Phrasal Verbs #12 - L Flashcards
megver, elver, elfenekel
lay into sb
Two men laid into him yesterday in front of the bar.
megél vmiből, elél vmin
live on sth
They are living on 800 Euros a month.
alig várja, nagyon várja
look forward to (doing) sth
I am looking forward to seeing Italy.
leave sb/sth out
Did you put everyone on the list? I don’t want to leave anyone out.
look out
Look out, there’s a big hole in the pavement.
elrak, félretesz, elraktároz
lay away sth
I don’t think we should throw away your uniform, let’s lay it away instead.
cserbenhagy, csalódást okoz
let sb down
I promise, I won’t let you down.
megél vki pénzéből, vmiből
live off sb/sth
Joe is unemployed, so he is living off his savings.
kienged (ruhát)
let sth out
As my friend gained weight, she had to let her pants out.
kikeres, megnéz (pl. szótárban, telefonon)
look sth up
I had to look several words up in the dictionary.
visszateking, a múltra gondol
look back on sth
I look back on my childhood with nostalgia.
megfelel vminek
live up to sth
It’s difficult to live up to my parents’ expectations.
tekint vminek
look on
At first I didn’t like Mitch but I look on him as a friend now.
abbahagy, alábbhagy
let up
The heavy rain didn’t want to let up.
lefekszik, lehever, lepihen
lie down
I will lie down for an hour every afternoon.
megkeres, felkeres
look sb up
When you come to London, look me up.
leengedi egy ruhadarab alját
let sth down
I will bring my pants to the tailor, so he can let them down.
elrendez, kirak, szétrak
lay sth out
We laid the papers out on the table.
look down on sb/sth
You shouldn’t look down on foreigners.
megvizsgál, átnéz, átfut
look sth over
I need to look my bank account over, 300 Euros are missing.
ő dönti el, az ő felelőssége
lie with sb
Most often the decisions lies with the parents.
elbocsát, felfüggeszt (munkából)
lay sb off
Due to the economic restrictions in the country, the company laid off 200 workers.
kivilágít, megvilágít
light sth up
This corner is too dark, let’s light it up.
gondoskodik, vigyáz, gondoz (gyereket, házat, háziállatot)
look after sb/sth
While I am on vacation, can you please look after the apartment?
jól leszid, kritizál
lay into sb
If you are always late, your boss will lay into you.
light sth up
Light up your cigarette outside, not in the house.
keres, (át)vizsgál
look into sth
The police are looking into the robbery.
lefektet, meghatároz (törvényt, szabályt)
lay down sth
We have to lay down some general rules in the office.
felnéz vkire, tisztel vkit
look up to sb
He looks up to his grandfather.
elfeledtet egycselekedetet
live sth down
She did everything to live down her past.
kienged, elenged
let sb/sth out
He won’t be let out of prison for five years.
belép egy számítógépes rendszerbe
log in/on
You can log in by typing your username and password.
keres, nem talál
look for sth
I’m looking for my phone. Have you seen it?