Phrasal Verbs #19 - T #1 Flashcards
levesz a magasból, letesz
take sth down
Please bring the ladder and take the curtains down.
take sth off
Take your shoes off when you come in.
felvesz állásba, alkalmaz
take sb on
Employers don’t like to take on people who are over 50.
elvisz, magával visz, elvesz
take sb/sth away
The police took the gun away from him.
visszafog otthonra, ismét alkalmaz munkahelyen
take sb back
After their divorce Mark will never take her back.
bevesz, beszűkít ruhát
take sth in
As Susan lost weight, she took her skirts in.
visszavisz árut
take sth back
You cannot take the shoes back to the store without the receipt.
tart, gondol, vél vkit vmilyennek
take sb for sth
Do you take me for fool?
vissztesz, visszavisz az eredeti helyére
take sth back
return to its original place or to its owner
átvesz irányítást, vezetést
take over
If the camp leader doesn’t arrive, you will take over.
randevún elvisz vhova
take sb out
Robert promised he would take me out to dinner.
visszavesz, visszakér
take sth back
I didn’t want to be rude. I take back what I said.
hasonlít szülőkre, családtagra, ütött vkire
take after sb
Who does this child take after?
take off
I think we should take off.
felfog, megért, megtanul
take sth in
You seem to take this in very slowly.
kihagy valamennyit a munkából, az iskolából
take sth off
She had the flu, so she took three days off from school.
rászed, becsap, megtéveszt
take sb in
It’s difficult to take him in, he is very careful.
repülő vagy rakéta felszáll
take off
What time is your flight due to take off?
átvesz vmit, vmi irányítását, vezetését
take sth over
I am going to take over the shop when the owner retries.
lejegyez, felír, felvesz
take sth down
I took the store down for my book.
magára vállal (felelősséget, munkát)
take sth on
Megan has taken on too much work, we should help her.
elold, szétszed, lebont
take sth down
We took the tent down.