Phrasal Verbs #20 - T #2 Flashcards
lebont, elbont, lerombol
tear sth down
The town leaders decided to tear the old school down and build a new one.
leszid, letol
tell sb off
The little girl started to cry becuase her mother told her off.
touch on sth
We haven’t touched on this topic today.
talk back (to sb)
Don’t talk back to me like that!
elfoglal helyet, eltart vmeddig, erőfeszítést igényel
take up sth
My jacket took up half of my suitcase.
felvarrja egy ruhadarab alját
take sth up
My skirt is too long. Can you please take it up for me?
rábeszél vkit vmire
talk sb into sth
I can talk you into anything.
think sth over
You don’t have to rush. Think the offer over.
átbeszél, megbeszél, megvitat
talk sth over
Let’s talk this problem over before making a final decision.
kidob vkit, kirakja a szűrét (vhonnan)
throw sb out (of sth)
John was often drunk and violent, so his landlord threw him out of the apartment.
throw up
When I travel on a plane, I always throw up.
darabokra tép
tear sth up
At the end of their relationship she tore up all their letters.
elfáraszt, kifáraszt
tire sb out
Visiting museums all day tires me out.
beköp a rendőrségnek, beárul egy felnőttnek
tell on sb
At school Sam often told on me.
lebeszél vkit vmiről
talk sb out of sth
My friend tried to talk me out of buying a new bicycle.
apró javításokat, szépítést végez vmin
touch sth up
We touched up the house, then sold it.
alaposan átgondol
think sth through
The situation is very complicate. I have to think it through.
később megbeszél, folytat
take sth up
Let’s take this discussion up next week.
eldob, kidob
throw sth away/out
If you don’t need it any more, throw it away.
átköt, megköt, kiköt
tie sth up
I tied my hair up with a red ribbon.
kitalál egy valótlan történetet, kifogást talál
think sth up
She had to think up a good excuse why she didn’t want to go.
elkezd egy új hobbit, tevékenységet
take sth up
In the summer he took up sailing, and he loves it.