Phrasal Verbs #21 - T #3 Flashcards
visszautasít, nem fogad el ajánlatot, meghívást, elutasít pályázatot
turn sb/sth down
Why did she turn your invitation down?
átad a hatóságoknak
turn sb/sth over (to sb)
My friends turned the wallet they found on the bench over to the police.
turn sth down
My friend was on the phone, so I turned the music down.
összegyűlik (pl. a közönség) vmilyen rendezvényen
turn out (for sth)
I think 500 people turned out for the charity concert.
kiderül róla, hogy …
turn out (to be) sth
The little girl turned out to be my classmate’s sister.
váratlanul, hirtelen nekitámad, rátámad
turn on sb
The dog turned on me and bit me.
átalakul, válik vmivé
turn into sth
The girl turned into a beautiful woman.
eljön, elmegy, érkezik
turn up
He turned up late, as always.
előállít, termel, gyárt
turn out sth
The new fatory turns out 500 cars a month.
turn sth up
Turn up the radio. I would like to hear what they’re saying.
try sth on
Do you like trying on clothes?
elfordul vmitől, elutasít vmit, nem érdekli már
turn away from sth
Why did you turn away from yoga? You used to love it.
try sth out
Try this out! I think you will find it’s the most comfortable chair you have ever sat on.
bekapcsol, felkapcsol
turn sth on
Turn on the radio, I want to hear the news.
turn up
Have your keys turned up?
kikapcsol, leolt
turn sth off
Please turn off the light when you leave.
megfordít, felfordít
turn sth over
Turn the book over and read the review of the back of it.
eloltja a villanyt, elzárja a gázt
turn sth out
Turn out the light, it’s getting late.
bead, lead
turn sth in
Now turn in all your test papers, please.
nem foglalkozik vkivel, nem szolgál ki, nem enged be vhova
turn sb away
They turned me away at the shop because I didn’t have cash, only my credit card.
a másik oldalára fordul, felfordul
turn over
The noise woke her up, but she turned over and went back to sleep.
lefekszik, ágyba bújik
turn in
We turned in late last night.
visszafordul, irányt vált
turn (sth) around
When we saw the grey clouds, we turned (the car) around and went home.