6.8 Challenges Of Urban Changes Flashcards
Identifying high risk neighborhoods and refusing to lend money to the people who want to buy properere in those neighborhoods
Realtors persuade white homeowners in a neighborhood to sell their homes by convincing them that the neighborhood is decking due to black families moving in
White flight
The movement of white people from the city to the suburbs due to blockbusting
The maximum price that a buyer can afford to pay for a house or apartment
What effects do high house costs lead to?
Overcrowding, less money spent on food, healthcare, and education, decreased mental health
Housing choice voucher program
A federal government program that assist low income families, elderly, and disabled, with affordable homes
What are the social challenges cities face?
Access to services, urban crime, environmental injustice, and growth of squatter settlements
Violent crime
A category of crime that includes murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault
Social controls
Formal or informal institutions that helps to maintain law and order
How do geographers understand trends in urban crime
With GIS
Environmental injustice
Poor groups or recent immigrants carry a larger share of environmental risks and hazards than wealthy people , who have to power to influence decisions
Environmental racism
Areas inhabited by low income people of color are targeted for environmental contamination
Environmental justice
The movement to fix environmental discrimination
Squatter settlements
An area degraded seemingly temporary inadequate and often illegal housing
Land tenure
Right to own or hold propert, it defines the ways in which rights ti that property are managed
Inclusionary zoning
Planning ordinances that require a given share of new construction to be affordable for people with low moderate incomes
Exclusionary zoning
Zoning that attempts to keep low to moderate income people out of a neighborhood
Not in my backyard, people who try to prevent the construction of affordable housing and other types of development in their neighborhood
Below market rate housing
Housing that costs much less than the going rate
What are the two responses to urban social and even omit challenges
Inclusionary zoning(and exclusionary)
And local food movements
Urban renewal
Large scale (sometimes small enrichment programs) redevelopment of the built environment in downtown and older inner-city neighborhoods
Fiscal imbalance
Government must spend more than it receives in taxes
Fiscal zoning
Using local land use regulation to preserve and enhance the local property tax base