Phrasal Verbs #14 - P Flashcards
lebecsül, csekély jelentőséget tulajdonít, elbagatellizál
play sth down
Politicians tried to play down the scandal.
letör, elkedvetlenít, lehúz
pull sb down
Don’t let this second place pull you down. You did a very good job.
cukkol, csúfol
pick on sb
It’s not nice picking on younger children.
lefizet, megveszteget
pay sb off
It is illegal to pay police offecers off.
hízeleg, bevágódik vkinél
play up on sb
Why are you playing up to our boss?
kioszt, szétoszt
pass sth out
Please, pass out the glasses.
elájul, elveszti az eszméletét
pass out
Mary thought she would pass out.
visszafizet, megad
pay sth back
With this salary I am unable to pay back the loan.
párban dolgozik, együtt csinál vkivel
pair up with sb
During the game I paired up with my best friend.
felcsíp, felvesz vkit
pick sb up
A drunk guy tried to pick Megan up at the bar.
leparkol (járművet), megáll
pull in
We decided to pull in at the first restaurant.
törleszt, kiegyenlíti a számlát
pay sth off
It took him five years to pay off his gambling debts.
elhárít, nem fogad el meghívást
pass on sth
Mike passed on the invitation to join us for the reception.
elmegy, tartják vminek, vmilyennek, kinéz vmilyennek
pass for sb/sth
She passes for 20, but in fact she is 35.
könnyen megtanul, felszed
pick sth up
I picked up some Spanish while working in Spain last summer.