Physical Locations Flashcards
Where is North America
Where is South America
Where is Europe
Where is Africa
Where is Asia
Where is Australia?
Where is Antarctica?
Where is the Pacific Ocean?
Where is the Atlantic Ocean
Where is the Arctic Ocean?
Where is the southern ocean?
Where is the Indian Ocean?
Rocky Mountains
Andes mountains
Andes mountains
Panama Canal
Amazon rain forest
Atacama desert
Sahara desert
Congo rain forest
Ural Mountains
Suez Canal
My Kilimanjaro
Gobi desert
Himalayas and Mt. Everest
Mississippi River
Caribbean Sea
Gulf of Mexico
Baltic Sea
English Channel
Mediterranean Sea
Amazon River
Amazon River
Congo River
Black Sea
Nile River
Red Sea
Caspian Sea
Euphrates and Tigris rivers
Persian gulf
Indus River
Ganges River
Yellow River
Lake Baikal
Caspian Sea