS position may be unreliable.
A. Receiver autonomous integrity monitoring
B. Delusion of precision error
C. GNSS jamming or spoofing.
D. Multi path error.
C. GNSS jamming or spoofing.
The GNSS receiver may be blocked or receiving a double signal this could be due to interference by structures, mountains, etc.
A. Receiver autonomous integrity monitoring
B. Delusion of precision error
C. GNSS jamming or spoofing.
D. Multi path error.
D. Multi path error.
As standalone equipment or as part of an integrated system, GNSS receivers provide:
A. Position.
B. Course and speed overground.
C. Route storage and XTD monitoring.
D. All of the above.
D. All of the above.
True or false although a ship navigating in GNSS may know its position with an accuracy better than 10 m positions of hazards and other objects on the sea bed may only be known with an accuracy of 20 m or less.
True or false AIS is an aid to navigation and can be relied on solely for collision avoidance
False AIS should not be relied upon for a collision avoidance
AIS is a Maritime system broadcasting on ________ band which can automatically exchange static dynamic and voyage data on a ship to ship or ship to shore basis.
This is the main electronic collision, avoidance stool for Bridge watch keepers and supports effective passage, plan monitoring.
True or false a heading marker that is not correctly aligned can give misleading information and potential collision situations.
True, Heading Marker should be checked periodically against both the Gyro heading and the four and half line of the ship
______________ weather Gibson opportunity for watch keepers to check radar target detection performance.
Clear weather
True or false regular scanning at longer ranges is an important factor and determine safe speed
True, it can give advance warning of land and approaching vessels, particularly high speed craft
True or false it can be assumed that because a relative bearing of a target is changing there is no risk of collision
False, although an alternation, of course, and our speed may alter the relative bearing the risk of collision still exist especially a close quarters
For collision, avoidance purposes, speed, and heading input should be _________ stabilized.
A. Sea
B. Ground
C. Heading
D. Any of the above.
A. Sea
To determine a target CPA and whether there is a risk of collision, it is necessary to have an accurate input of own ships _________ and ____________.
A. Course and Speed through the water.
B. Heading and Speed over the ground.
C. Course and Speed over the ground.
D. Heading and Speed through the water.
D. Heading and Speed through the water.
True or false AIS information, particularly CPA and time of closest approach should not be relied on for collision avoidance
This is a technique for assessing the distance at which a ship will pass a fixed object on a particular course.
Parallel indexing
True or false In relative motion, using parallel indexing, the variable range marker will move along the parallel index as the ship moves towards the static object.
False the the static object will move along the parallel index line with the direction and speed reciprocal to that of the ships ground track.
True or false when using the technique of parallel indexing C stabilized true motion, the static object will move along the parallel index line with a direction and speed reciprocal to that the ships ground track
False in stabilized motion, the variable range marker will move along the parallel index line as the ship moose toward the static object
What is a radar overlay to display on ENC‘s do?
A. Improves the ENC’s accuracy
B. Clutters the ENC making it confusing to the OOW.
C. Improves situation awareness.
D. Degrades situational awareness
C. Improve situational awareness.
How many dots does a star show up as on an X band radar?
To achieve stable oven radar SART, ________ should be switched off.
A. Interference rejection
B. Gain
C. S band radar.
D. None of the above
A. Interference rejection
For a nautical chart or publication to be considered as official, it must be produced or approved by an authorized Hydro graphic office or relevant government institution in accordance with:
A. STCW recommendations.
B. IMO resolutions and recommendations.
C. Appropriate USCG regulations
D. International hydrographic, organization, resolutions and recommendations.
D. International hydrographic, organization, resolutions and recommendations.
True or false ENC and RNC are official charts produced by a hydrographic office. All other commercially available alternatives are unofficial or private charts.
These are official charts that are exact copies of paper charts and are produced by digitally scanning an original paper chart. It is not possible to change how information is displayed on these charts and so there is no risk of hiding charted information.
C. Private charts
D. None of the above.
This type of chart zooms into different display, scales, retaining size and shape of text and symbols.
This type of chart zooms into different display, scales, retaining size and shape of text and symbols.
This type of chart has an automated audible invisible alarm that is triggered when an anti-grounding code safety zone or look ahead feature crosses a hazard
This type of chart pixelates if zoomed in
This type of chart selects feature sets relevant to the navigation situation. The standard display provides a minimum amount of information for safe navigation.
With this type of chart, the geodetic data projections may differ between charts.
