IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases Flashcards
Position of the IMO SMCP in maritime practice
The IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) has been compiled:
A. To assist in the greater safety of navigation and of the conduct of the ship,
B. to standardize the language used in communication for navigation at sea, in
port approaches, waterways and harbours, and on board vessels with
multilingual crews, and
C. to assist maritime training institutions in meeting the objectives mentioned
D. All of the above.
D. All of the above.
As far as its application is concerned the IMO SMCP is divided into 2 sets of phrases they are:
- External Communication Phrases
- Internal Communication Phrases
True or False IMO SMCP builds on a basic knowledge of the English language. It was drafted intentionally in a simplified version of maritime English.
True This was to reduce grammatical, lexical and idiomatic varieties to a tolerable minimum.
True or False Block language is applied to Navigation Warnings, Emergency and Other situations that uses sparingly or omits the function words like the, a/an, is/are.
IMO SMCP further communicative features may be summarized in the answer card. (5 things)
1. Avoiding synonyms
2. Avoiding contracted forms
3. Providing fully worded answers to “yes/no” questions and basic alternative answers to sentence questions
4. Providing one phrase for one event
5. Structuring the corresponding phrases according to the principle: identical invariable plus variable.
Receipt the phonetic alphabet…. Refresh in answer card.
Recite the phonetic numbering 1 - 10. Answers on the answer card.
When using shore to ship and ship to shore communication what are the eight message markers that can signal the intent of a conversation or broadcast.
- Instruction
- Advice
- Warning
- Information
- Question
- Answer
- Request
- Intention
When answer to a question is in the affirmative what should the response be? When the information is not immediately available? When the information cannot be obtained?
Yes … followed by the appropriate phrase in full.
Same for No.
Stand by … followed by the appropriate phrase in full.
No information … followed by the appropriate phrase in full.
When an instruction or advice is given what should the response be?
“I will (not) / can (not) … “ followed by the instruction or advice.
What is used for a distress message, urgency message and safety message?
When advising to switch VHF channel what do you say? When changing VHF channel?
“Advise (you) change to VHF Channel…”
“Changing to VHF Channel …”
When a Correction or Mistake is made what is the phrase?
“Mistake . . .” Followed by the word
“Correction . . .” Plus the corrected part of the message
When any part of the message is sufficiently important how should it be phrased?
“Repeat . . . “ followed by the massage again.
How are numbers spoken over the radio?
A. In one digit
B. In separate digits
C. Either A or B
D. None of the above
B. In separate digits. 150 is One-five-zero. 2.5 is two decimal five
How are bearings vocalized over the radio?
A. Bearings “From” the mark
B. Bearings “From” the vessel
C. Bearings “To” the mark
D. A and B only
D. A and B only
How should relative bearings be expressed over the radio?
A. To the marks true bearing
B. To the vessels head
C. To the vessels Stern
D. All of the above
B. To the vessel’s head
Distances over the radio should be expressed in ________ or __________.
- Nautical Miles
- Cables
Speed should be expressed in knots in speed through the water how is this expressed? In speed over the ground?
- “without further notation”
- “Ground speed”
What words should “may” “might” and “should” “could” be replaced with to avoid confusion?
- “May” “might” should be replaced with “permission”. “Do I have permission to…”
- “Should” “could” should be replaced with “will” and more direct phrases that take the conditional out.
What is the shift of wind in an anti clockwise manner?
What is the place assigned to a vessel when anchored or lying alongside a pier?
What is the area which cannot be scanned by the ship’s radar because it is shielded by parts of the superstructure, mast, etc.?
Blind sector
What are the four main points of the compass?
Cardinal points
What is a method of towing vessels through polar ice by means of ice-breaking tugs with a special stern notch suited to receive and hold the bow of the vessel to be towed.
Close-coupled towing
What is the most probable position of a search target at a given time? Also the plane of reference to which all data as to the depth on charts are referenced?
What is a vessel still afloat, abandoned at sea called?
This is a member of the watch going around the vessel at certain intervals so that an outbreak of fire may be promptly detected; mandatory in vessels carrying more than 36 passengers.
Fire patrol
This is the four main points lying between the cardinal points.
Half cardinal points
This is a group of dangerous or hazardous goods, harmful substances or marine pollutants in sea transport as classified in the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code.
