Physics Fluid And Gases Flashcards
Equation for wave velocity
V = frequency * wavelength
as f depends on only heart rate, only wavelength changes when speed changes
Wave period
Wavelength image
1 Pa equals how many mmHg?
0.075 mmHG
List of prefixes
Blood vessels structure
Artery -> arteriole -> capillary -> venule -> vein
Blood pressure
What vascular region is the primary pressure reducing?
Arterioles. Reduce the blood pressure from the major arteries ( high blood pressure) to the capillary networks ( low blood pressure )
Refractive index equation
n1 sin theta 1 = n2 sin theta 2
Density equation
If a diameter is 20 m then radius is
Half of it, 10 m
Pai is equal?
What is heat?
Spontaneous transfer of energy between two regions that have different T
Heat transfer mechanisms
When air T increases what happens to its density?
Float or sink
Continuity equation
Dilation of the blood vessel cause in the blood area and velocity
Increase in area but decrease in speed
Free body diagram with friction
How blood travels?
Through vessels to deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues and to remove waste products in capillaries.
Blood leaves the heart through the arteries and returns to the heart through the veins
Systolic vs diastolic
Maximum - systolic within the arteries
Minimum - diastolic
Fn equals with Ft
Fn = Fw - Ft
What is shearing force?
Proportional to viscosity times delta v/ delta distance
Larger viscosity, larger shearing force
1 sec is how many Ms?
1000 ms
Standard deviation
Kinetic energy with Boltzmanns constant
KE= 3/2 k T
Ideal fluid vs nonideal
Fundamental harmonic for a pipe open on one end
Harmonic wavelength = 4L / n
n is harmonic number
Harmonic frequency equation
f n = v/ harmonic wavelength = nv/ 4L
Magnitude of the component vectors
Vx = V cos
Vy = V sin
Parallel cos
Perpendicular sin
Doppler shift and velocity
If v is positive, moving toward the observer
If v is negative away from the observer
Cm to m
Cm times 0.01 m
How heat transfer from an organism to the environment can be accomplished?
Increasing blood flow ( thermal conduction by vasodilation) or by increasing respiration ( increasing conduction and convection)
Velocity and pressure relationship
As v increases, P decreases
Elastic potential energy equation
Uel = 1/2 k x^2
Mathematical relationship
Acceleration of charged proteins during electrophoresis
Electrostatic force equation
F = qE
q is charge and E is electric field ( E = voltage / distance)
Acceleration from electrostatic force
a = Fe/ m
Acceleration increases when distance decreases
Farad to mF
1 F = 1000 mF
Voltage formula
V = Q / C
q electric charge in C
C capacitance in F
T of matter formula
T = KE of each molecule / quantity of molecules
Mold heat capacity
Amount of heat required to raise the T of 1 mole of a substance by 1 degree Kelvin
Q = n C deltaT
n = moles
Molar heat capacity at constant Pressure exceeds the molar heat capacity of a gas at constant volume
Characteristics of an ideal gas
Relationship between density and volume below surface
p object/ p fluid = Vfluid / V object
How to calculate fraction of an object above surface?
1 - V fluid / V object = 1- p fluid / p object
Partial pressure of oxygen
Increasing respiration rate increases
Heat transfer to the environment
Pascals law
P = F / A
P = P1= P2
Diffusion of solvent across a semipermeable membrane separating compartments with different solute concentrations
Osmotic pressure formula
Starling equation of the net fluid filtration
Formula of work with pressure and volume
W = PV
Partial pressure formula
Pgas = X gas * P total
x = mol
C = Kh * Pgas
Kh = 6* 10^-3 mol/atm
How to calculate own cardiac cycle per minute through Hz?
1.5 Hz/1s * 60 s / 1 min = 90 cycles/ min
Ohm Law for flow
Pressure drop is proportional to its resistance
Delta P = Q * R
Normal inspiration
Contraction of the diagram.
Volume of the pleural cavity increases and intrapleural pressure decreases while alveolar pressure increases which causes the lungs to inflate
The resiliency of the kings refers to the kings ability…
To recoil after being stretched
What is surface tension of a liquid?
Imbalance if intermolecular forces at its surface that makes its surface as a thin, elastic firm.
Arises from cohesive forces in a fluid.
Low concentration means
Low solubility and low blood gas coefficient
Buoyancy states
Reynolds’s number function and formula
To determine the flow is laminar or turbulent
R = p VL / viscosity
Pressure in a fluid barometer