6.4 The Size And Distribution Of Cities Flashcards
Urban system
A set of interdependent cities or urban places connected by networks
Urban hierarchy
A ranking of cities with the kargest and most powerful cities at the top of the hierarchy
Primate city
A city that is much larger than any other city in the country and that dominates the country’s economic, political, and cultural life
Rank size rule
The population of a settlement is inversely proportional to its rank in the urban hierarchy
Central place theory
A model developed by Walter Christaller that attempts to understand why cities are located where they are
Central place
A settlement that makes certain types of profits and services to consumers
In central place theory, the number of people required to support business
Central place theory; the distance people will travel to acquire goods
Gravity model
The idea that the closer two places are the more they will influence each-other but places with high population can still interact closely
Explain the main difference between the primate city rule and the rank size rule
Rank size rule is more common for developed countries while the primate city rule is more common in areas the have been colonized (both developed and developing countries)
How is modernization changing the concept of an urban location
The need for transportation routes is decreasing as communication importance increases