IMO Class
This is the course directed by the on-scene co-ordinator or other authorized person to be steered at the beginning of a search.
Initial course
This is the vessel’s drift leeward of the desired course.
This is to secure a vessel in a particular place by means of wires or ropes made fast to the shore, to anchors, or to anchored mooring buoys, or to ride with both anchors down
This is the land-based authority responsible for promoting efficient organization of maritime search and rescue and for coordinating the conduct of search and rescue operations within a search and rescue region
Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre: MRCC
This is a person designated to coordinate search and rescue operations within a specified area
OSC: On-scene Co-ordination
This is Escape of oil or liquid from a tank because of a twofold condition as a result of overflowing, thermal expansion, change in vessel trim or vessel movement A vessel emitting harmful substances into the air or
This is the speed of a vessel allowing time for effective action to be taken under prevailing circumstances and conditions to avoid a collision and to be stopped within an appropriate distance
Safe Speed
This is the length of chain cable measuring 15 fathoms.
What is the speed at which a storm center moves.
Speed of advance
This is a wind that is constantly changing speed and direction
Variable of winds
This is clockwise change in the direction of the wind;
Veering (of winds)
To let out a greater length of cable.
Veer out
This is to revers the action of a windlass to ease the cable of anchors.
Walk back
This is to revers the action of a windlass to lower the anchor until it is clear of the hawse pipe and ready for dropping.
Walk out
This is the general direction from which the wind blows.
This is a route it measure comprising a designated area between the landward boundary of a TSS and the adjacent coast.
ITZ Inshore Traffic Zone (of a TSS)
This is A mark or place at which a vessel comes under obligatory entry, transit, or escort procedure
Receiving Point
This is a line displayed on the radar screens in VTS Centres and/or electronic sea-charts separating the fairway for inbound and outbound vessels so that they can safely pass each other
Reference Line
This is the Area controlled by a VTS center or VTS station
VTS Area
A distress call should always commence by stating:
A. The name of the vessel giving the distress
B. The nature of the distress
C. The position of the vessel in distress
D. “Securité, Securité, Securité”
C. The position of the vessel in distress
How do you relay a distress call?
A. Received Mayday from M/V … at … hours UTC on VHF Channel… Vessel in position …
B. At … hours UTC on VHF Channel … Vessels in position … Recieved a Mayday from M/V …
C. Received a Mayday in position … from M/V … at … hours UTC on VHF Channel …
D. Do not relay a distress call.
A. Received Mayday from M/V … at … hours UTC on VHF Channel. Vessel in position …
True or False an Urgency traffic always has to commence with stating the position of the calling vessel if it is not included in the DSC alert.
Urgency traffic typically includes which of the following?
A. Technical failure
B. Cargo adrift or spilled
C. Ice Damage to Vessel
D. All of the above
D. All of the above
Safety communications will typically consist of which of the following?
A. Meteorological and hydrological conditions
B. Navigational warnings
C. Misc. ship warnings such as request of no wake or wide berth
D. All of the above
D. All of the above
In Helicopter communication with the vessel the Helicopter will start the communication with what?
The vessels name
H: M/V … are you ready for the helicopter.
Ice-breaker commands applying to all the vessels in a convoy have to be:
A.Immediately confirmed consecutively by each vessel in turn
B. Executed according to the pattern given
C. Confirmed by the lead vessel in the convoy
D. A and B only
D. A and B only
IMO VTS Guidelines recommend that in any message directed to a vessel it should be clear whether the message contains what? (4 things)
Information, Advise, Warning or Instruction
This message indicates that the following message implies the intention of the sender to influence others by a Regulation.
A. Instruction
B. Advice
C. Warning
D. Information
A. Instruction
This indicates that the following message implies the intention of the sender to influence others by a Recommendation.
A. Instruction
B. Advice
C. Warning
D. Information
B. Advice
This Indicates that the following message implies the intention of the sender to inform others about danger.
A. Instruction
B. Advice
C. Warning
D. Information
C. Warning
This indicates that the following message is restricted to observed facts, situations, etc.
A. Instruction
B. Advice
C. Warning
D. Information
D. Information
This indicates that the following message is of an interrogative character.
A. Request
B. Answer
C. Question
D. Information
C. Question example “Question what is your present maximum drought”
This indicates that the following message is the reply to a previous question.
