Phrasal Verbs #18 - S #2 Flashcards
felügyel vkit, vigyáz, odafigyel vkire
stand over sb
The shop manager was standing over the new cashier on her first day.
kiáll vki/vmi mellett, megvédi
stand up for sb/sth
People should stand up for their rights.
stand in for sb
His colleague will stand in for him while he is away.
elrendez, rendbe hoz, megold
sort sth out
I need some time to sort things out.
kimagaslik, kitűnik a többiek közül
stand out
If you follow my advice, you will surely stand out in the competition.
kiáll vmi mellett, megvédi
stick up for sth
I was too weak to stick up for myself.
ellenáll, szembeszáll vkivel/vmivel, megvéd vkitől, vmitől
stand up to sb/sth
Stand up to her. She shouldn’t lead your life.
másnál alszik
stay over
It’s so late, why don’t you stay over?
kitart (pl. döntés, ígéret mellett)
stand by sth
I always stand by my promises.
áll és hagyja, hogy vmi kellemetlen megtörténjen
stand by
You can’t just stand by and watch the fight.
hangosabban beszél
speak up
Could you please speak up? We cannot hear you in the back.
nem megy iskolába, dolgozni, pl. betegség miatt
stay off
I am still coughing. I think I should stay off tomorrow.
kimarad, nem megy haza aludni
stay out
Her parents don’t like it when Carla stays out late.
együtt marad, összetart
stick together
In difficult times we have to stick together.
stick around
Joelle asked me to stick around for a few days.
kilóg, kitűnik, szembetűnik
stick out (in)
With an orange hat on, he stuck out in the crowd.
otthon marad
stay in
Did you stay in yesterday or did you go to Tim’s?
támgoat, mellette áll
stand by sth
I will stand by you whatever happens.
beavatkozik, közbelép
step in
I think the European Union shouldn’t step in.
kinyilvánítja a véleményét
speak up
Don’t be afraid to speak up.
alaposan, részletesen elmagyaráz
spell sth out
The doctor spelled everything out.
nem egy el találkozóra, randevúra
stand sb up
We had a meeting at 10, but Jim stood me up. It is not typical of him.
step down
Due to the scandal, the president had to step down.
stand for sth
EU stands for European Union.
kitart vmi mellett
stick to sth
You need to stick to the original plans.