With this type of chart, WGS 84 compatible with GPS without correction
True or false if an ENC is over or under zoomed, some charted information required for safe navigation may not be displayed
True or false only a type approved ECDIS operating with up-to-date ENC’s and with appropriate back up may be used to meet the chart carriage requirement under SOLAS
What are three options to meet the IMO carriage requirements for a back up system?
- A second approved cactus connected to an independent power supply and separate GNSS receiver
- An appropriate up-to-date folio of official paper charts for the intended voyage.
- A approved chart radar, which is capable of displaying ENC‘s in compliance with IHO standards, which can be used for route planning and monitoring in the similar way to an ECDIS
This is a combination of systems that are interconnected to allow centralized access to sensor information and control passage, planning execution, and monitoring functions.
IBS integrated bridge systems
True or false an integrated navigation system may be part of an IBS or a standalone system
True or false if it shifts officer holds a valid PEC issued by the responsible authority. It may not be necessary to engage a pilot when the ship is in pilotage waters..
True or false the master should be prepared to accept any necessary amendments to the passage plan when the pilot ports after an appropriate discussion
As well as a full birth of birth passage plan what preparations for the pilot should take place?
A. The bridge team should be briefed on the pilotage and duties of those involved.
B. The pilot should be completed.
C. Communications should be set up with the pilot port VTS and port authorities as appropriate.
D. All the above
D. All of the above.
The pilot card should include:
A. Details on the current ship condition
B. All relevant information for the passage port.
C. Every defect that may affect the ships maneuverability or pilotage and details about those defects.
D.. All the above.
D. All of the above.
The pilot card should be based on __________.
A. IMO standard format.
B. Format established in the CFR.
C. Format directed by the master.
D. None of the above.
A. IMO standard format.
The pilot and the master should exchange information about the Pilots intentions, ships characteristics, and operational factors. When should this happen?
As soon as possible after the pilot has boarded
What must be agreed upon before pilotage begins?
Changes to the plan and individual bridge team responsibilities
It is essential to ensure clarity and safety during the pilotage process.
What updates should be provided concerning local conditions?
Weather, depth of water, tides, and tidal streams
These factors significantly influence navigation and safety.
What information should be included in the update on traffic conditions?
Current traffic conditions relevant to the vessel’s navigation
Understanding traffic conditions helps in planning safe maneuvers.
What type of information should be available regarding the ship’s dimensions?
Maneuvering information in the form of the wheelhouse poster
Refer to checklist C1.3 for more details.
What additional document should be available on the bridge for maneuvering?
A maneuvering booklet containing more detailed information
This document assists the bridge team in navigating safely.
What should be reported to the pilot regarding the ship’s handling?
Any unusual ship handling characteristics and machinery limitations
This information is crucial for safe pilotage and berthing.
What information should be provided about berthing arrangements?
Use, characteristics, and number of tugs and mooring arrangements
Understanding berthing arrangements is essential for safe docking.
What do contingency plans identify?
Possible abort points for malfunctions or emergencies
Contingency planning is critical for addressing unexpected situations.
What must be formally confirmed regarding communication during pilotage?
The working language
Clarity in communication is vital for effective coordination.
What should be reported to the pilot regarding defects?
All defects that might affect the maneuverability of the ship
Reporting defects is essential for maintaining safety during pilotage.
Is the pilot required to inform the Bridge team of any failures or deficiencies such as unavailable tugs in good time?
Is the pilot required to inform the Bridge team of any handover between Pilots?
Is the pilot responsible for responding to information advice, and questions from the Bridge team?
How can the master and Bridge team support the pilot?
A. Make sure the Pilots directions are conveyed to the morning stations and are correctly executed.
B. Make sure the morning stations provide feedback.
C. And the pilot once have been carried out and where in the mission has occurred or if potential problem exist.
D. All of the above
D. All of the above.
True or false The Bridge team should understand the effects of interaction between ships tugs and or mooring boats and fix structures.
When should a complete MPX take place?
A. Directly after last line.
B. Before releasing tugs.
C. Before departure.
D. None of the above.
C. Before departure.
What should DPO continency plans cover?
A. Safe routes and actions to be taken in unforeseen circumstances..
B. Worst case failure.
C. Catastrophic system failure, or significant degradation of any ship systems.
D. All of the above.
D. All the above
Gyro compasses should run continuously if the gyro compass stops for any reason what action should be taken? When can it be relied upon again?
It should be restarted and when it has “settled” and the error is known it can be relied on again.
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