4.6 FormsGovernance + 4.7 State Sovereignty Devolution Flashcards
Sub national unit
The smaller areas into which a larger state is divided
Unitary state
An independent state that concentrate power in the central government and grants little or no authority to its sub national units
Federal states
An independence country that disperses significant authority among sub national units
Which state is divided into linguistic regions?
The political claim to territory in another country usually based on ethnic affiliations and historic borders
(Soratly islands?)
Objectives of terrorism
Publicize a cause
Intimidate a civilization
Affect the system of government
The calculated use of violent acts against civilians and symbolic targets to publicize a cause, intimidate a population, or effect the government
What is perestroika
Restructuring the Soviet unions political system
International terrosim
Terrirusm that transcends national borders
Domestic terrorism
Acts by individuals or groups against the citizens or government of their own country
What do some autocratic countries do to maintain sovereignty
Blocking or editing internet access
State terrorism
Terrorism committed by government agents who’s leaders have ordered them to murder or in prison enemies of the state
Sub national terrorism
Terrorism committed by non government officials that feel wronged by their government
Basque separatist organization in Spain that used terrorism in its campaign for independen state
What are some sacrifices people make for supranational organizations
Common currency
Open borders
Accepting diverse populations
When a sovereign state moves form a non-democracy to a democracy
When a collection of nation-states join together as a team but relinquish some sovereignty
Supranational organization
International political body that is composed of nation-states and establish mutual political military gain
United Nations (UN)
International organization that is responsible for mainting international peace and security, developing friendly relations among states, and harmonizing the action of nations
European Union (EU)
An organization that promotes free movement of people, trade, goods and services
African Union (AU)
Organization of African states that drives africas growth and economic development through cooperation and integration of member states
Arctic council
Organization that promotes sustainability movements and environmental protection on the arctic
Regional trading bloc
A multi-country agreement that reduces or eliminates texted to promote free flow of goods and services across international horders
Economies of scale
Cost advantages that can come with a larger scale of operations
A trade agreement historically changed to USMCA
Organization of 10 countries in south East Asia that promotes government cooperation and help with economic growth
North Atlantic treaty organization (NATO)
Military alliance among 29 North American and eu countries that guarantee freedom and security of its members