Physical Principles of Gas Exchange Flashcards
Composition of air
79 nitrogen 600mmHg
21 oxygen 160mmHg
1atm= 760mmHg
Rate of net diffusion is determined by ___
Difference in partial pressures
If pp of gas in alveoli> blood, gas goes into blood
If pp of gas in blood> alveoli, gas moves into alveoli
Vapor pressure of water from humidified airways
47mmHg when gas mixtures is fully humidified at 37 C
Thus, 47mmHg due to water, so airway- 713mmHg is air, thus 713x.21= 150mmHg
Factors which affect gas diffusion rates
Pressure differences
Gas solubility
Area of fluid
Distance which must be diffused across
Molecular weigh
Temperature of fluid
Graph of gas removal X and Y axis
X- time
Y- concentration of gas
Slopes down like a 1/4 circle
How much gas does normal ventilation remove?
1/2 in 17 seconds
Temperature effect on solubiltiy
Lower temp- gas goes more into fluid
1/2 normal ventilation removes __ gas in 34 seconds
1/2 (2x slower than normal ventilation)
Twice normal ventilation removes ___ gas in 8 seconds
1/2 (compared to normal which removes 1/2 gas in 17 seconds)
Normal alveolar PO2
Normal PCO2
When is alveolar air expired?
End of exhalation- its the furthest!
Factors that affect rate of gas diffusion through respiratory membrane
Thickness of respiratory membrane (increased thickness significantly intereferes with respiratory exchange)
Surface area of respiratory membrane (direct correlation)
Diffusion coefficient (of any given molecule like oxygen, co2, nitrogen)
Pressure difference across respiratory membrane
What does emphysema do to alveoli?
Decreases surface area by 5x, significantly decreases rate of gas diffusion
Diffusing Capacity
The ability to gas exchange between alveoli and pulmonary blood in quantitative terms
Diffusing capacity for Oxygen and CO2
O2- 21ml/min/mmHg (max 65)
CO- 17
CO2- 400 (max 1200)
Carbon monoxide method
Measuring of Carbonmonoxide used to calculate O2 diffusing capacity
Partial pressure of CO measured in alveolar gas sample
CO binds tightly to hemoglobin (blood partial pressure = Zero)
Pressure difference of CO = alveolar partial pressure
Diffusing capacity of CO converted to O2 by multiplying by factor of 1.23
O2 consumption in body
1L of o2 per 4 minutes
Deoxygenated blood PO2 and PCO2
Alveolar gas partial pressures when V/Q= infinity
PO2 150
CO2 0
inspired air composition
PO2 150
CO2 0
Venous blood composition at pulmonary capillary
PO2 40
PCO2 45
Normal alveolar partial pressures (inspired air + blood)
alveolar PO2 100
Alveolar PCO2 40
Pulmonary arteries PP
O2 40
CO2 46
Pulmonary veins PP
Equals pulmonary vein pressures
O2 100
CO2 40
VQ in shunts
Decreased from increased perfusion but not ventilation
VQ greater than normal
Dead space ventilation
Anatomical dead space + wasted ventilation
Henrys law
Solubility of a gas in a liquid increases as temperature decreases
How much more soluble is CO2 than O2?
How many breaths to remove alveolar air?
16 or more?
What effects alveolar PO2?
Exercise, respiratory rate, oxygen pressure