Bridge Proceedures Guide - ICOS Flashcards
Abbreviation: ATA
Automatic Tracking Aid
Abbreviations: BNWAS
Bridge navigational watch alarm system
Abbreviations: CATZOC
Category Zone of Confidence
Abbreviations: COLREGS
International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea
Abbreviations: EBL
Electronic Bearing Line
Abbreviations: EOOW
Engineer Officer of the Watch
Abbreviations: EP
Estimated Position
Abbreviations: EP
Estimated Position
Abbreviations: EPA
Electronic plotting aid
Abbreviations: IBS
Integrated Bridge System
Abbreviations: LRIT
Long Range Identification and Tracking of Ships
Abbreviations: MARPOL
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ship
Abbreviations: MLC
Maritime Labour Convention
Abbreviations: MPX
Master / Pilot Information Exchange
Abbreviations: PSC
Port State Control
Abbreviations: RCDS
Raster Chart Display System
Abbreviations: RNC
Raster Navigational Chart
Abbreviations: SENC
System Electronic Navigational Chart
Abbreviations: SMG
Speed Made Good
Abbreviations: STCW
International Convention (and Code) on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers
Abbreviations: T & P
Temporary and Preliminary Notices to Mariners
Abbreviations: VDR/S-VDR
Voyage Data Recorder / Simplified Voyage Data Recorder
Abbreviations: VRM
Variable Range Marker
This is the personnel on the bridge engaged in the navigation of the vessel.
Bridge Team
Name for: Symbols to show varying levels of accuracy, coverage and survey reliability on an ENC.
Category zone of confidence (CATZOC)
Name for: The ability of a ship to maintain a pre-set position and heading automatically by using its own propellers and thrusters.
Dynamic Positioning
Name for: a system which is not ECDIS or an ECDIS which is using unofficial or private navigational charts.
Electronic Chart System (ECS)
Name for: An official electronic vector chart for use on an ECDIS.
Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC)
Name for: A co-ordinate system and a set of reference points, used to locate places on the surface of the earth. WGS 84 is used by GPS, ECDIS and ENCs.
Geodetic datum
The ship’s manoeuvring booklet should contain comprehensive details of the ship’s manoeuvring characteristics and other relevant data.
Manoeuvring booklet
Name for: 21 geographical sea areas into which the world’s oceans are divided. They are used to transmit meteorological warnings to ships and have the same boundaries as NAVAREAs.
Meteorological Areas
Name for: 21 geographical sea areas into which the world’s oceans are divided (NAVAREA 1-XXI). They are used to transmit long-range navigational and meteological warnings to ships under the WWNWS. NAVAREAs have the same boundaries as METEREAs.
Navigational areas (NAVAREA)
A method used by hydrographic offices for routine distribution of official nautical chart and publication update information.
Notice to Mariners (NM)
In pilotage waters, an exemption certificate may be granted to a member of the bridge team, usually the master, based on compliance with specific local criteria.
Pilotage exemption certificate (PEC)
Waters where it is mandatory or recommended to take a pilot.
Pilotage waters
An official electronic image of a paper chart.
Raster Navigational Chart (RNC)
This is the system required by the ISM code, enabling personnel to apply companies safety, and environmental protection policy effectively.
Safety management system (SMS)
English language phrases that have been developed to cover the most important safety related fields of communication.
Standard marine communication phrases (SMCP)
This is the starting point for a system that will promote support and monitor best practice and so maximize the safety of navigation.
Effective bridge organization
Safe navigation always requires these four things: (CCCM)
Command, control, communication and management
The root cause of many, if not all maritime accidents lies in
A. Shift design
B. Equipment design.
C. Performance
D. All of the above
D. all of the above also operational practices and training all which are human related activities
True or false mistakes can always be avoided.
False, good procedures and teamwork can create measures to detect these mistakes and mitigate their effects.
This is essential to the safety of navigation.
A. Good command from the captain
B. Accurate waypoints
C. Being Ecdis compliant.
D. A comprehensive passage plan
D. A comprehensive passage plan.
Where should the passage plan be conducted?
A. From Sea Buoy to Sea Buoy
B. From first waypoint to last to waypoint
C. From berth to berth.
D. None of the above.
C. From berth to berth.
True or false the passage plan, including the intended route should be checked by the officer responsible for navigation planning, and afterwards the master should review it and approve it
An effective master pilot information exchange is essential to confirm that the master Bridge team and pilot have the appropriate levels of __________ and a common understanding before they start the pilotage.
