Physiological psychology Flashcards
Franz Gall
- developed phrenology
- he believed that if a trait was well developed, it would expand, causing a bump on the skull
- shown to be false and led to more research by Pierre Flourens
Flourens - extirpation
- AKA ablation
- various parts of brain are removed, and behavioral consequences are observed
- brain parts have specific functions & removal of one part weakens the whole brain
Paul Broca
-first to demonstrate that specific functional impairments can be linked with specific brain lesions
Phineas Gage
show effects of prefrontal cortex damage to personality
Johannes Muller
- identified law of specific energies
- each sensory nerve is excited by only one kind of energy (light or air vibrations_
- sensation depends on part of brain that nerves stimulate
Hermann von Hemholtz
- measured speed of a nerve impulse
- transition of psychology to natural sciences
Sir Charles Sherrington
-first inferred the existence of synapses
3 kinds of nerve cells
- sensory neurons
- motor neurons
- interneurons
Sensory neurons
- AKA afferent neurons
- transmit sensory info from receptors to the spinal cord and brain
Motor neurons
- AKA efferent neurons
- transmit motor info from the brain and spinal cord to muscles
- found between other neurons
- most numerous of all neurons
- linked to reflexive behavior (which is controlled by reflex arcs, and is crucial to survival)
Nervous system - central and peripheral NS
Central NS- brain and spinal cord
Peripheral NS- made of nerve tissues and fibers outside the brain and spinal cord
2 parts of Peripheral Nervous System
1)Somatic nervous system- consists of sensory and kotor neurons throughout skin and muscles
2) autonomic nervous system- Walter Cannon- regulates heart beat, respiration, digestion, & involuntary functions
- functions are automatic, out of control
2 subdivisions of autonomic nervous system
1) sympathetic NS- accelerates heartbeat and inhibit digestions- Fight or Flight
2) parasympathetic NS– decelerates heartbeat and increases digestion
The branches are antagonistic
3 subdivisions of the brain
- hindbrain
- midbrain
- forebrain
- Where brain meets spinal cord
- balance, coordination, breathing, digestion, and arousal processes like sleep and wake.
- manages vital functioning for survival
Midbrain (Mesencephalon)
- manages sensorimotor reflexes that promote survival
- receives sensory and motor info
- emotion & memory
- greatest influence on behavior
-formed by hindbrain and midbrain
Limbic system
- a group of neural structures associated with emotion and memory
- aggresion, fear, pleasure, pain
- amygdala, hippocampus, septal nuclei
evolutionary development
Cerebral cortex
- language processing
- problem solving
- impulse control
- long term planning
Medulla oblongata
- in the hindbrain
- regulates vital functions like breathing
- lies above medulla
- sensory and motor tracts
- at the top of the hindbrain
- posture, balance, and coordination of movements