A. Request
B. Answer
C. Question
D. Information
B. Answer “Answer. My present maximum drought is zero seven meters.”
This indicates that the following message is asking for action from others with respect to the vessel.
A. Request
B. Answer
C. Question
D. Intention
A. Request example: “Request. I require two tugs.”
This indicates that the following message informs others about immediate navigational action intended to be taken.
A. Request
B. Answer
C. Question
D. Intention
D. Intention
The user of the phrase course should be fully aware of the implications of the word __________.
A. Track
B. Heading
C. Course made good
D. All of the above
D. All of the above
How should a DSC Distress Alert be commenced?
A. On VHF Channel 16
B. On 2182 kHz
C. On VHF Channel 13
D. A and B only
D. A and B only
How should a DSC Distress Alert be formatted in regards to in what order should the Position of the Vessel, Nature of Distress, the Assistance required, The 9 digit Maritime Mobile Service Identity Code (MMSI) plus name/call sign and any other information be put.
This is
-The 9 digit Maritime Mobile Service Identity Code (MMSI) plus name/call sign or other identification of the vessel calling
-the position of the vessel
-the nature of distress
-the assistance required
-any other information which might facilitate rescue
How should the structure of a DSC Urgency call be made?
PAN PAN (repeated 3 times)
ALL STATIONS ( Repeated 3 times)
This is
-9 digit MMSI of the vessel plus name /call sign or other identification
-the position of the vessel
-the text of the Urgency message
How should the structure the transmission of a DSC Safety call, switch transmission to VHF 16 or 2182 kHz go?
ALL STATIONS (or all ships in a specific geographical area or to a specific station)( Repeated 3 times)
This is
-9 digit MMSI of the vessel plus name /call sign or other identification
-the text of the safety message
True or False: All wheel orders given should be repeated by the helmsman and the officer of the watch should ensure that they are carried out correctly and immediately.
What command means avoid allowing the vessel’s head to go to port/starboard.
Nothing to port/starboard
What is the command to the helmsman when asked to steer a steady course on the compass indicated at the time of the order.
“Steady as she goes” the helmsman should call out the course “steady on”
What is the order to helms man when asked to if he/she is having difficulty steering.
“Report if she does not answer the wheel”
If asked to steer a specific course and the helmsman states he/she is steady on that course what should the person giving the order do?
Acknowledge the helmsman reply.
On vessels with twin propellers what word can be used after an engine order to use Port and Stbd engines with the same order?
Both example “full ahead both”
What order should be used for full possible power?
“Emergency Full ahead / astern”
Where thrusters are available what order should be used?
“Bow thruster full / half to Port / Starboard”
Review Pages 79 through 84 of the IMO SMCP for language to use when pilot is on the bridge.
When handing over and taking over the watch what should be stated?
Officer / master handing over the watch: You have the watch now.
Officer / master taking over the watch: I have the watch now.
What flag should be hoisted for Man overboard?
On briefing passengers of the areas not permitted to enter what is an example of what should be said.
Safety regulations do not permit passengers to enter the following spaces:
-navigating bridge
-manoeuvring areas at the front and back end of the vessel
-cargo rooms and compartments
-service rooms
-all areas and spaces marked “crew only”
-all closed, sealed or roped-off areas, spaces and rooms
-car decks when the vessel is at sea
International regulations require all passengers to be assembled in a drill which has to take place within ____ hours of departure.
24 hours
When do amendments to the IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases normally come into force? When may they be shortened to depending on the nature or require urgent action?
- 5 years
- Maybe shortened to 3 years
After notification of all concerned when will amendments to the IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases come into effect?
12 months after notification
Navigational and Safety Communications from ship to shore and vice versa, from ship to ship and onboard ship must be ___________, _____________ and ____________ so as to avoid confusion and error.
A. Precise, simple and unambiguous
B. Detailed, complicated and ambiguous
C. Quick, simple and unambiguous
D. None of the above.
A. Precise, simple and unambiguous
The Maritime Committee agreed that a common language should be used and that should be ________.
Under the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers 78/95 the requirements for SMCP is required for the certification of officers in charge of a navigational watch on ships of _______ gross tonnage or more.
A. 300
B. 500
D. 10,000
B. 500