A. Situational awareness.
B. Local knowledge
C. Shipboard experience
D. All of the above
A. Situational awareness.
An effective Bridge team should
A. Manage all available resources
B. Promote good communication and teamwork
C. Anticipate dangerous situations and respond to emergencies.
D. All of the above.
D. All of the above.
True or false under the STCW code the officer of the watch may in certain circumstances be the soul, lookout and daylight conditions.
Who has the overwriting authority and responsibility to make decisions on board ships about safety and pollution prevention?
The master
The Bridge team should recognize and understand which of the following:
A. The information that should be routinely reported to the master
B. The need to keep the master fully informed.
C. The circumstance under which the master should be called.
D. All of the above.
All of the above
True or false the presence of the master on the bridge removes the responsibility for navigation from the OOW.
False the master provides oversight and guidance
What are the key components that the performance of a bridge team relies on?
Good leadership, teamwork, communication, and management
These components are essential for effective bridge operations.
What does the STCW Convention require for watchkeeping officers?
BRM training
BRM stands for Bridge Resource Management.
What is the benefit of a bridge team having a plan and being well briefed?
They will work effectively and maintain good situational awareness
This enables anticipation of dangerous situations.
What can a well-prepared bridge team anticipate?
Dangerous situations and recognize a sequence of errors
This helps in preventing potential problems.
What actions can a bridge team take to prevent emergencies?
Break a chain of errors
This involves addressing errors before they lead to serious issues.
What is vital for identifying and addressing chains of errors?
An appropriate approach to raising safety concerns or doubts
This must be done without fear of reprisal or ridicule.
What leadership approach fosters effective communication and teamwork?
‘Challenge and response’
This approach encourages open dialogue about safety concerns.
Under the challenge and response approach breach team members are encouraged:
A. To challenge operational decisions at all levels.
B. To challenge the decisions of their subordinates
C. To challenge the decisions of their colleagues.
D. None of the above.
A. To challenge decisions at all levels.
If an action of a pilot deviates from the agreed plan, a challenge should be made by ____________.
The OOW so the pilot can either clarify the intended action or if intended action is indeed incorrect, amend, and adjust action to ensure the ship remain safe
What is encouraged for bridge team members to seek?
Clarification on the actions of other bridge team members
This helps better understand the decision-making process.
What practice should bridge team members engage in to enhance communication?
Thinking aloud
This technique can help develop junior officers by encouraging open discussion of actions.
What should not be compromised while encouraging bridge team discussions?
The immediate safety of the ship.
True or false under no circumstances should a challenge and response approach be considered as undermining the authority delegated to the 00 by the master.
Briefs and debriefs are useful tools before and after operations such as:
A. Arrivals
B. Departures.
C. Approaches to challenging navigational areas.
D. All of the above.
D. All the above.
Briefs and debriefs are useful tools before and after operations such as:
A. Assisting other vessels.
B. Long pilotage.
C. Emergency responses.
D. All of the above.
D. All the above.
The Bridge team is responsible for maintaining communications with:
A. The engine room
B. All operating areas
C. The home office
D. A and B only
D. A and B only
What is essential for bridge and engine room personnel?
Regular communication on matters such as:
* Machinery and propulsion status, including defects
* Existing or anticipated circumstances affecting performance
* Planned or anticipated speed changes
* Environmental regulatory requirements
Communication is crucial for the safe and efficient operation of the vessel.
What should be included in communications regarding machinery?
Machinery and propulsion status, including defects
This information helps in identifying issues that could impact the ship’s operation.
What circumstances should be communicated that could affect machinery performance?
Fuel changeover procedures and planned maintenance
These factors can significantly impact the efficiency and safety of machinery operations.
What kind of changes should be communicated to bridge and engine room personnel?
Planned or anticipated speed changes
Speed changes can affect navigation and fuel consumption.
True or False: Environmental regulatory requirements should be communicated between bridge and engine room personnel.
Compliance with environmental regulations is crucial for operational legality and safety.
True or false the presence of a pilot relieves the master or the bridge team of their duties and responsibilities for ship, safety, and prevention of pollution
What should be done to limit or to disruption and distraction on the bridge?
A. Limit unrestricted Bridge access to those with operational bridge responsibilities.
B. Control, the use of mobile phones and other personal electronic devices.
C. Restrict internal and external communication to those related to the safe navigation of the ship.
D. All the above.
D. All of the above.
What are the minimum rest hours required in a seven day Period?
77 hours
What is the minimum required hours of rest in a 24 hour period?
10 hours rest in a 24 hour period.
How many times can a 10 hour rest period be split and what is the minimum amount of consecutive hours required?
10 hour rest. Period should not be split into more than two. One of which should be at least six consecutive hours with the interval between the rest periods being not more than 14 hours.
Which requirements are slightly stricter and normally enforced by the PSC?
STCW requirements
What do most flag states require as a limit for blood alcohol level?
0.05% blood alcohol level
Who should enforce the company drug and alcohol policy for visitors, including Pilots contractors, and officials?
The master, he should take immediate action to make sure the safety of the ship is not compromised
What is the language of international shipping?
True or false If English is not the working language of the ship, the company or master should decide on and record an alternate working language in the ships logbook.
True or false the pilot should always be expected to explain instructions exchanged with other ships, pilot boats, tugs, and vessel survices to the master and Bridge in English.
SMS should identify clear levels of authority and lines of communication between:
A. The master
B. The ship’s officers
C. The crew
D. The company
E. A and C only
F. A and B only
G. A and D only
H. A, B, C and D
H. A, B, C and D.
At what interval should the master write in the Bridge order book what is expected of the OOW for that period.
True or false the company and masters standing order should be read by all Bridge team members on joining the ship, signed and dated.
A copy of the order should be available on the bridge for reference
True or false the company should have a written policy, requiring the mobile phones or other personal electronic devices are only used on the bridge in circumstances approved by the master.
True or false to minimize distraction to the Bridge team access to the Internet and email used by Bridge Watch keepers should generally be limited to circumstances where it is necessary for the safe navigation of the ship.
Internet access and email on the bridge should usually be restricted to:
A. Updates for nautical charts and publications licenses and permits.
B. Weather information and navigational warnings.
C. Information relevant to the ship operations and passage plan.
D. All of the above.
D. All of the above.
During emergencies, who is responsible for the safety of navigation.
A. The master
B. The lookouts
C. The bridge team.
D. None of the above.
C. The Bridge team.
What is the purpose of passage planning?
To develop a comprehensive navigation plan for the safe conduct of the ship from berth to berth.
What should the plan for the intended passage identify?
A route that:
* Recognises hazards and assesses associated risks and decision points
* Ensures sufficient sea room and depth of water
* Includes appropriate position fixing opportunities and intervals
* Complies with relevant reporting requirements and routeing measures for ships
* Considers anticipated traffic and weather conditions
* Takes into account any cargo care sensitivities
* Complies with all applicable environmental protection measures.
True or False: Passage planning does not need to consider anticipated traffic and weather conditions.
Fill in the blank: Passage planning must ensure that sufficient _______ and depth of water is available.
sea room
What are the key elements to consider in a passage plan?
Key elements include:
* Hazards and associated risks
* Sea room and water depth
* Position fixing opportunities
* Reporting requirements
* Traffic and weather conditions
* Cargo care sensitivities
* Environmental protection measures.
When should the master check and approve the passage plan?
Before departure
This consists of gathering all information relevant to the proposed passage and reviewing it.
The appraisal
The appraisal should include:
A. Up-to-date, official charts and nautical publications.
B. Consultation with the chief engineer.
C. Helicopter operations.
D. All the above.
D. All of the above.
True or False Electronic navigational charts, raster navigational charts, and paper charts are usually based on the same Hydro graphic survey data.
True or false in the ENC is not more accurate than an RNC or paper chart covering the same area.
When planning a passage on Actus the OOW should:
A. Be aware that the charted objects on an ENC are not more accurate or precisely plotted than charted objects on the corresponding RNC or paper chart.
B. Make sure that there is enough safety margin between charted hazards, and the ships intended to allow for the accuracy and precision of charts.
C. Make sure that the charts have been updated to the latest notice to Mariners.
D. All of the above.
D. All of the above.
True or false a mixture of electronic charts and paper charts can be used when planning for any section of a route.
False planning for any section of a route should be undertaken using either electronic charts, only or paper charts only rather than a mixture of the chart types. Unless the route includes areas where electronic charts are not available.